Breakfatt wiith babe andd liing was AWESOME.
freeziing colldd iin the earlyy morniing. a
aferr breakfast, walkedd under the raiin wiiith myy cardiigen hood tgt wiith babe andd Liing.
so fuunny, we look liike penguiins ehs. XD
aferr breakfast, walkedd under the raiin wiiith myy cardiigen hood tgt wiith babe andd Liing.
so fuunny, we look liike penguiins ehs. XD
andd diploma plus briiefiing lastedd onlyy liike 30mins.
so fastt. =.=
not even my travelliing timme to and fro.
workloadd gonna be heaviier.
get ready, giirl =)
acc babe at canteen 1 slackk.
andd lalalalllalala, ii am home.
preparredd andd off to meett leenx.
boughtt redd nail poliish andd fake eye-lash. XD
boughtt redd nail poliish andd fake eye-lash. XD
tdyy ii have lots andd lots of secretts.
dontt tell you!!!
ate sth at bugiis cafe.
andd bus-edd 7 to Holland V for workk.
talkedd abt chalett stuff herre andd theree andd soon, we reached.
not late.
but still earli.
tdyy feels so wiierd.
dono whyy.
maybe rested too long from the lastt time ii gave out flyer bahs. =X
THE feel not riight larrhs.
THE feel not riight larrhs.
ppl liiviing therre arrer riich,
or should ii say ppl who wentt therre are also riich.
work tdy was boriing.
time was slow.
althoughh work only for four hours but iit kiills.
somehow or what, we managed to make the time past. //=X
afterr work ended, ate again at the Holland market.
food therre still considered not bad not bad.
so ya. =)

oh ya. work endedd andd took bus 7 home.
whille waiting for bus, thiink leenx andd ii got miistook.
dots. we talkedd as iif the restt doesnt even exiist. XD
andd on bus, jokes andd crapp contiinues.
andd on and on, andd ii reachhed my bus-stopp .
paiinted my naiil red.
hehehehe XD ii liike.
niights people!!!~~~
oh ya, ii am exciitedd abt the chalett cum bbq thiis sat till monday man.
gonna be lots and lots of fun.
endless cam-whoriing.
ii swear.
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