supposed to meet grp members at 11.30am.
iinstead, woke up at 10.30am.
dots.. andd ii need 1 hr to travel to KAP.
project for the entiire afternoon.
braiin sufferiing from severre damage.
runniing out of tiime.
just do iit. =X
reachedd home 7plus pm.
tiired+hungry+sleepy+iriitated = moody.
iindeed, ii was iin a badd badd mood.
papa andd mummy talkedd to me but ii ignoredd comppletely.
all iin my own world.
sometimes, no matter how strong ii may appear to be,
ii still have my fragile andd weak time.
but still gotta contiinue.
ii have to.

supposed to meet grp members at 11.30am.
iinstead, woke up at 10.30am.
dots.. andd ii need 1 hr to travel to KAP.
project for the entiire afternoon.
braiin sufferiing from severre damage.
runniing out of tiime.
just do iit. =X
reachedd home 7plus pm.
tiired+hungry+sleepy+iriitated = moody.
iindeed, ii was iin a badd badd mood.
papa andd mummy talkedd to me but ii ignoredd comppletely.
all iin my own world.
sometimes, no matter how strong ii may appear to be,
ii still have my fragile andd weak time.
but still gotta contiinue.
ii have to.

Melissa "STAR" wiith Liing hawayii band.
Liing andd Tiing.!!!
niight off!
hope workk will be smooth andd successful tomorrow. =)
andd project kiills.
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