Friday, November 30, 2007

The HAPPINESS and LOVE we shared for one anotherr!!!

~Piicture tells all~

Andd andd andd~
ii justt wanna tell themm that.
"Di-errr" love eachh one off youu deeply!
more funn tiime awaiiting forr us. . . !!!

wENTT school andd hadd lunchh wiif Happie-Fam at alumni!=)
damm~ the food therre superr yummyy!
falliing iin love wiith iitt..^^

wearr damm slackked todayy.. 4 of uuss, Liing, Tiing-Me, Qiiu mama, Ah Bi wore "lockk-kockk" tee andd shortts.. LOL..damm shiiok larrhs! go schhool lliikedatt.. wearr till no clothiing wearr liiaos!! =.=

I suggesttedd thatt nextt yearr the Valentiine dayy, we should go on a date togetherr, as a fammiily!!! Have candle-liight diiner at somewherr.. hmm- how about kopiitiam andd get the ppl therre to off the liight and used candle iinsteadd..?!?! LOL..=X

sounds "pathetiic" ehs! ha! doesntt matterr watt.. its justt a V-dayy..! FRIIENDS also cann make thatt "Dayy" SPECIIAL andd uniique!!!
bleahs^^ hmm.. iits cool larrhs..
and and andd..
ii will "Declarre" my love to Qiing Aii derr-Liing!!!

cool babe=X hmm.. enoughh of my nonsensee..^^ thann afterr lunch went for 2 hour of tutoriial.. diidnt really payy attentiion to her eiither.. [ROAR] butt
ii liike doiing her Multiple Intelligence (MI) quiz.. andd guess whatt, my hiighestt score for MI iss "Liinguiistic" andd "Interpersonal" =)
ii tiink the quiiz was truue aboutt mii.. heex..^^ my properr wriiten language andd sociial skiils arre betterr..

PIIFF!!! thiink gonna have alot alot of thiing to catch upp andd preparre for herr module wriiten exam..=X

andd so ya.. afterr tutoriial, we acc ah bii go engiineriing block repaiir her lappy.. LOL..along the way therre, damm funny larhhs! The wiind superr strong.. andd some "FUNNY" stuff happenedd! *shanntt elaboratte furtherr, sounds so not riight anywayy*=X

conclusiion iis,
whereverr the fiive of us go, our joy andd laughterr follows too..!!!

TOTALLY iignorre the people around us,
andd we justt ENJOY beiing L OUD!!!
scram iif u cannt stanndd iit..!
ii love them!=)

wentt playy baskettball.. hmm..=X so fun andd funnyy..=X wanttedd to cam-whorre wiif qiishan derr, buut iin e endd diidnt..!
we will have a chance to cam-whoorre tiill u donoo watt pose u gonna put..?!?!?!
LOL.. hmm~

AIIM: losee weiight andd grow tallerrr!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happiie-Fam hadd a properr biirthdayy celebratiion forr Liing!=)

hmm.. mett happie-fam at heeren afterr attachmentt.. whoo=) whatt a hectiic dayy!^^
so ya.. as usual, ii am late for 15miinutes..=X psps^^ hmm.. denn wrote on the carrd ah bii hadd preparred for her..=) hmm.. afterr whiich wentt shoppiing...^^!

Soon, myy qiing aii derr- Liing reachedd lerr..=) heehs! denn go buyy havaniia- sliiperr..! motherr hadd been eyeiing on the sliipper veryy loong lerr..! we paiid for liing sliiperr.. as a mean of presiie for her alsoo.. Fiinally, mother-BABE bought! denn walkeedd herre walkedd therre.. dann go ciine eatt somethiing liight!

whiile eatiing, as usaul, we talkedd about our DAILY TOPIIC!!! =X

as usual, go take neopriint..! tdyyy neopriint all the shotts veryy niice! ii love iit mann, babe!!! hmm.. denn shopp awhile jiiu wanna go take mrt lerr.. HOWEVERR, whenn walkedd out of ciine saw daoo clothiing outsiide.. so go take a look.. andd andd mii and liing boughtt the same piiece.. ii boughtt 2.. one siimilar as her andd one diifferent dehs..^^ saww dao melissa, macyy and juliie outsiide ciine also.. so "qiiao"...

we are liike so damm late larrhs..=X Ana reachedd therre ler..^^ andd ii am still buyiing my clothes..^^ sryy srry worrs.. hmm.. wentt take mrt to marina bay andd gonna have steamboat forr diinerrr! COOL~ yepps..

have so damm lots lots of fun eatiing, cam-whoriing, laughiing andd crappiing aboutt everythiing larrhs! the whole journeyy ever siincee we mett at heeren tiill each of us went our own separate way home.. =) we neverr gett boredd of eachh otherr accompannyy! iinsteadd ii am loviing iit more andd mooree!

lalalalala`` hmm.. ate steamboat from 5 pm plus till 8 pm plus.. lol.. ate a lot of funny funny stuff wiith funny funny name!!!^^ shh-shh~~~ so ya...
and andd took bus backk to mariina bay mrtt..
the whole bus siimply filledd wiith the 5 of ourr laughterr andd crapps..!!!
andd alwayss got diiao..!
stuppiid themm!

neberr miind~ dontt giib a damm eiitherr.. took mrtt andd we took some funny andd wiierdd wiierd der piics.!
LOL..gonna be uploadedd soon!^^
so chill~~~

andd ii changed train andd wentt home.. tv-edd! andd onliine doiing tdy fiield prac. reflectiion... =X yeepps..

oh ya.. koorr koorr calledd me from thaiiland.. LOL..shockedd daoo nehhs..^^ but just had a shortt talkk wiith hiim.. sms cheaperr so we talkedd thru sms..=) miiss hiim larrhs! not usedd to just haviing a shortt talkk wiith hiim...=X

gonna go bedd now..
so damm tiiredd~
buayy buayy~~~
korr ah: meii meii haoo miiss nii orhs!
yaoo xiiang wo orhs!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

QIING-AII derrh!

cd lecturre tdyy was boriing~ caughtt a 15minutes plus wiink of sleep..=) LOL.. hmm.. afterr her lecture, jiiu no more classes ler.. boughtt 2 miini cakkes for my qiing aii derr LIING!!! its her 17th bdayy!!!^^ hadd a miini celebrattiion forr herr..bdayy song andd blablabla.. CO2 was therre to sang bdayy song to herr too! heeeheee^^ tmrr will be a morre PROPERR celebrattiion forr herr!!! yiipees~~~

afterr whhiich jiiu go canteen 1 for breakfastt.. hmm.. eatt hao ler jiiu go take bus wiif ahh bii.. yepps^^
andd koorr @ aiirportt lerr..
calledd mii beferr he go iinsiide..^^ aiiyos...
gan-dongg nehs..! miisess!!!
andd thiis tiime zhengg der yaoo sayy bye-bye andd take carre lerrhs...
so mucch thiing to tell hiim
but jiiu lost for worrds..

hmm.. andd backk home, hadd a shortt napp.. woke upp diid fiield-practt. stuff.. andd blablabla^^ diinerr-edd wiif parents at joo-chiiat therre..^^ yummy-yummyy! andd to popo house andd briing my lil diidii home..

denn saw Renyuan sms to mii..

: nOw koor korr not around...
:ii will be lookiing after you for hiim...
:so you must be good gal,
:anythiing can come approach me...

hao touchedd lurr.. korr koorr away still ask renyuan to look afterr me..
everyone so concerrn aboutt mii.. feels liike a liil giirl- pamperred and doted endlessly.. ^^
howw cann ii lett them down by liiving in the pastt agaiin.
ii wontt be liike thatt agaiin..
eachh one of you have left deep footpriints iin my heartt..
you guys arre iindeed treasurred!

dats myy dayy lurr..

wonderriing whatt you doiing overr therre now lerr..
you r beiing miisedd..
Myy qiing aii derr 17th biirthdayy!!!
LOVES eachh of themm!

Thee piiic sayys ourr lovee forr eachh otherr!!!
Adoore mii forr haviing themmm!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

hadd some oral readiing tdyy.. sortt of assessment for STB.. ^^ aiiyo.. simiilar to secondary school those oral days..=X thoughtt ii would have escapedd from oral after O's butt seems liike ii am gonna be stuckk wiith a Engliish module throughoutt.. ^^ lol..

diid watt mrs Toweyy want me to do andd ii diid practiised for the pastt few dayys...hmm..feltt thatt ii dint diid my bestt andd ii could have done fiinish e whole passage wiithiin liike ii tink even less than 5 minutes..=( haiis... hope ii dint fare badlly.. hmm.. ii triiedd. nehhs..!

the heavyy raiin thiis morniing siimply made my mood evenn more heaviier..haiis.. andd plus plus.. korr goiing thaiiland for traiining tomorrow ler..haiis=( hadd phillip class andd dint do any artt tdyy.. we diiscussed about the assignment.. and yes! we HAVE somethiing iin miind lerrhs!=) ii beliieved that thiings will turn out well!

and andd lunchh at alumi.. food therre was yummy andd tastyy..! i love iit man! heehee..!!! andd yes, Happie-fam neberr gett tiired of talkiing and talkiing andd crapping!=) love them lots..! afterr lunchh headedd backk foR Glen's class..=.=

diint really payy attentiion to hiim eiither.. was playiing neopets, andd blablabla!!! denn sometiime geh geh that ii am listeniing but actually I am NOTT!!! lol..=X ii guess mostt of werre siimply doiing ourr ownn stuffs..! =.=

yepps..koorr fettchhed mii from school! hmm.. he hebenn reachedd so wentt canteen 1 wiif mother, ana and ah bii.. andd do "somethiing"... yeepps.. fiinally, we got thiings done quiickly..

andd Baobeii Koor reachhedd lerr.. so go miit hiim at busstopp^^

hahaha.. he dressedd liike lil boyy booyy like datt.. hmm..yes, ! he carriedd my bagg for me.. so superr heavyy larhhs..=X xiie-xiie nii worrs! the whole journeyy, we just kepptt talkiing and talkiing.. ate at spore post the KFC fiirst.. hmm.. andd slackkedd here andd therre.. denn backk home to putt my bagg...=)

thenn koorr koor saw all my lastt time photos..!

ROARR!!! e uglyy uglly me... ARGHH! aiiyos.. giive hiim laughh liike dono watt siia..=.= speechless~ andd on my lappy giib hiim usedd...sat nextt to hiim lorr..~ aiiyos.. denn somethiing "funny" happened..

[[ shantt elaboratte any furtherr ]] myy qiing aii derr knoww..=) hmm.. so ya lorr..

thenn wennt my house therre the ciity plaza andd playedd arcade.. yepps.. the arcadee the games therre got tiicket one leiis.. so cool.. long tiime siince ii literally see a tiickett comiing out from the slott lerr.. nowadays e arcadee e tiicket are all recordedd iin the card derr..=.=

denn playedd lot lot of games whiich will issue tiicket dehhs..^^ basketball, and blablabla.. happiee worr~ hadd a damm fun tiime..both of us liike little liitle kiids lidat.. =) bleahs^^ denn jiiu we used the tiickets exchangedd some stuff.. heex^^one of themm is some cute cute derrh "hammer"...

afterr he blew aiir iinto iit, thenn he usedd e hammer andd hiit my headd... ahahah! not paiin derr! blehs! thenn wentt markett eatt agaiin.. ii ate fruiits! denn feedd korr riice larrhs! lol..=.= so funnyy! hehs...keep dii-siiaoiing mii.. =X dootss..

eatt hao le go playgroundd andd slackkedd... time getting nearrer and nearrer ler.. soon, he gotta leave soon lerr..haiis=( three weeks cannt bully hiim, cannt wake him up and call him to go toiilet.. cannt go gaii-gaii wiith hiim lerr..denn on the wayy backk to busstop, he piiggy-backkedd mii..^^ bleahss..

diid soome thiing for hiim ystdd.. so diid he.. **gann-dongg** hmm..xiie xiie nii! =)) peii hiim waiit forr bus 67.. waiited andd waiited.. hearrtt got heavvierr annd heavviierr..hao she bu der wor.. but ii just kepptt smiilling..

finally, the bus came, gave mii a biig biig bearr hugg..^^ **bleahhs..** so funnyy.. hmm.. denn he ran after e bus but the bus go off lerr..=X so acc hiim waiit for the nextt bus.. can really gan jue der daoo koorr korr hao she bu de mii worr..^^ so amm ii.. aiiyos.. satt down agaiin..

kepptt silence andd liistenedd to songs.. fiinally e bus camme.. he leftt lerr.. gonna be three weeks plus denn he commee backk.. haiis... umm..

backk home openedd the letterr he wrootee.. so cute..^^=) xiie-xiie nii, wo hen xi huann the "songg.." and those words thatt you wrotee speciially for mii... hmm..

TAKe lots lots of carre worrs!

Monday, November 26, 2007


its a neww week agaiin.. its week 7 now alreadyy.. gosh.. so damm fastt larrhs..=X HMM.. slept duriing beliinda lcture.. eyes kiip closiing.. not enuff sleep cos acc koorr talk on e fone till 2plus am.. andd gotta wake upp at liike 6am.. PHEWW^^ 4hours of sleep onlyy.. =.=

Language art assign 1 due tdyy.. pheeww.. did preparred and practiise e presentatiion duriing lunch at liibrary.. as usual, we, the 5 of us made damm lots of noiise larrhs! lol.. lots of funny stuff too.. eachh of us have our own scriipts.. ^^

hmm.. presentatiion was somehow screwedd upp by mii.. hmm..too nervous lerr..=X neberr miind.. overr ler andd ii diid tryy.. Well, andd school ended half an hour earliierr..


andd backk home.. damm tiired larrhs.. watchh tbee till iinto my lala-landd..! woke up 9plus pm to watch the channel 8 drama..=)

andd anndd andd

backk to my lala-landd!!!

whenn you dontt noe watt a person iis sayiing,
justt smiile..=)
iit works..!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


whoos! hadd a greatt andd splenddiid- dayy tdyy man!

met leenx fiirst den go raffles shopping whiile waiiting for themm..the accessorize shopp have a lot of niice niice necklacee andd eariing..damm, iits so dam ex larrhs.. haiis! moree $$$ forr me plls!!!
hmm.. was supposed to miit themm at 5pm derr la.. iin e endd all reachhed at 6pm..=.=ppiiff!!!

Whenn miit dao themm jiiu wennt to eatt steamboatt at mariina therre wiif Kelly-darliing, koorrkorr, renyuan, Choon-ho, Guan-da, Melviin, Alex andd Weiijunn.. ^^ yeppps.. theyy arre greatt friiends..had a splendiiid tiime at therre too..

hmm..ii cannt eat seafood.. so leenx andd ii took a lot of vege, corn, blablabla^^ thenn choon ho sayy wahs.. uu two eat "su" ahs..=.= lol.. blehs^^ HEALTHYY leiis.. hmm.. was so damm hott therre alsoo.. ehhs.. thenn theyy deciidedd to go take some prawns and playy wiif iit..=X

gueess watt..gosh, theyy siimply LOVE tourturiing those prawns larrhs..=X LOL.. so cruell.. denn the prawn can still jump oout one leii.. puutt into the hot water still can jumpp outt.. =X kelly darrliing, leenx andd ii damm shockedd andd afraiidd datt it will jumpp on us larrhs..!=.= LOL..

hmm.. hadd lots of fun whiile eatiing too.. talkedd andd laughedd..=X well, theyy are full of real funny crapps..!! andd thats yy ii cliickedd well wiif themm..same cliquee..^^ hmm.. we satt there andd ate forr more thann 2hourr.. hmm..

wahhs..eachh one of us perspiirring liike dono watt.. so wennt iinto e arcadee.. wahsehs.. ii am filledd wiif the smell of the steamboatt..=.= goshh.. aiiyos.. dont care, the 10smellly one..=X hmm.. playedd arrcadee wiif leenx.. dono watt game.. arghh!!! she won me.. denn playedd wiiff koorrkoor, ii won hiim! ha!! andd playedd anotherr VS game wiif leenx, ii dono how to play so choon ho hellpped mii andd yea! cHOOn-Ho wonn! lol.. so also equal to ii won!!!=P


afterr thatt jiiu go ciine watch enchantedd moviie at 1.15am.. kelly anndd ii wanna watchh datt^^ thenn theyy all jiiu obliige wiif us andd we watchhedd tgtt..

so whiile waiiting for the moviie, wwennt to nydc at heerenn cos theyy wanna driink "hiigh-class coffee" iinsteadd of "kopii"=.= lol.. andd kelly annddd ii camm-whoredd..^^ lol.. piics so funny butt niice lerr.. denn wentt to the cine level 9 therre took piics wiif the cartoon cahractter therre.. =) gosh, took fotos wherrever we arre... heex..! hmm.. fiinally tiime to go iin for the moovvie!!! funny larrhs.. duriing the moviie, jiiu some yawnedd, some werre boredd but the 2 giirls- kelly andd ii enjoyedd the moviie.. hurhurr`` giirls arre alwayys giirls.. theyy will neverr gett boredd of faiiry talle...=) so ya..

moviie endedd andd slackedd awhiile denn jiiu go home lerr..andd backk to my lala-landd!!! ^_^

adoree me for having suchh wonderfull friiends.. =)

ALL tHE-cAm-Whoriing sessiion!!!

II am so iin lovee wiithh the ppink piink stuff!!!

Guan-daa andd renyuann so loviing!!! =)

tOuRturiingg of prawnss iin progress!!!

Melviin andd Choon-ho!

Renyuann andd Alex...


``Kelly darliing andd Tiingg``

Pretty darliingg^^

Tiing, Koorr andd darlliingg``

gREATT piics takenn!
love andd adorres...!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Tiing andd leenx..
HELLOS! enjoyablee dayy tdyy!!!

wentt to Mrs Toweyy housee tdyy.. she hellpped me wiif my STB readiing aloudd..=) ranng her upp a few dayys ago to sent regards to its been long siince ii last got iin touch wiif her.. so deciidedd to giive her a call.. andd she gladly offer to helpp me wiif thiis..ii meann ii diint even thot of troubliing her..=)
love her man! To me, she is the bestt engliish teacherr ii hab everr know..
AWESOME.. ii mean she is willing to spendd annd sacrifiice her tiime on me andd really coachh me siincerely liike she always diid duriing her english tuition..

WHOO!!! its been 7 months siince ii last saw simmply adorre and respectt her.. totally changedd my perspective about English.. without her, my english grades would be damm badd..andd ii mean reall bad..
[[those ppl who really know me will agree]]=X..
well, she's a caucasiian, so when talkiing to her, occasiionally really felt stressedd andd nervous cause you know.. theyy arre siimplyy too warm-loviing..=)
Thiinking backk, she not only helped me iin my english grades, she diid a lot for me too..
ii am BLESSED.!

so backk to topiic, she showedd me the wayy ii should readd e giiven text andd how expressivve ii have to be..iindeedd, underr her neverthless coachiing, ii beliievedd ii have iimproovedd.! blehs^^[[laughss]] ii usedd to be real real badd iin my oral-esp. readiing aloudd..butt ii guess, ii have iimprovedd..^^hmms..lovess`` practiisedd for abt 45minutes justt tryyiing to gett everythiing riight- e variiation iin pitch, intonatiion, and blablabla.

cann uu imagiine readiing a same text over and over for 45 minutes.? well, ii diid..andd iit aiint BORIING wiith HER!

ii beliievedd her..whattever she saiid, ii really bear iit iin my hearrtt..=)

andd afterr whiich, jjiiu we talkedd andd her words REALLY encourages me..^^ gosh, just seeing her is enoughh and really warm..her smile is so loviing larrhs andd andd her encouragement iindeed gave me a real boost forwardd..=) yepps.. andd before leaviing her place, she gave me a BIIG BIIG hugg! left her place at around 6.30pm.. =)

~~gonna miis herr.. ii miiss those dayys whenn ii had fun duriing her engliish tuiition..~~
--trust me, she is a really GOOD teacherr iin all aspectts..--
--learnnt a lot of thiings from her, both iin liife and iin academiic--
SHE aiint just a teacher, but also a friend.=)

andd so ya.. wentt to bugiis to miit leenx.. the whole journeyy, koorr koor sacriifiiced hiis diiner fiirst andd acc me talkk on e fone **weii-ta** orhhs.. hmm.. andd whenn miit daoo leenx dann he hanggs.. yepps..

andd thenn wenntt shoppiing at bugiis street..wentt to look forr shoes..andd iindeedd ii fouund daoo.. damm, ii likke a lot of paiirs larrhs.. gonna go backk andd buy those paiir.. justt boughtt one paiir tdyy..=X dontt wanna waste too much $ fiirstt.. so ya lorr.. afterr datt jiiu go long john eatt.. andd talkedd~

andd while waiting for bus 12, she suddenly remiinded mi datt ii diint buy myy fake eye lashes.. ARGHH! andd ii draggedd her to buyy.. butt thatt stupiid shopp donnt havv!!! =X huph..! denn bus 12 came, andd we ran forr iit.. **so paiisehhs larrhs**

satt all the wayy till downtown therre cos acc her go her frriend bday chalett.. andd sortt of know neww ppl therre.. one from np dehs.. same block as me.. ha! so "qiiao" so ya lorr.. so fuunny.. cos dontt really noe anyone thherre.. hmm.. neberr miind.. leenx andd ii keppt driinkkiing e green tea..nothing to eat so drriink lorr.. ehhs.. andd theyy entertaiinedd us for awhiile..=X yupps..

soon, 11plus pm jiiu leftt ler.. hiitched a riide home from leenx ya lorr..denn jiiu go pom-pomm.. clean cleann.. andd calledd koorrkoorr.. lol.. renyuann andd hiim so damm fuunny overr e fone larrhs! BWG! nothiing to sayy~ lol.. dontt so meann larrhs..! =.= andd crapp wiif them over e fone for thiink 2hour plus bahs.. jiiu hang ler..

diid 1/2 of my lesson p[lann tdyy.. too tiired cannt think muchh.. so deciided to continue tmrr or sunndayy.. hmm..

siimple love stayyiing at home these few dayys..
too lazyy to evenn gett out of my comfortt zone!
gett a liife, pls.

buayy buayy~
off to my bedd!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A dayy whiich e kiids siimply madee mii felt touched and loved deeply... naiive, iinocent, ADORABLEE!!!

awwww!!! oh ya.. one of e kiids told me thatt eatt carrot will become rabbit..=X lol.. see, theyy rr siimplyy so inocenntt andd cutte larrhs!^^

hmm...andd afterr attachment, wennt to school for tutoriial whiich starts at 3pm.. so ii met liing- myy qiiing ai der fiirst forr ourr "so-called-lunchh"... hadd cupp noodless.. andd we sharedd 1 cup of ben and jerry iice-creamm.. =) LOL.. so loviing lovving leiis..! andd andd annd we hadd ourr couple couplee talkk! ^^ andd soon motherr, ah bii andd ana reachedd schhool lerr..

so we headedd for our class.. andd sthh badd happenedd.. [[shh-shh]]

so ya lorr... nothiing to sayy abtt iit.. [PHEWW!] hadd sukuna class..she damm funny andd madee our class so liively andd funn! =) yepps..

andd lalala`` took bus backk home wiif ahh bii and liing andd hadd a lot of talkiing on the journeyy..=) hmm.. andd so ya.. went to boughht a metallic pen for grandpa.. he lostt hiis..=X so deciidedd to go gett a new one for hiim..hmm..

afterr whiich jiu go home.. diid my reflectiion for tdyy attachment.. thenn went to popo house.. for diiner..^^ andd gave grand pa the penn.. he looked so happy thoughh he diint express ouutt.. butt ii couldd sense daoo.. hmm..

iif a doiing little thiing woulld made grandpa dayy, ii amm willing to go to e extra miile.
fromm some dono wat artiicles, they sayy byy showiing more love andd affectiion to elderrly fammiily memberr.. theyy will tennd to liive longerr.. II wann grannd pa to liive long long.. to see myy success!

but as Asian, we aiint good att expressing wiif words worr.. so ii m tryyiing my very hard to show my love and caree foorr hiim! ^^ so ya...=)

yepps.. andd tv-edd therre.. andd backk home arounnd 10plus pm.. hmm.. lookedd afterr lil diidii till now..=X ROARR! he is still sleeppiing on myy bedd... ahh! lol.. CUTE..! ^^ ii am hiis so called siister aka parrt-tiime nanny...!

well, datts myy dayy!
ii liike iit..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ordiinaryy dayy tdyy.. nothiing kiinda specciall. . .

woke upp kkiinda latte.. 3plus ii tiink so.. hmm.. andd startedd doiing my partt on cd assignn.. yepps.. we slpiitedd e workk iif not at thiis rate, thiings justt cannt seems to be goiing.. =X so ya.. hmm.. andd somee schh stuff..


lalalalal`` andd denn jiiu go popo husee for diinerr.. andd diid somme skiipiin therre so calledd= exerciise..^^

watt a raiiny dayy..

andd tv--edd anndd backk home att niightt.. =)

rmbb sthh..! ii delettedd some-one fromm my msn liist! FINALLY! justt wanna gett itt outt of myy liife permanentlyy..! maybe iin a few years downn e roadd whenn ii am more ok wiif everythiing dann maybe ii cann accept u backk as a frriiend.. so ya..

talkedd to baobeii korr now... hurhurr`` he justt camme backk fromm fiield cammpp...andd telling me all the storryy he hadd..^^ lol..

as for now, ii will move on iin my liife agaiin...!

havve been havviing peacefull andd callm dayys forr now..
raiiny dayys madde me evenn moree sleepy andd lazyy!
siimply love e colldd andd cosyy weathherr!
ii m loviing iit``=)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Camwhorre-edd wiif mama andd lil didii whiile waitiing. . . .

MaMa andd Tiing..
look aliike marrhs.???

lil diidii andd MaMa..^^

Tiing andd lil"darliing"=)
look alliike marrhs.?


watt a longg dayy tdyy! wokee upp liike so damm earlyy lahhs.. andd ii slepppt at liike 3 amm lastt niighhtt!!! =XX ahhh! go to my err-di secc school to settle some stuff..wiif mama andd 2 brotherrs..butt denn the timing not riight, so changedd to 2pm plus lorrs.. ehhs.. so wentt to the ciircuitt roadd therre e markett eatt so calledd breakfastt -cumm- lunchh..^^ hmm..

eatt hao lerr, jiiu do dyee myy haiirr.. =)) yeaa.. FINALLYY, ii dyyedd my haiir.. cannt stanndd myy blackk haiir lerr.. AHHH! andd yepps.. ii love e colorr noww..mama also got dyye.. fiinally 2 hourss laterr, we r donee..! anndd backk to my err-dii schh lerrhs.. hahahhaa^^ andd waiitedd andd waiitedd.. =X the tiime everythiing oki, was alrdyy 4plus pm lerr.. so tiiredd alsoo.. nott enoughh sleepp.. [[ROARR!!!]] hmmm.. neberr miind denn, andd papa camme andd fettchh us home... andd denn wentt to eatt sth wiif my err-dii andd talkedd lorr..nearbyy my house therre..stomachh grumbliing siia..havee to eatt !!! =X

so ya.. thenn headedd home afterr eeatt haoo.. ANDD onliine den deciidedd to read some of e cd artiicles.. wahs.. cann diie mann.. damm loong.. eyes opposiite diirecttion liiaos=X damm tiiredd..

andd diinerr-edd wiff fammily at Joo-chiiat therre..hadd porridggee.. yummyummyy!!! mama, papa andd mii had 2 bowls of porridge eachh leiis.. LOLX..see so yummy leiis.. hmm.. greatt eatter larrhs..=X blehs... hhmm..luckkily we got home befoore e raiin got heaviierr..
whoo~ freeziingg~~~ LOVESS``

andd backk home tv-edd! andd contiinue readiing some [kuu-kuu] arrtiicleess larhhss.! cann really faiint mann!

well, at leastt ii diid sthh tdyy, myy dayy AIINT` wastedd...^^

Silent night,
heavy raiin,
pounded my heart with fond memoriiies.
LOneliiness overwhelmedd me,
how ii wish ii hadd some-one therre wiith me.

Monday, November 19, 2007

HOHOHOHO!!! gReAt-DaYy!!!

wentt to schh forr just 2 hr forr beliinda's thiis week is whiite space means basiically no class.. andd is e-learniing..=X lol.. well, was fun though.. herr so calledd "horror" storyy telliing was iinterestiing wiith herr squeakkyy squeaakky "Tiiny-Whiiny-Womann"... cannot stopp laughiing yett payying close attentiion to the way she actts out e storyy..^^

hmm.. yepps.. andd afterr whiich, hadd some musiic movemennt, we danced! lol.. ii mean wiith chiildren song.." the put your right hand in, put your right hand out and shake it all about.." datt sone was damm cool larrhs!!! hadd so much fuun wiith frenns as we stood iin a ciircle andd danced tgtt..^^ ECH studenntt leiis.. thatts e fun and enjoyment we got out of e children's musiic..

so ya.. andd denn she sort of taught us some music stuff.. whiichh ii dont really understandd at all.. ii dont liike e "beansprouts" music notes.. lol..=.= well, triedd to understanndd wiif Happie-Fam's helpp=)

yeh!!! andd thatss e endd of my mondayy iin schh! watt a shortt mondayy FINALLY! diint wennt for cca agaiin..=X usually on monday, therre will be liike another class at 4pm..wherelse our break time is like at 12pm.. andd 4 hours we slackkedd..=X yepps..

afterr schh endded, took bus 61 andd AGAIIN! gott diiaos byy some ahh pekk! STUPIIDD.. =.=
Happie-Fam acc me to somewherr to do stth for SOME-ONE!!! ..^^ [[SHH-SHH]] THANx worrs..muackss! andd e raiin was superrbb-superrbb biigg andd e 4 of us only ah bii hab one umbrella.. motherr acc mii to the "somewherr" to gett "somethiing" andd both of us werre liike so drenchhedd andd freezinng.. andd e raiin was liike so damm biig.. ROARR!!! andd ah bi andd liing waiited for us underr a shelther.. yepps..

deciidedd to go kbox frm 2pm startt..K-studennt mahhs.. moree worthh iit.. andd fiinally we deciidedd on a place. -Mariina Squarre.. we rushedd therre.. lol.. hmm.. so ya.. diidntt really hadd a properr luunch but its oki bahs.. [DIIETT!!!]

hehs.. so ya.. andd sing siing siing+ fun, joy, laughterr thruuoutt e whole ssiingiing sessiion.. =) lovee themm to the biits mann.. ^^ talkeddd abtt all stuff.. lol..AWESOME..!

hmm..suddenly hab e urge to go do sth to my deciidedd tatt tmrr ii goiing salon.. lol...canntt stanndd myy hairr lerr.. alamakk..! ehhs.. oh ya.. afterr sinng fiinish, motherr and liing wenntt iin e same diirecttiion andd ah bii and ii wentt to e conventiion therre to takke bus ya.. BUTT reachh dao therre jiiu no bus 70.. stupiid..!@!#!#@!#@!#?@!?!@#?!
iin e endd we took bus 36 andd changge bus backk home lorr.. we sammee diirectiion..

andd ii alightedd fiirstt, so deciided to go popo huse forr diinerr..blablabla therre.... andd wentt home wiif lil diidii 11plus pm..^^

Fiinally bb-koorrkoorr more normall ler..
nott angryy lerr..
madee me so worriedd andd afraiidd..
understoodd e reason whyy lerr..
nextt time got prob sure fiirst one go fiind you dehhs..
wontt bottle upp everythiing agaiin lerr..
only nii sang song to peii wo qu shuii-jiiao..
dontt know whatt you saiid at the endiint parrtt,
guess, ii really fall asleep ler..-[oopss]-
dontt tiink thatt you have not done enoughh lerr..
youu diid a lot a lot lerr..
to e extentt thatt mii really henn gann-dong..^^
nextt time wont make you so worry ler larrhs..
ltrr yourr piimple come outt agaiin.. =X
ii go wherr fiind daoo thiis kiind of rarre koorrkoor nerrhs??
so justt wann tell you,
you are TRULYY beiing treasureedd andd cheriished..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nott a goodd dayy tdyy..=( wenntt to attendd myy secc school classmate wakke...haiis...wennt wiif jas andd rachel andd met Mrs Estherr Ng andd otherr frriends therre alsoo.. haiis..
vague and fondd memoriies startedd to flow pastt myy miind agaiin..

haiis..jiiu not iin a good mood..aiint feeliing riight..heartt got heaviier and heavvierr as we arre aboutt to reachh the wakke therre..indescrible feeliing..miixed feeliing..=(
been classmates wiith her for 3 yearrs lerr..e lastt tiime ii saw her, she was iin ICU.. tryying her veryy bestt to gett well...annd she told me thatt when she getts well, we wiill go shoppiing..
but haiis...
rememberr those dayys duriing f&n practiicall, she is my parrtnerr.. she cooks greatt food andd she LOVES cookiing.. haiis.. but heavenn not faiir to her bahs..
so earlyy jiiu took herr awayy... =( ii walkedd nearrer to see her for the lastt tiime, ii heldd backk my tears.. wann her to go iin peace.. iin my hearrt, you will always be rememberedd.. everythiing.. sat at the wakke there for a periiod of tiime.. thiis is her lastt journeyy lerr..

haiis..hadd a lot a lott of thiinkiing tdyy.. a diiff perspectiive of liife andd deathh.. guess therre are a lot of thiings she has yett accompliishedd iin liife..ii beliievedd and prayy for herr to gett eternal liife andd happiiness iin heaven.. a place wherr she will be free from all the paiin andd terror of siickness..

liife iis shorrtt, cheriish everyone arounnd you before its too late.. suddenly realiisedd ii have neglecttedd a lot of ppl.. everyyone..

bu zhii daoo whyy he" so angryy wiif mii.. but jiiu haiis.. really henn sorry hen sorryy... diid ii do orr sayy somethiing wrong.. doubtss have been flashiing pastt myy miind siince morniing.. haiis.. ootherr thann haii-iing, ii dono watt ii cann do and say lerr.. moodless~

hadd a badd dreamm thiis morniing.. so badd thatt ii criiedd iin my dreamm andd iit woke me upp..=( haiis.. whyy aree badd thiings revolviing arounnd me noww.. ii dontt wann the badd dreamm to happenn iin realiity..

everyone will go.. itts justt a matter of whenn andd how...
whetherr you make a diifference iin someone's liife,
or not beforre you go iinto anotherr realm..

ii m afraiid, trulyy fearr thatt one dayy maybe ii justt sleep all e wayy..andd neberr wakke upp andd neberr have e chance to tell the ppl around me thatt ii really cherrish andd love them a lot a lott..


whatts wroong wiith me..
iis therre a mediicine to curre me?!?!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fiinallyy bloggerr couldd uploadd piics..=X

mYY artt-piiece duriing creatiive artts..
love iit cos iit just repp me..

Photos took tdyy dehs..
iii love thiis piic.. cool..

Baobeii korr andd myy lil diidii..

ii amm backk!!!
justt camme backk froom my kbox--iing sessioon wiif :
Jx korr korr, Leenx, Renyuan, Kelly, Choon ho, Kian Tat, Guan da, Wei jun, "thatt giirl", andd somee of..theiir friiends..

earliier on derr tdyy, mii, jx korr andd leenx broughtt didii go ciine to waTCHH doraemon e moviie ..wahs.. damm lotts of parents also broughtt theiir chiildrenn go wattch.. its siimply a jiia-yu-hu-xiiao moviie.. butt ii tink e duratiion of e moviie abiit too long ler, most of e children was distractedd after not long.. andd startedd to make noiise blablabla..

afterr moviie jiiu go arcadee playy lorr..korr korr changge 10 buckks tokenn.. hmm.. alot nehs.. lol..^^ Thannx..but mostlyy he changeedd is forr diidii to playy dehhs.. LOL..

One speciial game whichh is e one whiich havee 2 ppl at one siiide anddd the otherr 2 ppl at the otherr siide.. yepps.. denn got e whiite "friisbee" dehs.. andd havee to sliide it into e slott.. =X hmm..korr koorr andd diidii one grpp andd leenx andd ii one grpp.. so is liike girrls VS boyys... hurhurr.. no one woonn.. so ya..butt didii damm li hai la.. he play cheatt li haii.. hhe cliimb onto the table andd wanna put the whiite "friisbee" iin..LOL..=.=

lalalalal`` afterr p[layy hao lerr jiiu go walkk walkk takke neopriint andd eatt long johnn..=) yepps..denn jiiu broughtt hiim backk to popo huse..=) LOL.. byy then jiiu alrdyy 6plus pm lerr..
wonderfull dayy..

LOL..tiink myy didii enjoyy lot lot also bahss..=X yepps.afterr sent hiim to popo house so leftt me, leenx andd jx korr koorr..=X YEPPS..andd we wentt backk to townn to miit rennyuann theyy ya go kbox.. andd theyy wanna go kbox-iing so ok lorr.. it was so damm full lerr.. bothh level 8 andd level 4 we book level 4 at 11.30pm dehx.... andd before datt went to makann agaiin fiirst... yepx^^ii nberr eatt, not hungryy..soo see themm eat lorr..

HMM.. mii andd leenx iinsisted on the two of us one room dann e resttt abt 10 ppl plus iin one biig room.. so we jump here jumpp there dehs.. LOL..=.= and ya..butt kiian tat, korrkoorr,
choon ho, renyuann, guann da, weiijunn keep coome ourr room...
HA! theyyy siimplyy miiss me larrhs.. whatt to do?!?!
lol.. oorr shuld ii sayy thatt biigg room have soome destable woman?!?!?! too badd.. =X ya..

weii junn open alcoholl.. and leenx drankk too much andd lett herr emotiions outt cos of some reasonn.. triied to console herr butt eventuallyy, myy emotiions, emo-ness came backk too.. damm, rememberredd some fcukiing thhiing.. iin e endd bothh of us cuddledd tgtt andd criedd for awhiile.. =X

dann jiiu korr koorr triiedd cheeriing me upp andd ann-weii-iing wo.. butt sryy.. ii still..
diidntt meanntt iit..

certaiin thiings andd stuff,
ii havve been holdiing iinsiide e deepest siide of my heartt forr too long,
andd ii needded to lett it all outt..
cryy iit all ouutt,
to feel betterr..
ii knoww thatt shouldnnt be me..
sryy forr the troublee ii causedd you..
promiisedd you nextt time wontt liike thiis lerr..
really sryy...

[[Baobeii-koorr, ii knoww youu will see daoo thiis postt derr..]]

lalalalala`` tiinkk korr korr quiite shengg qii bahs...=.= haiis.. sryy lerrhs..meimeii becoome liike thiis.. srysrysryy..

dann siimplyy cantt standd "thatt giirrl" smuggleness ler.. so took cabb home wiff weii jun , leenx, guann da.. LOLX,.. leenx so damm deadd iin e cabb larrhs.. =X lol... haiis...

so whenn reachh daoo my huse there, weiijun also got downn.. andd seee mii upp... lolx..shockedd daoo.. thanxx.. ii am okiee... sober.. yeps... =) as ii m typiing thiis.. andd thiink he wennt to take cabb home bahhss..

ii swearrr ii will neberr be liike diis becos of datt reason AGAIIN lerrhs..!=X

ii ASSURRE! theyy zhenng de hen concerrnn andd worriedd abouut me.. enough ler.. wiif all these friiends..ii m contentedd... yepps..lalalalala``cann really feel daoo theiir concern, love, andd carre.. ^^

as ii m typiing this, haviing a damm hiigh feverr andd headachee.. donntt feel goodd..physiically, mentally anndd emotiionallyy..=X

haiis... nber to bedd...

Tomorroww will be a betterr dayy^^

buayy buayy!

my emo-ness camme backk,
uu broughtt it all upoon me..
yes, ii am foolish,
but whatt cann ii do..
cann ii sayy "NO?!?!"
ii thoughht iit throughh,
ii wiish u all e bestt wiif her..
ii pray AND wiish for ur forever happiiness..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

No school tdyy but just went for attachment!!!

once agaiin, theyy ( kids ) siimply meltt myy heart.. the wayy they talk, the way they whine and cry just to siit next to me.. so iinnocent andd adorable..=) fallen in love wif them again larrhs..=X

Tiing: "i got to go.. goodbye.."

Chiild A: "Why, go.. i want you to come again tomorrow, okay?"

Tiing: "Cause Teacher have sth to do at home..Okay, i will come next week again..promise."

Child B: "why, i dont wan you to go..can.." *gosh..the way child B looks at me andd spoke simple melted my heart..*

so she bu de to sayy bye bye to them.. whenn i wanted to leave, Child B gave a light kiiss on my cheeks and said "bye-bye, must rmb to come!" ^^ some children waved and shouted bye bye to me..=) purrely iinocence andd lovess..

Left andd headedd home afterwhiich.. had a healthyy lunchh..-Fruiits.. andd thats all.. diid my reflectiion for tdyy attachment andd some recordiings stuff.. andd off to myy napp..=X by the tiime ii woke up was liike 6plus pm ler.. diid my KWL chartt thenn..

andd off to watch channel 8 tbeee drama seriials lerr..=X

andd on and on iit goes... 10 plus pm jiiiu call leenx.. she soundds so boredd andd siianx larrhs..=X soundss liike gonna rot sii lerr..=X lol..^^ andd acc her to talkk for think gt 2hourrs plus bahs..

she damm troubledd oberr some stuff. as usual. giirls arre giirls.. andd tend to be sensitiive towards some iissues.. =X blablabla! andd den toldd korr korr thatt ii siick ler.. hhe calledd me backk straiight awayy..^^ askedd me got see doctorr, got eat medicine, got that, got this not.. LOL.. dann ii told leenx thatt see, evenn korr korr cares so much abt me, wat aboutt you..morever- is yourr...=.= she justt *hheavedd* =.= ppiieses are liidatt... LOL...

iindeed, haviing a korr-korr is somehow still better than haviing a so calledd "BF"... =.= forr whatt gett entangledd and burden myselff wiith all the "jealously, unhappiiness, andd blablabla for"??!?!?!

but agaiin, to be in love with someone u really love is a great and awesome thing that any ordiinary giirl like me wouldd yearn for.. [[ guess, is bu ke neng derr ]]

thatts my perspectiive.. so if anyonedont agree justt gett lostt.. =X ha!

lalalala`` andd ya..ii am still me, still happy, still contentedd! yepps..^^

damm siickeniing iirritatiing throatt.. it has been giiviing me trouble siince weddnesdayy.. agaiin, hadd a badd headache in the noon, thats whyy ii took my napp... andd now thiink the headache iis backk agaiin.. [ ROAR ] !!!

iff only fever could take away and remove all the unhappy memoriies away permanently.. that would be cool..! ii would rather not contamiinate my braiin wiith all the unhappy memorries andd get upsett wiith itt agaiin!=X

its enoughh..
assign is siimply driiviin me nuts..
ii niid a breakk..
to do all the thiings ii wanna do..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

HELLOS=) hadd a shortt dayy iin schh tdyy... hmm.. hadd lecturre att 8am andd by the tiime reachh lecturre theatrre was 8.10 am lerr.. andd it was so damm EMPTYY also..=X lol.. every wedd is e same derr.. =X okayy.. anndd hadd some activityy basedd lecturre.. on multiple iintelligennce...

hahaha.. yepps.. do fiinish jiiu can go lerr.. so endedd class liike 9.30am.. halff an hourr earliierr lerr.. lol.. andd the fiive of us satt tgtt andd coollate ourr researchh fiindiings we hadd done..=)

breakfastt cum luunch at canteen 1 anndd backk home.. took a damm long napp... woke up andd diid e miindmapp! andd fiinally done afterr 2 hours...! damm, damm siick now.. throatt andd headache kiilling mii..=X HAIIS..

mama feed mii eatt one teasppoon of HONEY! she says eatt ler will be better.. dan ok norhs.! yumm-yumm**

andd anndd anndd.. tmrr still gotta go forr attachmentt..8am! =.= whoosh.. tmrr gonna be worn out too.. haiis.. straiined! tiimetable for thiis sem iis tearrin me aparrt! TEDIOUS! arghh!

Proof that girls are evil:
First, girls need time and money:Girl = Time * Money
And we know that time is money:Girl = Money * Money
We also know that money is the root of all evil:Money = Evil ^ 1/2
Therefore:Money ^ 2 = Evil
So we are forced to conclude that:Girl = Evil

soome iinterstting stuuff to endd off!
gett well plss..!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ii m herre agaiin! =X

damm tirredd.. hadd a longg dayy plus a damm heavvyy bagg..hmm.. hadd phiilip's class.. was funn exploriing all the diiff techniiques of art..LOLX..marble, cotton buds, striings andd morre.. butt myy fav, one is e marblee derr..! ^^

haas..the liines createdd by the 2 marbles rolling aroundd so niice andd compliicattedd..=) yepps..

school ends at abt 4pm bahs.. headedd home andd then wentt for faciial.. lol..^^ paiin siia.. she squuezedd outt the uunnneccessary thiing on my facee.. =.= she playedd soothiing muusiic.. ii fall asllepp not longg laterr.. supperr tiiredd.. lalalala..

andd headdedd home afterr datt to do researrcch for cdtp..=X ii habenn even startedd.. was hardd to researchh on certaiin thiing.. haiis.. but no choiice, everyone has a part to play.. so yepps.. fiinally 2 hourrs laterr, ii am done wiif the researchh..

JX korr calledd andd kiip "sha-xiiao"- laughiing "sill-illy" thot watt happenedd to hiim siia than
kiian-tat sayy korr korr drunkk lerr..than like datt.. cos earlliier the platoon or whatt der have some driinkiin stuff andd thiink korr drankk too muchh..=.= *pheww* neberr see hiim drunkk befooree till liike thiis..derrhs..

kiinda worriedd for hiim aso..hurriiedd kiian-tat to sennd hiim home.. but he dontt wann go home.. =.= STUPIID! so drunnk ler.. still dont wann go home...

thiinkiing** maybe he have problems troubliing him or watt so everr bahs..

[[ ii know korr will see daoo thiis postt andd gonna call mi andd sayy nth, no prob troubliing you ]] but actually maybe you do have..but nberr sharrre wiif mii... =(

butt rmbb meiimeii alwayys herre! lol.. to bully u! blehhs!!! andd be yourr liisteniing earr rmbb: onlyy ii can bully u not u bullyiing me!^^

hurhurr.. yepps. .dann jiiu go orhss-orhs whenn zhii dao korrX2 home safely le..!@!#!@#!@!#! blehhs!

yepps.. andd thatts my dayy..=)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Photo_os sayys all=)