Fiinallyy ii met daoo Liing andd Ahh bii lerr=)
deciidedd to watchh the moviie on :

iindeed, we made the riight choiice iin watchiing thiis japanese mo0viie. XD
iits damn niice, sweet, touchiing, romantiic andd comiical larrhs.
moviie lastedd for 2 hrs.
andd liing andd ii the waterr tapp keptt swiitchedd on.
we keepp sniiff sniiff andd tearrs keep roll down.
ii damn liike the guyy actor-> Hiro.
ii thiink he looks veryy shuaii and cool.
though he looks liike badd baddd guyy, but actually he veryy gd one.
thenn also veryy touchiing, protectiive andd sweett to Mika (the main actress iin the movie).
mustt watchh mustt watchh~~
bbut so sad, iin the end, Hiro died of cancer.
afterr goiing a biig round, they are backk to the same place.
Theyy really love each other a lot a lot one.
but so sad. cannot togetherr happily ever after.
afterr moviie, we bus-edd to park mall for sakae buffet.
three of us diint have lunch. =.='''
so orderedd a lot of food therre. have tepanyakki too. XD
ah bi andd ii damn love the "assorted vegetables"- tepanyakki bean sprouts larrhs.
but dono why theyy giive suchh a compliicatedd and profound name. =.='''
so ya. andd we ate a lot alot.
thenn leftt around 6plus pm.
by then was damn full ler.
stomachh was damn "bloated".
anywayy, food was yummy andd deliicious..!!!
andd damn iit, afterr whiich, ii was so full till ii dint feel alryte larrhs.
iimagiine the feeliing of haviing a about to explode stomach.
wan blurp also cantt blurpp ouut. =X
ah bii andd liing walkedd backk to town.
andd ii bus-edd home.
andd damn. bus was freakiing packedd!!! liike sardiines liike thatt!
afterr few mins, found a seatt, andd sat down.
dont know whyy so tiired andd... haiis, justt diint feel riight.
moodless. walkedd backk home iin a shag-edd manner.
tv--ed. restt-edd awhiile andd ii am alryte.
hadd onllyy one proper meal for the entiire of today.
deciidedd to watchh the moviie on :

iindeed, we made the riight choiice iin watchiing thiis japanese mo0viie. XD
iits damn niice, sweet, touchiing, romantiic andd comiical larrhs.
moviie lastedd for 2 hrs.
andd liing andd ii the waterr tapp keptt swiitchedd on.
we keepp sniiff sniiff andd tearrs keep roll down.
ii damn liike the guyy actor-> Hiro.
ii thiink he looks veryy shuaii and cool.
though he looks liike badd baddd guyy, but actually he veryy gd one.
thenn also veryy touchiing, protectiive andd sweett to Mika (the main actress iin the movie).
mustt watchh mustt watchh~~
bbut so sad, iin the end, Hiro died of cancer.
afterr goiing a biig round, they are backk to the same place.
Theyy really love each other a lot a lot one.
but so sad. cannot togetherr happily ever after.
afterr moviie, we bus-edd to park mall for sakae buffet.
three of us diint have lunch. =.='''
so orderedd a lot of food therre. have tepanyakki too. XD
ah bi andd ii damn love the "assorted vegetables"- tepanyakki bean sprouts larrhs.
but dono why theyy giive suchh a compliicatedd and profound name. =.='''
so ya. andd we ate a lot alot.
thenn leftt around 6plus pm.
by then was damn full ler.
stomachh was damn "bloated".
anywayy, food was yummy andd deliicious..!!!
andd damn iit, afterr whiich, ii was so full till ii dint feel alryte larrhs.
iimagiine the feeliing of haviing a about to explode stomach.
wan blurp also cantt blurpp ouut. =X
ah bii andd liing walkedd backk to town.
andd ii bus-edd home.
andd damn. bus was freakiing packedd!!! liike sardiines liike thatt!
afterr few mins, found a seatt, andd sat down.
dont know whyy so tiired andd... haiis, justt diint feel riight.
moodless. walkedd backk home iin a shag-edd manner.
tv--ed. restt-edd awhiile andd ii am alryte.
hadd onllyy one proper meal for the entiire of today.
oh ya.. andd whenn onliine-edd.
liing andd ii liike superr addiicted to the casts of the movie.
theiir musiic, hiiro!!!
andd tada Ling found these piics. XD
ii wan go buy.
iis realli a veryy niice moviie =)
oh ya~
got backk results ler.
although all passed but still not so good as Sem 1.
somehow, it droopped.
earlii iin the morniing, receiivedd sms abt the results.
thenn so scary,
thenn so scary,
scaredd ii fail some modules.
dont dare see my fone.
but heng ah, diint faiil.
but GPA not good.
ii will work harderr nextt sem.
ii promiised.
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