CIB clearr-edd. !!!=)
mett ling, meliisa, andd juliie to handd upp the projectt tgt.
denn wantedd to make payment but somehow we couldntt.
boo. finance. **umm-umm**
bus 184 to panjangg, denn change to buss 700 to suntecc convention.
but but we lostt our wayy, andd stopp at wrongg stopp. bus 700 route ehs, confusiing. =X
so aliightedd somewher att raffles. =X
thru-outt the whole bus-riide journeyy, the 4 of us keppt talkiing abt "mo-mo"
shariing ourr diiff "mo-mo" experiiencess.
so erriie larrhs. =X
oh ya, cabb-edd dowm fromm raffles therre.
dontt realli know wherr,
we got lostt somehow.
juliie wass starv-edd.
so ya. hadd luchh at piizzahut suntecc therre.
theiirr customerr serviice veryy gd.
andd of cos we chattedd non-stopp,
evenn afterr we eatt fiinish, we still continue to stayy therre andd chatt till abt one hour later.
pro ehs.
giirls cann reallii talkk. =)
oops, liing shy shyy ehs, shee blush-edd.
gosh. "shantt tell u guyss whyy."
too thiirstyy ler, so askedd the waiiter for 4 cupss of water,
guess we sat there forr too longg, evenn one waiitress camme andd askk us hows the food.
we smiiled.
whenn we wanna bill, we raiise-edd our hands, but nobodyy saw us leiis.
so myy cleverr, iintelligentt, prettyy LIING clapp clapp herr handds twiice,
andd the waiiter walkedd over.
gosh. so funny cans.
thatt was the seconnd tiime alrdy.
we all laughh till dono whatt.
so ya, walkedd to conventiion therre,
thenn got ppl giiviing outt balloons,
meliisa andd i iwantedd, actually, liing also want one.
butt we liike shyy shyy, so iin thee endd we all justt forget abtt the balloon.
met melisa fren- michelle.
so tada, wentt to the body shop warehouse sale.
damn lots of ppl cans.
hahahah. andd we joiinedd iin the crowdd.
professional squeezing skiills iis requiired. =X
we boughtt lots of stuff,
ii boughtt the most.
mostlyy all strawberryy and cranberryy one.
the fragrancee all smell so "sweet" larrhs.
sweet sweett one.
ii liike.
the priices all lowerr then costt priice.
so ii savedd a lot too.
thenn bus 133 to bugiis tgtt.
went to the temple therr.e
melisa wantedd to get the fortune tellers to readd her palm.
but iin the endd, diint.
diid good deeds, happy happyy.
thee worldd iisnt realli that cruel.
went to a famous taiwan dessert shopp forr mango andd duriian puddiing. =)
sharredd wiith liing.
siim-liim-sq.. cos julie gotta collectt some stuff.
so ya..
thenn bus 197 hom-edd.
walkedd home wiith mummy.
tada herre ii am. =)
andd papa andd muummy boughtt supper backk
- youtiiao, dou hua, egg tarts. . .
Wednessdayy outiing wiith sec- school classmates.

Ourr food.!
CIB clearr-edd. !!!=)
mett ling, meliisa, andd juliie to handd upp the projectt tgt.
denn wantedd to make payment but somehow we couldntt.
boo. finance. **umm-umm**
bus 184 to panjangg, denn change to buss 700 to suntecc convention.
but but we lostt our wayy, andd stopp at wrongg stopp. bus 700 route ehs, confusiing. =X
so aliightedd somewher att raffles. =X
thru-outt the whole bus-riide journeyy, the 4 of us keppt talkiing abt "mo-mo"
shariing ourr diiff "mo-mo" experiiencess.
so erriie larrhs. =X
oh ya, cabb-edd dowm fromm raffles therre.
dontt realli know wherr,
we got lostt somehow.
juliie wass starv-edd.
so ya. hadd luchh at piizzahut suntecc therre.
theiirr customerr serviice veryy gd.
andd of cos we chattedd non-stopp,
evenn afterr we eatt fiinish, we still continue to stayy therre andd chatt till abt one hour later.
pro ehs.
giirls cann reallii talkk. =)
oops, liing shy shyy ehs, shee blush-edd.
gosh. "shantt tell u guyss whyy."
too thiirstyy ler, so askedd the waiiter for 4 cupss of water,
guess we sat there forr too longg, evenn one waiitress camme andd askk us hows the food.
we smiiled.
whenn we wanna bill, we raiise-edd our hands, but nobodyy saw us leiis.
so myy cleverr, iintelligentt, prettyy LIING clapp clapp herr handds twiice,
andd the waiiter walkedd over.
gosh. so funny cans.
thatt was the seconnd tiime alrdy.
we all laughh till dono whatt.
so ya, walkedd to conventiion therre,
thenn got ppl giiviing outt balloons,
meliisa andd i iwantedd, actually, liing also want one.
butt we liike shyy shyy, so iin thee endd we all justt forget abtt the balloon.
met melisa fren- michelle.
so tada, wentt to the body shop warehouse sale.
damn lots of ppl cans.
hahahah. andd we joiinedd iin the crowdd.
professional squeezing skiills iis requiired. =X
we boughtt lots of stuff,
ii boughtt the most.
mostlyy all strawberryy and cranberryy one.
the fragrancee all smell so "sweet" larrhs.
sweet sweett one.
ii liike.
the priices all lowerr then costt priice.
so ii savedd a lot too.
thenn bus 133 to bugiis tgtt.
went to the temple therr.e
melisa wantedd to get the fortune tellers to readd her palm.
but iin the endd, diint.
diid good deeds, happy happyy.
thee worldd iisnt realli that cruel.
went to a famous taiwan dessert shopp forr mango andd duriian puddiing. =)
sharredd wiith liing.
siim-liim-sq.. cos julie gotta collectt some stuff.
so ya..
thenn bus 197 hom-edd.
walkedd home wiith mummy.
tada herre ii am. =)
andd papa andd muummy boughtt supper backk
- youtiiao, dou hua, egg tarts. . .
Wednessdayy outiing wiith sec- school classmates.

Theyy NEVERR oncee diisappoiint mii.!
Prii school friiends!
Rachel Ong, Huan Li, Andeliine andd mii!
ii swearr, ii love them.
Rachel Ong, Huan Li, Andeliine andd mii!
ii swearr, ii love them.
Andeliine green tea.
so biigh forr 1 ppl leiis XD
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