Monday, March 31, 2008

wokee upp 8plus am.
leenx gave mii morniing call.
papa drove mii to leenx house,
so reachedd her house beforre 9am.
quiick ehs.
wenntt to feii-feii wanton noodles therre have breakfastt.
denn theyy drove us to skiin centrre.
ii acc leenx therre for her consultatioon.=X
the waiitiing tiime, ii swearr iits damn long.
forr mi.
leenx bullyy me. =(

consultatiion over.. took mediiciine andd everythhiing done byy 11am.
leenx sayy todayy one fastter then the fiirrst tiime shee came.
bus 21 to kallang then traiin to bugiis.
we arre SMART ehs.
diint lose our wayy at the skiin centre therre.

went to siing ktv at top 1.
fiirst tiime go therre.
ii liike.
the beverage at therre also niice-niice.
better. andd No GST, SERVICE CHARGE and etc. unliike the otherrs.

sang forr 6 hrs... sangg lots lots of soonggs.
liike fiinally. beenn ages siince we last wenntt K.
olddiies iis STILL the besst man. XD

thenn shoppiing at bugiis therre lor.
hadd diiner at tea-shakke hut.
skiipedd lunchh agaiin. =.='''

bought a miickey mouse tankk top.
now have sale leiis. 50% off lehs.
ii-m budgett, okkays. broke. weekend was terriibly burnt.

leenx boughtt a bagg, liike fiinally.
a proper school bagg.
hope shee liike iit.

thenn traiin-ed home tgtt.
anndd tada, ii am home.

tmr apriil fools dayy lurhs.

Niights, ppl. =)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

moviie-edd wiith leenx on satt..
stepp-upp 2 was awesome.
the streets.
we werre late forr the moviie.

mett korr andd choon-ho forr diiner afterr moviie.
that wass myy fiirst meall of the dayy.

slack-edd at NYDC.
ii love the placee we satt.
choon ho andd korr had henieken, mii andd leenx sharedd snowball's fav (iice-crream).
ry camme den.
by thenn 10plus ler..
5 of us wiithdraw $$$ out.
all damn brokke lurhs.

walkedd to centre poiint busstop,
ii went to leenx house.
theyy take 106 go parklane.

reacchedd daoo leenx house was 11plus pm ler..
been a long tiime ii sleppt over at her house.
thiiinkiing backk, aboutt 2 weeks plus ii diint miit daoo e-lii-tan lerr.
so yeps, fiinally, tdyy ii cann miit dao her.

slackedd awhiile,
denn cabb-edd to parklane joiinedd themm for pub.
ccabb farre damn ex.
costt us $13.50 justt to get therre.
niight liife iis an xpensiive actiivity.
reachhedd therre driinkk abiit.

thenn ry suggest go boat quayy the pubb whiich jacquelin workedd at.
so go lorr.
driinkk agaiin.
dontt liike.
alcohol taste muchh muchh better.
ii dontt liike.

home wiith leenx.
5plus am lerr.
iif ii-m nott wrong, leenx andd ii hadd a "fiight" beforre we sleep.
as iin, "catt-fiight".

woke upp aroundd 12 plus pm.
lennx sayy ii hiit dao her face whiile sleepiing the tiime. =.='''
ii diint rmb anythiing. oops.

spennt the wholle sundayy morniing, afternoon andd eveniing at her house.
of cos, talkiing andd gossipiing iiis a mustt-mustt.
ya lor.

tiime passed damn fastt.
andd tada, bus-edd home.
popo house forr diiner.
andd ii m home wiith lil bro.

oncce a whiile, iits alryte.
Tiing, u cantt gett addict-edd-ed.
xiiao jiiu so sweet,
go to some otherr iisland,
ii forgett wherre lerhs.
still boughhtt these lil keey chaiin backk forr us.
ii just wanna tell my family thatt ii love them,
but ii justt cannt get them out of myy fcukiing mouuth.

renyuann andd hiis retard facce.
iignorre hiim.

att leenx house, herr clothess andd herr miini shorts.
beforre goiing parklane.



andd leenx andd ii.
the lastt neopriint we tookk tgtt was dono how manyy tons andd miiliions yearss ago.
siimplyy us.

ii aiint a lil giirl anymoore.
as timme passes by.
as reality overwhelmed mii.
iinstead, ii feel old looking at the pastt pfoto.
ii niid a breather.
who can lend mii a shoulder.?

Friday, March 28, 2008

CIB clearr-edd. !!!=)
mett ling, meliisa, andd juliie to handd upp the projectt tgt.
denn wantedd to make payment but somehow we couldntt.
boo. finance. **umm-umm**
bus 184 to panjangg, denn change to buss 700 to suntecc convention.
but but we lostt our wayy, andd stopp at wrongg stopp. bus 700 route ehs, confusiing. =X
so aliightedd somewher att raffles. =X
thru-outt the whole bus-riide journeyy, the 4 of us keppt talkiing abt "mo-mo"
shariing ourr diiff "mo-mo" experiiencess.
so erriie larrhs. =X

oh ya, cabb-edd dowm fromm raffles therre.
dontt realli know wherr,
we got lostt somehow.
juliie wass starv-edd.
so ya. hadd luchh at piizzahut suntecc therre.
theiirr customerr serviice veryy gd.

andd of cos we chattedd non-stopp,
evenn afterr we eatt fiinish, we still continue to stayy therre andd chatt till abt one hour later.
pro ehs.
giirls cann reallii talkk. =)
oops, liing shy shyy ehs, shee blush-edd.
gosh. "shantt tell u guyss whyy."
too thiirstyy ler, so askedd the waiiter for 4 cupss of water,
guess we sat there forr too longg, evenn one waiitress camme andd askk us hows the food.
we smiiled.

whenn we wanna bill, we raiise-edd our hands, but nobodyy saw us leiis.
so myy cleverr, iintelligentt, prettyy LIING clapp clapp herr handds twiice,
andd the waiiter walkedd over.
gosh. so funny cans.
thatt was the seconnd tiime alrdy.
we all laughh till dono whatt.

so ya, walkedd to conventiion therre,
thenn got ppl giiviing outt balloons,
meliisa andd i iwantedd, actually, liing also want one.
butt we liike shyy shyy, so iin thee endd we all justt forget abtt the balloon.

met melisa fren- michelle.
so tada, wentt to the body shop warehouse sale.
damn lots of ppl cans.
hahahah. andd we joiinedd iin the crowdd.
professional squeezing skiills iis requiired. =X

we boughtt lots of stuff,
ii boughtt the most.
mostlyy all strawberryy and cranberryy one.
the fragrancee all smell so "sweet" larrhs.
sweet sweett one.
ii liike.
the priices all lowerr then costt priice.
so ii savedd a lot too.

thenn bus 133 to bugiis tgtt.
went to the temple therr.e
melisa wantedd to get the fortune tellers to readd her palm.
but iin the endd, diint.
diid good deeds, happy happyy.
thee worldd iisnt realli that cruel.
went to a famous taiwan dessert shopp forr mango andd duriian puddiing. =)
sharredd wiith liing.

siim-liim-sq.. cos julie gotta collectt some stuff.
so ya..
thenn bus 197 hom-edd.
walkedd home wiith mummy.
tada herre ii am. =)

andd papa andd muummy boughtt supper backk
- youtiiao, dou hua, egg tarts. . .


Wednessdayy outiing wiith sec- school classmates.

Theyy NEVERR oncee diisappoiint mii.!

Prii school friiends!
Rachel Ong, Huan Li, Andeliine andd mii!
ii swearr, ii love them.
Ourr food.!
Andeliine green tea.
so biigh forr 1 ppl leiis XD

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Babe, liing andd ii surviivedd on ALL thesee for two days.
the 2 piics abovve.
addiictedd to the sunflowerr seeds XD!
school sell 80cents
wherrelse sheng shiiong only sellf 60cents. =X
Mr lecturer gave class thiis andd anotherr thiing.
thiis was whatt babe, liing andd ii have. XD

does iit resemble. ?!
mett liing ndd bii foRmac breakfastt.
yepps. we rr so so iin love wiith mac breakfastt.
collecttedd payy for surveyorr workk from melvyn.
ii got 82 bucks niia.
at home countedd 83 bucks one.
but somehow somewherr somethiing went wrong,
andd countedd several tiimes by liing, ah bii, melvynn and myself.
but still not the same as whatt ii had countedd at home.

so sad=(
nbrr miind, liing was the "maiin" top[iic of the dayy.
hahaha.. "mii-mii"
denn bus-ed to eunos tgtt to bankk iin $$$.
fiinally, morre iinput nowadayys. =)
shoppedd awhiile at the thiis fashiion at eunos control statiion therre lurhs.
boughtt the same topp as liing,
miiine is blackk colourr andd hers greyy one. =)

so ya lorr, thenn bus-ed 154 wiith ah bii home-edd. . .
completedd myy partt for projectt. =X
thiink melisa andd juliie mustt have crackk theiir braiin till sufferiing severre brain damage now.
sry, diint realli diid much. =(
thanks, giirls.

popo house forr diinerr.
thiis week, have not yett had diiner att popo house , so ya.
ii miiss themm lurhs.
popo speciially cook potato striips for me.
siimple yett tastyy andd gann-dong.
ii superr love the potatoes cookedd byy popo. =)
ome of myy favouriite.
felt so warm afterr haviing diiner.
hadd brreakfastt but skiipedd lunch.

tv-edd, talkedd wiith them, always beiing the lil ah-giirl iin theiir eyes.
ii seriiously cheriishedd andd treasurre them a lot a lot,
the warmth in the family is mostt-mosst preciious gem.

home-edd wiith lil bro,
taughtt hiim how to do hiis hw,
talkedd abt hiis interesting events in school tdy,
blablablablablabla~~~ on and on,
so cute, thenn playedd wiith hiim, XD
we "danc-edd" turnn herre turnn therre,
you knoww liike thee couplle coupple dance datt kiind,
we triiedd doiing those turniings, andd endedd upp laughiing non-stopp.


a miistake,
ii thiink iits becos. . .
ii dont thiink ii neededd those fantasy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lastt dayy afterr worrk.
centuryy sq. !
Liing andd II!!!

lil cutee bro andd Tiing.

The 4 puppets liing andd ii playedd at kiiddy palace. XD

Fiirst dayy of workk.
Tiing, ah bii andd liing.

Ah bii andd Tiing.=)
Lastly, the thrreesoome.
ii love them.
mama, ana, liing andd ahh bii. XD
SUPERRR long postt.
Patiience ppl XD

mondayy andd tues have beenn a busyy and tiriing day.
projects dateliine andd quiiz.
but well, one 20% project cleared.
20% quiz cleared. was alryte but triicky though.

so leftt the mostt immpt 50% project due on frii. =(
ii am the blurr-edd one.
thiis time round.

haiis. feels so bad.
tmrr gonna do customerr profiliing.

todayy was the lastt day of principle of management.
5 days, ii have surviived.! =)
yea!!! andd 2 morre modules to go to get certificate in business.
ii will try harderr the nextt tiime roundd.

tr was kiind enough to giive us 5 hr plus to do our project.
whoo. tiime was running out.
iimagiine, have to learn about busiiness fundamentals wiithiin 5 days.
not only datt, plus 2 projects, andd one quiiz. ARGHH!~

LASTT dayy ler.
liing andd ii communiicated thru drawiings iin letter.
wiith piics those kiind. XD
dammn funny andd cool can.
hadd lots of funn tryiing to interprett the meaning behiind the piics.

andd yeaps. took foto wiith tr.
so sad. lastt day ler.
so ya. well. liife is liike thiis. ~
iits always the last sessiion whenn one will . . .
boo. come on!~~~

bus-edd 61 to holland v wiith melisa andd juliie andd liing.
liing andd ii foughtt.
lol... ii mean those play playy one.
yeps.. we "foughtt" . andd ii WON. HAHAHA!!! tryy harderr nextt tiime.

denn melisa, juliie andd ii alighted. cos we changiing bus to go to ciine.
so ya.
fiinally, ii got myy payy forr the kiids one. =X
dots.. waiited damn long cans.

denn theyy acc mi to busstop to waiit for bus 7.
andd tada, bugiis-edd.!
miit andeliine, aiilin, sharon, zihui, jiingwen, rachel ong, huanlii. XD
diiner-edd at some restaurantt.

catchh upp agaiin. ^^
rachel was the maiin topiic.
thenn walk-ed to mariina sq.
Anderson iice-creamm.! goshh.
**carbo** BUTT nahs, once a whiile. =)

photoo tiime!!!
funn tiime too.! =D
oh ya, andd so "qiiao" saw baobeii emiily and herr bf att suntec conventiion therre.
took fotos tgtt too.
damn miiss her cans. =)
gave herr a biig hugg whenn saw her. =X
ii miiss her, jas, rachel tan. . . .
**siigh** busyy wiith our ownn liife.

hmm.. afterr anderson iice-creamm,
boo. to the openn spacee.
wherre therre arre lots of stepps, opposiite esplanadee one.
ziihuii was damn reluctantt to walkk so muuch.
jiingwenn leftt as she have schh the nextt morniing.
yeps, slackk therre. talkedd.
ii liiked.
siimplle mooments liike thiis iis preciious.

traiin-edd thenn bus-edd home.
talkk to leenx on the fone. XD
ii aso damn miiss her butt whhee~ ii am seeiing herr thiis sat ler.
gdgdgdgd ^^
lots of thiing to sharre wiith one anotherr ler.
oh ya, andd backk to top[iic. we talkedd abt some stuff.

afterr knowiing, ii have compliicatedd andd miixedd feeliing.
shuld ii be happyy or sad.
or even both?!
mummyy sayy thiiis type of thiing shouldntt beliive too muchh but ii still feel certaiin parts veryy true.
ii have to prevennt everythiing from reoccuriing agaiin.
*->3 properr meals at proper tiime.
*->betterr temper.

andd projects.

restt tiime. =)
will uploadd piics one dayy whenn ii gett them .


whenn a r/s end,
iif both of them are still able to remaiin as frriends,
iit siimply means thatt whenn theyy werre tgt, theyy werent reallyy iin love att all.
andd ii happen to belong to the other category.
whenn r/s ended,
we cant even remaiin as frriiends.
orr maybe one dayy,
ii wiish, ii could.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

::.22 March 08.:

Miitt liing andd bi at spore postt for mac-breakfastt.
so ya. denn traiin-ed to expo.
no standardd tiime (free and easy) for work so ya lor.
surveyor. surveyy onlyy have 2 qns.
good good hor.

was ratherr enthusiiastiic iiniitially, howeverr afterr hiitting a few nails, diint have the mood to contiinue ler. =X
but still ii triied.
saw manyy diiifferent ppl.
pregnant mummiies, chiildren, youngsterrs wiith wiierd dressing, uncles and aunties.

Conclusiion: Ren you hen duo zhong (iin chiinese)
so ya. andd diinerr tgtt at BK aroundd 8plus.
tiiriing. whole bodyy achiing. =(

hadd funnyy encounters.
**shantt say.**
the moore ii look att how youngsterrs nowadays dress remiind mii of myy younger days.
AHH~ ii feel so so old. =(

bus-eddd 24 home wiith ah bii.
andd data entry.

::.23 Marchh 08.::

miit ah bii at spore post for mac breakfastt agaiin.
haha.. breakfastt veryy iimpt one.!
so iits a MUST-MUST to have breakfast.
so ya.
andd bus 24 to expo.
miit liing therre.

startedd around 12plus pm.
so ya. andd iniitially, wasnt so smooth.
andd ii approachedd thiis uncle.
andd he began telliing me hiis "philosophy"
politely, ii chatted wiith hiim for morre thann 15 miinutes. =X
fiinallyy, our conversation ended. =)
iif not ii m gonna diie ler.
but ii do agree wiith some stuff he mentioned.

Be positive for the world is neber fair,
is just the way you thiink,
iif thiink posiitive then maybe the world would be muchh faiirer.

so ya. contiinuedd.
hmm. ii triied my best despiite rejectiions.
rejectiions aiint a good feeliing. =(
but still, smiiled.

the philosopherr uncle walkedd backk andd headed towards my diirectiion,
so ii quiickly walkk over to liing therre.
iindeed, he startedd talkiing to us. =X
wahh. wan diie liiaos.
ahh bii called mii andd ii fake fakee walkk away,
leaviing liing therre.
LOL. thenn ah bii andd ii discuussiing how to save her. =X
iin the end after 1/2 an hr denn the uncle leave.
wahhs. !$!#@#!%#^$#^#$^#^#$^#
Liing also damn cute, she dropped her pen andd squatted down but still the uncle contiinuedd talkiing. =.='''

we workedd till abt 6pm jiiu go off ler.
saww deborah andd we aiint sure iif we saaw the riight person.
so keepp walkiing pastt her.
iindeed, iits her.
andd talkedd awhiile.

denn diiner-edd wiith liing.

so ya, contiinuedd our shoppiing,
centuryy sq.!
ii boughtt palms (20 bucks) andd a redd bad (13 bucks) !!!
soo happiie.!!!
fiinally, ii foundd the bagg ii liike andd not so ex. =)

so ya. kiiddy-palace.!!!
andd liing andd ii hadd a greatt tiime therre.
ii swearr.
sharred our past experiiencess wiith the toyys therre.
those toyys whiich we once playedd when we werre kiids,
now still have.
or evenn better and modernised one.
wahh~ kiids nowadays arre damn fortunate larrhs.

greatt andd enjoyable timme at kiiddy palace,
those fond memoriies whiile we werre younng arre so clear even till now. =)
liing also told mii the funny thiings she diid whenn she was young.
everyone have theiir siilly tiimes, so do ii.

yeah. andd cam-whoredd at the niice niice toilet at century sq.
hmm. fotos. damn cool larrhs. !!!
ii love iit.
blehs. XD

andd tada, home-ed.
data entryy.
andd project.

Be happy.
andd TAKE-carre always. =)

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Friday, March 21, 2008

supposed to meet grp members at 11.30am.
iinstead, woke up at 10.30am.
dots.. andd ii need 1 hr to travel to KAP.

project for the entiire afternoon.
braiin sufferiing from severre damage.
runniing out of tiime.
just do iit. =X

reachedd home 7plus pm.
tiired+hungry+sleepy+iriitated = moody.
iindeed, ii was iin a badd badd mood.
papa andd mummy talkedd to me but ii ignoredd comppletely.
all iin my own world.
sometimes, no matter how strong ii may appear to be,
ii still have my fragile andd weak time.

but still gotta contiinue.
ii have to.

Melissa "STAR" wiith Liing hawayii band.

Liing andd Tiing.!!!
niight off!
hope workk will be smooth andd successful tomorrow. =)
andd project kiills.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Class-edd at 9am.
boo. tiiring. learnt how to run my own busiiness iin futurre.
II HAVE learnt somethiing new.!!!
hmms. 1 project due on this coming monday, and anotherr one due on 27th march.
we protectted ourselves from unnecessary problem. XD
you justt cannt say "NO". duh,.

II swearr thiis is the mostt tediious modulee.
iin 5 days,
sounds impossible, but Mr. Lecturrer was niice enough to guiide us thru everythiing.
andd hiis endless storyy about the 1970s.
ii surviivedd two days alrdy.
yea, man.
class-ed endedd on tiime.
bus-edd 154 wiith Liing to sporre post to miit ah bii.
yes! we talkedd thru out the entiire journey. XD
journeyy was fast. saw ah bii, went tgtt to the office for briiefiing.
iindeed, the manager iis a man of hiis word. =)
so ya, briiefing was short and sweet.
wentt food-court andd had fruiits.
suddenly have an urge to have fruits.
Shopp-edd awhiile at the this fashiion.
spore post dont have anythiing to shopp one.

so ya lor.

We triiedd some long sleeves dress.
LOL. dont look riight.
me andd ah bii triied the siimilar one.
andd fotos.!

denn jiiu say "bye-bye" ler.

liing go miit herr boyyboyy for diiner,

ah bi go home for diiiner,

andd ii went to popo house for diiner.

da jiiu bought some crackers backk from bangkok.
damn. iits hiighly ADDICTIIVE man.!
supremely yummy cans.!
denn xiiao-jiiu bought "bandung" soya bean miilk wiith pearls..
andd hadd a good chat wiith my famiily. =)
its LOVE.

pllayed wiith lil bro.
he would giive me a good-niight kiiss everyniight beforre goiing to bed.
andd tada. gonna go restt ler, meeting grp members for projectt tomorrow.
weekends are burnt.


Babe gave me thiis miini-lollipop. XD
STRAWBERRY one leis.


The fruiit ii had at spore post.


Ahbii, Tiing, Liing.

The bandung soya bean driink.
