Wednesday, January 30, 2008

lastt cd lecture of yr 1!!!
reachedd lecturee therre at 8.15 am lidatt andd she started class at 8.30am...=.=
haha... as usual. !!!
nahs, lecturee was shortt andd endedd damn early,
as early as 9.15 am?!?! lol...
gdgd, deciided to catch the moviie 27 dresses wiith babee andd liing at jp..
ah bii and ana watchedd ler so left we thrree...
[[ laughs! ]]
reachedd jp superr early, ciiinema not evenn open..=.=
walk arounndd at popular..
haha.. babe andd liing arre SUPERR obsessedd wiith muffiins andd cakkes..=)
so ya, headedd to buyy our tiicketts for moviie for 11.10am!!!
wahahhaa... broughtt kfcc iin secretlyy^^
annd we sharred pop-corns.. [[loviing-loviing]]
hmm.. took photos wiith one funny characterr!
pfotos to be uploaded!
cam-whoredd afterr moviie at our usual toilett!!! ii love them larr!
blehs=D enviious me forr haviing themm !!!
shoopp-edd, andd traiin-edd to city hall to meet eileent tan ler!
wahahah..ii reachh earliier thann her..=)
hmm.. **yawnss** whille waiitiing..
headedd to chiina-town denn..

ii dontt liike therre,
feels wiierd... not riight!!!

wantedd to buy cosmetic from chinatown cos jess says therre cheaper..
but but, ii tinkk ii found the shopp but ii dontt liike the stuff therre...=(
damnn!!!! waste myy tiime leis.
got out of chiinatownn and down to central poiint thenn!!!
not many ppl therre.. feels liike we book the whole mall liidat.. =D
watt a freakkiing mood ~diint found the things ii wann=(
not riight forr shoppiing orr shuld ii say too tirred lerr..?!?!
nahs. heck.
bugiis-edd den..
boughtt cosmectic. liike fiinally.!!!
tiredd man!#@!#~#~!@!~#~#@#!~@~!!#~~!@~
diiner--ed att pastamaniia.
denn buss-edd home lerr...
shoppiing craze part 4 to be contiinued!!!
"once brokenn considerred soldd"
sounds familiar ehs. andd thinkk this phrase does rep certaiin parts of my liife..
ii used to beliieve andd stand fiirm to thiis:
couple break ler, can still patch backk..
good frriends quarrel can still be good frriends again,
r/s can still be backk tgt again as long as both still love each otherr..
nothiing else matters.
but now, ii doubtedd whatt ii beliieve.
no reasons. but maybe once bitten, twiice shyy
ii will not be the same. so stupiid as to be biiiten agaiin for the seconnd tiime!
nahs.. paiinful.
tada!!! =) enough of thosee grumblliing andd theoriies of miine!
ha! ii am really enjoyyiin thee tiime thatt ii have now!
so free! so relax! so whoo~
no words cann descriibe the feeliing ii am experrienciing now afterr doiing so darn much projects!!!
Photos tdyy wiith Babe andd qiing aii der Liingg!!!

Class FoTos wiith Shaii on Mondayy!!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2008


hadd storyy telliing assessment forr the firrst class of the dayy...
as usual, ii shiiveredd uncontrollably..=X
hmm, tinking back iin sec yrs, ii dare nt evenn speak iin front of e entire class
andd andd now ii amm much better noww!
iimproved~^^nahs, iits over..!!! STB assessment are clearred---!!!

Nextt was philipp class... visuall arts!
he preparedd a class videoo for us...
timmee pass so fastt... andd now sem 2 is like gonna be over in less than 1 months timme...
then he showedd us a inspiiriing videoo byy Niickk !

"Never-ever giive up !!!"
Gett upp andd continuee tryiing=)
iinstead off grumbliing herre n therre,

ii am thankful for whatt ii havee!
andd ANDD yes,

" ii love myselff forr who ii am!"
learnt frm the video ehs, ii m beautiful! XD

thiis is the dayy ii have been waiitiing forr!!!!
iii mm freee!!!!--eddd!!!majorr projectss arre done--eddd!!! =)
uuuu-lalalalala!!! still cannt beliievee ii actually surviivedd thruu thiis upps and down.
veryy long neber enjoy the feeliing of doiing nothiing..
ii am really cherrishiing the tiime whenn ii seriiouslyy have nothiing to do!!!

happiiee^^ **smiiliing**
thiis sem hadd really good lecturerss...
likke frriends like that,^^
yes! ii am happie that ii cleared this sem!

somehow, ratherr sad to have to sayy good-bye to them..
ii mean, afterr one sem beiing taughtt by themm.
well. life is liikke this.

.::dont know when we will see each other again,
.::but we will definitely see each other again
.::as long as you guys are in this profession!

justt one moree, onee morre projectt to go..^^
andd projects will be goneee!!!!
pHOTOS of the dayy!!!

Babee andd Babyy >3

Groupp fotoo wiiith Philip

Tiing andd Philip

Monday, January 28, 2008

thiiis is whatt ourr grpp diid duriing language arts..=)
haha... =.=
last language arts tutoriial wiith shaii.. class preparred sth for her.=) yes! she was touchhed.. hmm... and and we took the 12 multii-shots from deborah camm!!!
photos to be uploadedd... hee...
home--ed eveniing tiime, busyy... projects and got to preparre for tmrr storyy-telliing...=X
done--ed everythiing by 3am liithat,
and gotta wake up later liike abt 6plus am... =X

Saturday, January 26, 2008

wantedd to slpp longer,
but somehow, ii diint.
eyes opened several times...
clearred LA, triied doiing Global, but diint managed to think of wat to wriite..
went to library... to fiind a storybook for tues story telliing...
fiinally, ii found one after 1 hour plus of searchh.
hunger pangs was tremendous...
no lunch, only milo-ed all the way till popo house for diiner.
diinerr-edd. tv-ed and home-edd.
wantedd to do projects but dint have the mood and feel to do.
so forgett it. tmr, tmr ii will do.
wasnt there whenn u neededd someone to talk to.
dint noe u was in such a serious situation.
iif only, ii called u back. =(
maybe u would not be disappointed.
thiinking back, sort of neglected outsiide friiends unconsicously.
iif only, ii had better time management.
emoo-ed while outsiife wiith famiily,
piised withh my mom.
damn. wat cann ii do.
thought to myself, at tiimes like now, ii do wiish that ii could fiind someone to love to hugg and to sayy ii miiss you.
Tiimes like this made one feel
iif only ii had someone to love, to share, and to hugg.
but seems like its just a far farr iif onlyy...

Friday, January 25, 2008

23 Jan 08

as usual, late for lecture...=X
sat in the first row, still ate my "pippin" hott tako balls boughtt from canteen 1=)
breakfastt is a must for me!!!
hmmm... endedd school like 10am...
though ended school early, but projects ya...
certain things took a detour,
bbut why diid it ended up liike that...
ii also dono...=X

lunch-edd wiith liing and babe at piizza hut at Bukit Timah plaza...
common place!
as usual~
pls help....[ ~quotedd~ ]
hahahaa...bus-edd home to meet mummyy for a hair cut...
home-edd and projectts!

damn. how. ?!?!
24 Jan 08

second last attachmentt of year 1,
gonna miiss the kiids liike superb superrb muchh...=(
took fotos wiith keep as memoriies...
as usual, kiids cann really draiin-edd off my energy and miind!
but yet.
theyy are adorable. innocent .

child A gt scolded by teacher,
saw sadness iin hiis eyes...
toldd hiimm ii still love hiim despite what he had done..
he smiiled. =)

heee...kiids r still kiids...
unliike adults. complicated creatures.
home-edd after attachment.
met leenx and ah ben at my house therre...
hellp leenx to think of the poly courses to enter...^^

home-edd, tv-edd and projectts agaiin=X
brain shut-downn.
no ideas...
diid a lesson plan liike so damn long...
but. fiinally it was done.
projects kills!
esp HERS! ^^SIIGHH^^

25 Jan 08
mett babe and liing and shelbyy earlly for lunchh...
and also to collate projects which was gonna due laterr=X
alryte... as usual, the xxx pillars...=.=
but how.
late for tutoriial... but doesnt matterr...
soon, ended.
created songs tgt for mondayy so called performancee...
denn babe, liing anndd ii downn to far-east.-> ciine
as usual, ponderiing how.
diinerr-edd wiith babe!
lalala...boughht one so calledd "couplle-tee" topp wiith babe!
heee...**sweett** canns! ehs.
we r normal.
then down to john-liittle to buy some stuff...
"auntii" spiirrit andd we siign up for the john lil card which have discount...
its FOC, why not...
so we diid. and laughiing at ourselves for beiing so. . ."thriiftyy" yea.
home-edd, tve--edd and projects discussion on fone agaiin...
as usual, the same old "thiing".
[biite head off cans]]

damn, with this amount of stress load increasing each sem,
ii tink my headd gonna gett biigger andd biiggert andd
ii gonna get the wriinkle cream sooner or laterr..
damn. project works aiint easyy norr smooth-sailing okay.
tiired. dead.
started off this week wiith 3 projects due and 2 test...
cant beliieve thatt ii have actually surviivedd thiis week.
what a torturous week man!

ii beliieved somehow or what, ii will make itt throughh!
Thanx "piillars"!
gonna grabb backk my beautyy sleepp now...=)
nights ppeeps XD

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

projects forr the pastt few dayys...=X
projects for 3/4 of my liife now man...=.=
neberr hadd a properr reestt norr shoppiing..
even if i iwanna sleep more, guess, some voiice will be liike forcing me to jump out of my bed!

andd andd as for this week, ii clearedd 2 projects and 2 test lerr...
still have 1 more project for this week...
andd leftt 3 moree for this semm..
andd ta-daa!!! ii m free from projects...
thinking backk, startedd off thiis week feeliing stressed-outt...
projects due-edd, speech assessment and global test...=.='''
hadd speech assessment as the start of my dayy...
**siigh** dono whatt to sayy... thoughh ii preparred.
kiilled me man! reallyy nt good at presentatiion larrhs=.='''

as for tdyy, visual arts assignment due...
we have to present ourr masterr art piiece...=)
heee.... hadd muchh fuun duriin philip class...
photo-takiing as a class tgt wiith philip...
[[laughterr, craziiness andd madness]] !!!

--- The photos will show ---
will be uploadedd!!! mustt see!
ECH girls esp 1CO2 arre "happeniing" class larrhs!!!
lalala...lunchh-edd at cannteen 2 andd class agaiin at 2pm...
home--edd... tiired man!!! keppt doziing ooff iin bus...
just a feww more leftt!!!
Photos duriing andd afterr visuall arts!!!

Class fotoss!!! wiith Philip!

buutt ii liike!!!


Tiing, Ah bii, Liingg andd mama>3

Classmattes wiith theiir masterr artt piiecee!!!


Saturday, January 19, 2008

What Goh Li Theng Means

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

Friday, January 18, 2008

kooorr koorr bdayy!
met kelly darliing, koorrkorr, weiijun and pearly at ps.
watch-edd the body 19 moviie...
horrorr.. scaryy=.=

hmm... alalalala...den to shaw the party world by weiijun car...
ry and yongzhii was therre siingiing lerr...
afterr few songss.. ry and ah zhii wennt out and came in wiif a pandan cake...
bluff koor korr say nah, this is his bday cake...
lol... damm funny larr...
sang bday song, blow candles, and cut the cake...
then awhile ltr, ah zhii and weiijun went out and came in wiif anotherr cake, this tiime was chocoo browniie cake... =)
lol... again, sang bday song, blow candles, and cut the cake... haha...=) thiis tiime was the fiinal one larr...

thenn kelly darliing andd ii sang songs...
lol.. diint sang much..thoughh...
kelly darliing andd mii leftt earli.. wiith weiijun...
hiitched a riide from hiim go boat quayy to joiin jess, leen and deedee...
so ya.. by then was 3plus am lerr... haha...
lalalala... and kiinda boriing iniitially...
kneww a new frenn...jess fren.. kiinda friiendly... she from tp htm course one...
so was liike asking her abt it...hows e ppl therre and etc...
afterr hearing wat she saiid, ii felt reliieved datt luckyy ii dint enter datt course...
guess datt kiind of environment dont suiit me... =X
lalalalala...ECH is better.. at leastt ii found true friiends...=)

saw someone...
ignorre me...

nahs.. enough of fantasii-ziing lerr!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

attachmentt was tirriing todayy...
moodless... but children still perrkk mii up..=)
tinnk not enough sleepp nowadays bahs...=X
watt to do...
no tiime for me to even "laii-chuangg"

afterr attachment, mett happie famm iin schh for luunch..
tdy was e fiirst day of ngee ann open house...
So damm lots of ppl iin np siia...
lalalala... somehow or watt, we endedd up at the atriium watchiing e performances...
ate sandwhiiches instead...

[[still rmbb lastt yrr ii was siiting therre wiith my baobeii emily during np openn house...]]
and now ii am gonna be yr 2 lerr...
we each have new cliiques... but stillm ii do hope that we will still remaiin as close as beforre...
so tiime to even remiinsennce those memoriies...
ii miiss themm...

class--edd for 1 hr...
timme pastt veryy fastt, and school endedd...=)

fiinally, ii managedd to gett somethiing done.!
tv--edd-> endless projects!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

hadd visuall arts class tdyy...
endedd earlyy...
headedd to commonwealthh therre the mac eatt our lunch fiirst...
afterrwhiich, the mac therre very uniique ahh- have turtle pondd leiis...
**took fotos, but bloogger cannt uploadd!!!**
shall uploadd another ddayy! usual, we looked andd talkedd whiile look-edd at those turtle...=)
freedom... **ii wan**
liife wiithout any stress, no assignment!!!

nehhs... hmm...headedd to my q.a.d liingg housee to do visual art!
draiined out of iideas agaiin...
first tiime faiiled, second time was betterr... andd yes, wwe diid iit!
by then, the sun wentt back home lerr...
so diid ah bii...
contiinuedd doiiing till 11pm...=X
thiings diidnt go iin the riight wayy...
oftenn we realiised whatt we shouldd havve do when we alreadyy diid iit...=.
andd we endedd up goiing extraa miile for unnecessary stuff...
at lastt, we diid somethiing!
traiin-edd backk home... conferenc-edd wiif leenx andd meiimeii...
liift brokee downn...cliimbedd the staiirs... =X
tiiredd leiis... thoughh its justt...arghh~~~

morre tiime plls!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nothiing speciial happenedd eiitherr...
smugglling thru schh stuff...
nahs.. rubbiish...
abiit off everythiing...
forgett iit...
dontt have the entire frree tiime to...
doesnnt matterr...
nothiing iis permannentt...
babe sayys dont frownn overr thiis...
nahs... smiiles=)
tmrr will be a betterr dayy!

Friday, January 11, 2008

fiinally hadd my chilli crab cupp noodle for lunchh!
andd ahh bii broughhtt chocolatte browniie forr us...=)
funn... cos we builtt somethiing out of the junkk materiials...^^
[[photos will explaiinedd all]]=D
popo house afterr school...
diinerr-edd, tv-edd andd home-eddd!
morre tiime pls...
tomorrow then contiinue doiing assignmentt... =.='''
damm.. what iis liife man!
struggliing overr neverr-enddiing projects?!!!
cann ii say "NO"?!

Happiie famiily"ATTAPP" housee!

Classmattess! wiith siti's groupp creatiion!!!

This house beloong to the classmated iin the previious fotos!

Jess's groupp creatiion!

See! ECH studenntt arre veryy "creatiive" one lerrhs!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Attchmentt tdyy frm 9am-12pm... as usual, ii leftt later denn 12pm...
children said,"teacher, why you wear so pretty tdy? going out with your bf later?"
ii was shocked lar...
ii repliied," No, teacher, no bf... who want to be my bf...?"
lol...=X children smiled and giiggled...=)
adorable! fiirst tiime, mii and mentor talkedd abt so much thiings..=)

home-edd afterr attachment...
diid assignmentt as usuall...
watchedd dou niiu yao bu yaoo EP 8 ler..=)
the show damm niice cann!!
ii also wan a bf liike hiim...=X

wentt to one of the cousin's wedding at conrad hotel...opposite convention there one...
veryy class class siia...
thenn was the solemnization whereby the couple have to sayy "I DO" and sign the marrige certificate iin front of everyone....

camm-whoredd wiith familyy..mummy, daddy andd my err-dii...=.= lol...
niice-niice, ii liike!~
waiit for the wedding diiner to start...
shunn biian took fotos agaiin...
talkk tallkk wiith relatiives whiich ii neberr see for a very long tiime... dressing was suiitable for this event but still attractedd manyy stares...=.=
dono whyy...**pheww**
nahs...doesnt matterr... haha... liime-liight leiis... gdgdgd^^

weddiing banquett startedd...
so romantiic larr... the newly-wedd coupple wallkk iin, thenn have two small small kiids pretendiing to be couple.. iin front of them walking...throwiing the rose petal out... then have dryy iice siia... basiically, the effectt iis liike thosee you can see fromm the weddiing iin televiision one...
goshh, ii also wann...

thenn diinerr startedd... hadd red wiine lerr...=) gdgdgd, class class lerrhs... ii liike... the serviice att therre iis like so damm excellent larrhs...
eatt eatt eatt... thenn took fotos wiith relatiives...cousiins andd otherr...
chiit-chatt, shunn biian looked aroundd see have shuaii-boii boii not.. but dont have siia...

enjoyedd greatlyy...
busyy dayy...!
ii liike...

buayy buayy!!!
off to fiind liing iin our la-la-landd at the playgroundd...=)
Photos att the weddiing=)
Kiim-po (loviing relatiive) anndd mummy...
she have the warmm feel!

Daddyy, Mii, Mummyy

Tiing anndd mummyy... =)

Tiing andd daddyy... =)

Tiing andd my real-blood err-dii=)


Tiing andd Sufongg cousiin!
samee age worrs...


wahs...the toilett att therre...
superr cleann larrhhs...
pfotoo see okay okay onlyy...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

not thatt siick as ystdd...
but still siick!
damm flu.
ii aso woke up 1/2 hr late.
miissed bus.
myy babe miix up the timing for tdyy lecture...hee^^ we ate breakfast iin canteen 1 whiile waiiting for her...
**yummyy-yummy breakfast of tako balls and sushii**
[[ii m hungry.]]
lecture starts at 8am and we went iin at nearly 9am...=X
oops... fiirstt tiime so late go for class...

school-edd enndded!
diid our report for visuall arts tgt...
we r done!

tookk a 3hr plus napp...
wokee upp, diid assignment agaiin.
1/2 done--edd.
morre to go=X

somehow whenn ii am focus iin assignment stuff,
ii tend to BE "MIA-miissiing iin actiion" from outsiide friiends and not school friiends.
no reasons.
gueess ii dontt wiish to be diisturbed.
somehow, dont like long conversations nowadays too.
yes. wiierdo.
thatts me..


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Siick dayy.... superr siickk...
**ahh-choo**one thousand and one tiime tdy liiao siia!
aiiyos... nose blockk the whole dayy siince morniing till now...=.=
bumpyy journey to school...
got myy veryy fiirst fiinger puppett!
hee... gdgdgdgd^^

bus-edd alone...
boardedd a no-aiircon bus...
shhiiok wiind larr...

slepptt till 7plus... yawnss!!!
normall dayy!

gett well pls.!
beiing siick aiint cool.

what is liife?
byy qiiu-mama.
one of herr fav randomness!
ii dont have answer to iit yet...
mama sayy: liife iis a drag.
butt ii also agree to mama answer...

liife iiis iindeed quiite a dragg,
kiip doiing the same thiing everyday...
wake up- breakfastt- schooledd- slackked- home-dd-do hw- Zzz!!!
the only thing that is diiff is that at each stage or phase of life, one have diifferent goal and aiim.

diiff friiends, diifferent encounters....

iis thatt whatt liife should be?!
noo iidea. . .

to add on , ii still feel that liife iis about loviing and cheriishiing the ppl around you and to be loved.
The presence of the other half will make liife more interesting.
but yet, its ok to do wiith no other half. (to fall iin love means ii might gett hurt, given a choiice agaiin, ii woulkd ratherr not)
if have den its counted as a blessing, however oone can still liive wiithout it bahs...
**thats my opiinion!**

yepps... lalalalala!!!
why became so "gan-xiin" suddenlyy siia...
iinfluencedd by ma-ma bahs...^^
ii wan a more exciitiing liife!

off to bedd now...

Monday, January 07, 2008

one more assignment clearedd!!!
countiing down clearr Sem 2 assignment=)
as usual, my presentatiion thiink aiint gd=X
triiedd my bestt.
hmm...lunch-edd at KAP!
the 5 of us neber faiils to make the entiire place fiill wiith our laughterr!!!

school startedd at 8am andd endedd at 6pm! =.=
home--edd, tv--edd andd camm-whorred wiith youngestt bro!
loves!!! we look aliike...
hmm, iin some way, YES!


Sunday, January 06, 2008

no breaks...
slackedd yesterdayy...
didnnt realli do anythiing the whole of ystdd afternoon...
fone-iing wiith liing iin the miiddle of the niight...=X
not gossiiipiing butt diiscussing about assignmentt..

worthh it?
nahs... ii dont noe eiitherr...
but deciided to do. iif not whole boat siink...
ben say he is proudd of mii..
nahs, deciided to do still...
whole of sundayy afternoon, doiing all the stuff requiired...
just the...

sharred workk btw QAD...
fiinally, got thiings done-edd...

falliing siick soon...

Friday, January 04, 2008


hadd a "chapp-ba-langg" lunchh...
plannedd to havee instantt noodles iin schh wiif liing derr..
butt, ii was late...
boughtt, spriingroll, denn aUntii gave us 2 cakee... ( strawberry, chocolate cakee) andd ii broughtt a small pkt of crackerr...=X
ANDD guess watt,
we (happie-fam) atee iin class.. liike nobodyy busiiness...
starvedd so nothing else matters...=X
andd yes..!

hehehe.. handedd up anotherr assignmentt!!!
one morre clearredd^^

mett leenx at bugiis afterr school...shhee wann go buyy clothiing so acc her lorr..=P
despiite the ratherr heavyy raiin...
continuously forr 4 hour liithatt...
no intervall iin between one worrs...
pro sehs...?!?!?!
lol....yepps... boughtt a top andd belt agaiin...LOL...
now ii havee lots of belt to wearr...=.=

atee diinerr abtt 9pm at pastamaniia lerr..
damm hungryy larrhs...
**anythiing taste yummyy whenn oone is hungryy...**

home-edd afterr diinerr...
shall continuue shoppiing craze part 2 anotherr dayy...

backk home, parents andd lil bro aged 7 only leiis, quarrelliing...
whhy iis reallityy so diiferent from whatt ii have learntt...

childrenn nowadays aree really gettiing morre andd morre attitude, stubborn ANDD have GUTS!!!

the thoughtt of my lil bro cann driive mii to nuts man!
ii cant evenn handle hiim...=X

whatss wrongg wiith children nowadayss mann...
ate wrongg mediiciine arhhs?!?!?!

off to lala-landd!!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

one assignmentt downn!!!
fiinally, ii fellt the satiisfactiion of iit uhh...=X

tiriingg dayy tdayy...
diint really payy attentiion duriing lectuure evenn though we satt iin e fiirst row...=.=
was onliine-edd, gossiipiing, and blablabla=)
myy Q.A.D showedd mii sthh!
so damm fuunny!!!
but, well, her presencee doesnnt matterr muchh annyy moorre...
enndedd yea?!?!
but still, my QAD-Liing woonderfull creation of someonne...
ii love iit!

fiinally, lunch-eddd at alumnii
denn one more STB tutoriiall...
andd thats e end of schoolll...

mett leenxx go collect her hp at parkwayy...
the aiir therre damm polluuted larr!
damm siickenniing aiir!
fellt liike vomiitiing...
shackk-edd! = moodless

popo house...
diinerr--edd plus tv-edd!

tadaaa!!! endd of dayy!

nott miissing out thhe siignaii-iing wiith koorr-koorr...
wahahaha... everytiime ii wiin lerr..
tryy harrderr larrhs...=X

Tuesday, January 01, 2008



hadd a siimpple andd peacefull new yearr eve!
ii liike iit...
awayy froom the bustliing of ciities...

awayy away awayy~~~
hmm...wenntt to miit leenx andd slackkedd at her house a whille... denn went to east coastt miit tony...
tonyy still as *ahemm-ahemm* as beforre...
thoughtt that east coasrr therre would be less crowded...
butt therre aso abt the samme larr...
quiite aloot of ppl...=X

nehh..nehh~ neberr miind, keepp shunnin froom ppl wiif sprayy..donwwann-a gett sprayedd..
so ya...
wallkked furtherr downn...
saw two kiids...
playyedd the box of "pop-popp" wiith themm..
those kiindu throw on the floor, will "pop" one...=)
theyy lovedd iit...

blurred foto of mii andd the liil giirl=)

so ya... satt at the sandd therre...
liistenedd to the sounds of the wave...
wrote downn all my unhappiiness iin 2007...
torre iit upp...
siigniifyiing: an end to everythiing...

No morre wiishfull thiinkiing,
no morre "whatt-iif"...

denn sleepoverr at leenx housee..^^
wokee upp 10plus am... went home andd she wentt workk...=X
so ya... homme-edd-> slepptt agaiin till 5plus pm...

thats iit...
myy neww yearr eve...siimple yett memorble..=)
neww hope awaiitiing...
neww memoriies wiith ppl arouunnd mii^^

ii felltt betterr..
every wiishful thiinkiing have come to an endd...
