Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SUPERRR long postt.
Patiience ppl XD

mondayy andd tues have beenn a busyy and tiriing day.
projects dateliine andd quiiz.
but well, one 20% project cleared.
20% quiz cleared. was alryte but triicky though.

so leftt the mostt immpt 50% project due on frii. =(
ii am the blurr-edd one.
thiis time round.

haiis. feels so bad.
tmrr gonna do customerr profiliing.

todayy was the lastt day of principle of management.
5 days, ii have surviived.! =)
yea!!! andd 2 morre modules to go to get certificate in business.
ii will try harderr the nextt tiime roundd.

tr was kiind enough to giive us 5 hr plus to do our project.
whoo. tiime was running out.
iimagiine, have to learn about busiiness fundamentals wiithiin 5 days.
not only datt, plus 2 projects, andd one quiiz. ARGHH!~

LASTT dayy ler.
liing andd ii communiicated thru drawiings iin letter.
wiith piics those kiind. XD
dammn funny andd cool can.
hadd lots of funn tryiing to interprett the meaning behiind the piics.

andd yeaps. took foto wiith tr.
so sad. lastt day ler.
so ya. well. liife is liike thiis. ~
iits always the last sessiion whenn one will . . .
boo. come on!~~~

bus-edd 61 to holland v wiith melisa andd juliie andd liing.
liing andd ii foughtt.
lol... ii mean those play playy one.
yeps.. we "foughtt" . andd ii WON. HAHAHA!!! tryy harderr nextt tiime.

denn melisa, juliie andd ii alighted. cos we changiing bus to go to ciine.
so ya.
fiinally, ii got myy payy forr the kiids one. =X
dots.. waiited damn long cans.

denn theyy acc mi to busstop to waiit for bus 7.
andd tada, bugiis-edd.!
miit andeliine, aiilin, sharon, zihui, jiingwen, rachel ong, huanlii. XD
diiner-edd at some restaurantt.

catchh upp agaiin. ^^
rachel was the maiin topiic.
thenn walk-ed to mariina sq.
Anderson iice-creamm.! goshh.
**carbo** BUTT nahs, once a whiile. =)

photoo tiime!!!
funn tiime too.! =D
oh ya, andd so "qiiao" saw baobeii emiily and herr bf att suntec conventiion therre.
took fotos tgtt too.
damn miiss her cans. =)
gave herr a biig hugg whenn saw her. =X
ii miiss her, jas, rachel tan. . . .
**siigh** busyy wiith our ownn liife.

hmm.. afterr anderson iice-creamm,
boo. to the openn spacee.
wherre therre arre lots of stepps, opposiite esplanadee one.
ziihuii was damn reluctantt to walkk so muuch.
jiingwenn leftt as she have schh the nextt morniing.
yeps, slackk therre. talkedd.
ii liiked.
siimplle mooments liike thiis iis preciious.

traiin-edd thenn bus-edd home.
talkk to leenx on the fone. XD
ii aso damn miiss her butt whhee~ ii am seeiing herr thiis sat ler.
gdgdgdgd ^^
lots of thiing to sharre wiith one anotherr ler.
oh ya, andd backk to top[iic. we talkedd abt some stuff.

afterr knowiing, ii have compliicatedd andd miixedd feeliing.
shuld ii be happyy or sad.
or even both?!
mummyy sayy thiiis type of thiing shouldntt beliive too muchh but ii still feel certaiin parts veryy true.
ii have to prevennt everythiing from reoccuriing agaiin.
*->3 properr meals at proper tiime.
*->betterr temper.

andd projects.

restt tiime. =)
will uploadd piics one dayy whenn ii gett them .


whenn a r/s end,
iif both of them are still able to remaiin as frriends,
iit siimply means thatt whenn theyy werre tgt, theyy werent reallyy iin love att all.
andd ii happen to belong to the other category.
whenn r/s ended,
we cant even remaiin as frriiends.
orr maybe one dayy,
ii wiish, ii could.


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