Hadd a sweett andd beautiiful dream,
ii swear.
as such, ii refused to wake up so woke up late.
raiiniing by the tiime ii woke up.
took a longerr route to popo house.
the route whiich ii would seldom walk.
as ii would rather not.
Then pass by thiis playground. deciidede to take pfoto of thiis .
memorriies flowed back.
brought many diifferent ppl to this playground.
ppl ii love dearly,
ppl ii will always remember,
ppl whom ii thought was my good frriends but endedd up not.
ppl who really cared for me.
the start of a beautiful r/s began here,
and so do the end of everythiing.
3 years, playground still the same,
just that certain things chang-edd.
so do you.
andd ii.
so do this path.
walked through this path wiith diifferent ppl.
but none seems to last.
how many more ppl will walk thru everythiing wiith me.?!?!
fiinnally, ii deciided.
ii was contracditing.
rmb that very first day of yr 2008.
ii swear.
as such, ii refused to wake up so woke up late.
raiiniing by the tiime ii woke up.
took a longerr route to popo house.
the route whiich ii would seldom walk.
as ii would rather not.
memorriies flowed back.
brought many diifferent ppl to this playground.
ppl ii love dearly,
ppl ii will always remember,
ppl whom ii thought was my good frriends but endedd up not.
ppl who really cared for me.
the start of a beautiful r/s began here,
and so do the end of everythiing.
3 years, playground still the same,
just that certain things chang-edd.
so do you.
andd ii.
walked through this path wiith diifferent ppl.
but none seems to last.
how many more ppl will walk thru everythiing wiith me.?!?!
fiinnally, ii deciided.
ii was contracditing.
rmb that very first day of yr 2008.
ii tore up everything.
ii SWEAR ii would.
ii SWEAR ii would.
so here iit goes: GOOD-BYE memoriies!!! i dont wan keep any of iit anymorre.
andd tada... ii reachh-ed popo house.
tv-edd andd acc grandparentss watch tbee, chiit-chatt wiith them .
ii made iit a must to go viisit them at least once every week. =)
so ya..
denn brought lil bro home.
play-edd wiith hiim andd watchhed doraemon wiith hiim.
bye peeps. XD
nights OFF.
nights OFF.
wat a coldd andd freeziing day.
backk to school for briiefiing tmr ..
oh ya, but fiirst, gonna meet babe andd Liing for breakfastt at KAP.
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