Class-edd at 9am.
boo. tiiring. learnt how to run my own busiiness iin futurre.
II HAVE learnt somethiing new.!!!
hmms. 1 project due on this coming monday, and anotherr one due on 27th march.
we protectted ourselves from unnecessary problem. XD
you justt cannt say "NO". duh,.
II swearr thiis is the mostt tediious modulee.
iin 5 days,
sounds impossible, but Mr. Lecturrer was niice enough to guiide us thru everythiing.
andd hiis endless storyy about the 1970s.
ii surviivedd two days alrdy.
yea, man.
class-ed endedd on tiime.
bus-edd 154 wiith Liing to sporre post to miit ah bii.
bus-edd 154 wiith Liing to sporre post to miit ah bii.
yes! we talkedd thru out the entiire journey. XD
journeyy was fast. saw ah bii, went tgtt to the office for briiefiing.
iindeed, the manager iis a man of hiis word. =)
so ya, briiefing was short and sweet.
wentt food-court andd had fruiits.
suddenly have an urge to have fruits.
Shopp-edd awhiile at the this fashiion.
spore post dont have anythiing to shopp one.
so ya lor.
We triiedd some long sleeves dress.
LOL. dont look riight.
me andd ah bii triied the siimilar one.
andd fotos.!
denn jiiu say "bye-bye" ler.
liing go miit herr boyyboyy for diiner,
ah bi go home for diiiner,
andd ii went to popo house for diiner.
da jiiu bought some crackers backk from bangkok.
damn. iits hiighly ADDICTIIVE man.!
supremely yummy cans.!
denn xiiao-jiiu bought "bandung" soya bean miilk wiith pearls..
andd hadd a good chat wiith my famiily. =)
its LOVE.
pllayed wiith lil bro.
he would giive me a good-niight kiiss everyniight beforre goiing to bed.
andd tada. gonna go restt ler, meeting grp members for projectt tomorrow.
weekends are burnt.
Babe gave me thiis miini-lollipop. XD
STRAWBERRY one leis.
Ahbii, Tiing, Liing.
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