hadd a "miiinii" sports dayy.
BADMIINTON wiith Andeliine, Huan Li, Zii huii. andd plus me.!
the 4 of us.
met andeliine for lunchh at pp.
hadd mac.
supposedly, miiss koh huan li was supposed to joiin us for lunch one larr.
iin the end, raiin too biig ler, she lazzyy to bring her umbrrella. so cannt miit us at pp. =X
sso leftt andeliine andd me.
we startedd catchiing upp lots of stuff.
we chatt chatt tiill nearlyy forget tiime den leave mac for mariine parade cc for badminton.
huan li book the court at 2pm. andd we supposed to meet at 1.30pm.
but we left at 1.45pm larr. =X
nahs.. itts okay.
andeliine andd ii went up to the badmiinton therre meet them. =)
so happy.. so long no exerciise ler.
andd ii mean seriiouslly exerciise. =)
beiing the giirls.
we procrastiinated and complaiined of the stuffiiness, hotness andd sweattiing.
giirls will always be giirls.
despiite dat, ii admit we had a fun andd enjoyable tiime tgt!
ii guaranteed.
tiime passed damn fast.
so its was otherr ppl turn.
went liibrary to chiill andd calm ourself down. =)
denn walk to parkway parade forr diiner.
we hadd a craviing for chocolate fondue.
so we headed to Anderson andd orderedd a couple set.
**loviing-loviing** larrhs.
ii swearr, iits so damn yummy yummy larrhs.
4 of us catch up as usual, the lastt time we met was liike iin Feb.
cann talk abt lots of stuff, frm sch stuff to driiving stuff denn to sec schh stuff denn etc etc.
endless man~ ii swear.
so ya. by then iit was 6plus pm.
we talkedd for 2 hrs plus non-stopp.
fiinally, we left Anderson.
andd settledd down agaiin iin KFC forr a properr diiner.
andd on the wayy out, saw someone.
shant sayy hiis name.
guess ppl do change.
somehow or what.
iignoore me.
boughtt ourr food.. andd contiinuedd talkiing agaiin. =)
so happy, ii serrioouslly love andd cherriish andd treasurre all my secc school frriiends.
ii swear.
theyy occupiied 1/4 of myy liife.
anotherr 1/4 iis happie-fam andd school work.
anotherr 1/4 iis famiily.
the lastt 1/4 iis frriends.
okayy, backk to whatt ii was sayyiing.
we contiinuedd gossiipiing.
liike whaatt i saiid earliier, giirls cannt stannd beiing quiiet.
oh ya~ andd we plannedd ourr nextt outiing.
whiich iss anotherr badmiinton day on thiis comiing tues.
so **happiie**
was supposedd to be go gym one. but sortt of veryy ma-fan.
so posst-phonedd to anotherr day.
so ya. XD
andd ziihuii andd ii keepp dii-siiao huan lii wiith herr haiir extensiion.
hahaha. **laughss**
causee haiir extensiion the haiir ehs.. dono the ppl from salon get from wherre one.
so keep[pp] scarre her thatt the haiir iis from "deadd" ppl.
orr maybe. . . .
not earlii ler.
so deciided to go home.
by the tiime reachedd dao home was sliightly before 9pm.
Leenx calledd me so chatt wiith herr on the wayy backk.
conclusiion of the horoscope on Aries iis,
.:: Filrt.
.:: Fiickle-miinded.
.:: Hearrtt-breaker.
.:: Put themselvess FIIRST andd otherrs SECOND.
iif youu arre an Ariies, andd happens to readd thiis part.
**Noo offencee regardiing to the horoscope.**
ohh yaa!!!
so happyy for andeline, her results so good.!!!
shiitt. ii gettiing miine tomoorow.
resultss gonna be released tomorrow.
forr now, ii dont feel the nervousness andd tensiion.
maybe tmrr, ii will.
gonna wakke upp earlly tmr. beforre 8am.
Niiights peepss =)
hadd a "miiinii" sports dayy.
BADMIINTON wiith Andeliine, Huan Li, Zii huii. andd plus me.!
the 4 of us.
met andeliine for lunchh at pp.
hadd mac.
supposedly, miiss koh huan li was supposed to joiin us for lunch one larr.
iin the end, raiin too biig ler, she lazzyy to bring her umbrrella. so cannt miit us at pp. =X
sso leftt andeliine andd me.
we startedd catchiing upp lots of stuff.
we chatt chatt tiill nearlyy forget tiime den leave mac for mariine parade cc for badminton.
huan li book the court at 2pm. andd we supposed to meet at 1.30pm.
but we left at 1.45pm larr. =X
nahs.. itts okay.
andeliine andd ii went up to the badmiinton therre meet them. =)
so happy.. so long no exerciise ler.
andd ii mean seriiouslly exerciise. =)
beiing the giirls.
we procrastiinated and complaiined of the stuffiiness, hotness andd sweattiing.
giirls will always be giirls.
despiite dat, ii admit we had a fun andd enjoyable tiime tgt!
ii guaranteed.
tiime passed damn fast.
so its was otherr ppl turn.
went liibrary to chiill andd calm ourself down. =)
denn walk to parkway parade forr diiner.
we hadd a craviing for chocolate fondue.
so we headed to Anderson andd orderedd a couple set.
**loviing-loviing** larrhs.
ii swearr, iits so damn yummy yummy larrhs.
4 of us catch up as usual, the lastt time we met was liike iin Feb.
cann talk abt lots of stuff, frm sch stuff to driiving stuff denn to sec schh stuff denn etc etc.
endless man~ ii swear.
so ya. by then iit was 6plus pm.
we talkedd for 2 hrs plus non-stopp.
fiinally, we left Anderson.
andd settledd down agaiin iin KFC forr a properr diiner.
andd on the wayy out, saw someone.
shant sayy hiis name.
guess ppl do change.
somehow or what.
iignoore me.
boughtt ourr food.. andd contiinuedd talkiing agaiin. =)
so happy, ii serrioouslly love andd cherriish andd treasurre all my secc school frriiends.
ii swear.
theyy occupiied 1/4 of myy liife.
anotherr 1/4 iis happie-fam andd school work.
anotherr 1/4 iis famiily.
the lastt 1/4 iis frriends.
okayy, backk to whatt ii was sayyiing.
we contiinuedd gossiipiing.
liike whaatt i saiid earliier, giirls cannt stannd beiing quiiet.
oh ya~ andd we plannedd ourr nextt outiing.
whiich iss anotherr badmiinton day on thiis comiing tues.
so **happiie**
was supposedd to be go gym one. but sortt of veryy ma-fan.
so posst-phonedd to anotherr day.
so ya. XD
andd ziihuii andd ii keepp dii-siiao huan lii wiith herr haiir extensiion.
hahaha. **laughss**
causee haiir extensiion the haiir ehs.. dono the ppl from salon get from wherre one.
so keep[pp] scarre her thatt the haiir iis from "deadd" ppl.
orr maybe. . . .
not earlii ler.
so deciided to go home.
by the tiime reachedd dao home was sliightly before 9pm.
Leenx calledd me so chatt wiith herr on the wayy backk.
conclusiion of the horoscope on Aries iis,
.:: Filrt.
.:: Fiickle-miinded.
.:: Hearrtt-breaker.
.:: Put themselvess FIIRST andd otherrs SECOND.
iif youu arre an Ariies, andd happens to readd thiis part.
**Noo offencee regardiing to the horoscope.**
ohh yaa!!!
so happyy for andeline, her results so good.!!!
shiitt. ii gettiing miine tomoorow.
resultss gonna be released tomorrow.
forr now, ii dont feel the nervousness andd tensiion.
maybe tmrr, ii will.
gonna wakke upp earlly tmr. beforre 8am.
Niiights peepss =)
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