Monday, November 19, 2007

HOHOHOHO!!! gReAt-DaYy!!!

wentt to schh forr just 2 hr forr beliinda's thiis week is whiite space means basiically no class.. andd is e-learniing..=X lol.. well, was fun though.. herr so calledd "horror" storyy telliing was iinterestiing wiith herr squeakkyy squeaakky "Tiiny-Whiiny-Womann"... cannot stopp laughiing yett payying close attentiion to the way she actts out e storyy..^^

hmm.. yepps.. andd afterr whiich, hadd some musiic movemennt, we danced! lol.. ii mean wiith chiildren song.." the put your right hand in, put your right hand out and shake it all about.." datt sone was damm cool larrhs!!! hadd so much fuun wiith frenns as we stood iin a ciircle andd danced tgtt..^^ ECH studenntt leiis.. thatts e fun and enjoyment we got out of e children's musiic..

so ya.. andd denn she sort of taught us some music stuff.. whiichh ii dont really understandd at all.. ii dont liike e "beansprouts" music notes.. lol..=.= well, triedd to understanndd wiif Happie-Fam's helpp=)

yeh!!! andd thatss e endd of my mondayy iin schh! watt a shortt mondayy FINALLY! diint wennt for cca agaiin..=X usually on monday, therre will be liike another class at 4pm..wherelse our break time is like at 12pm.. andd 4 hours we slackkedd..=X yepps..

afterr schh endded, took bus 61 andd AGAIIN! gott diiaos byy some ahh pekk! STUPIIDD.. =.=
Happie-Fam acc me to somewherr to do stth for SOME-ONE!!! ..^^ [[SHH-SHH]] THANx worrs..muackss! andd e raiin was superrbb-superrbb biigg andd e 4 of us only ah bii hab one umbrella.. motherr acc mii to the "somewherr" to gett "somethiing" andd both of us werre liike so drenchhedd andd freezinng.. andd e raiin was liike so damm biig.. ROARR!!! andd ah bi andd liing waiited for us underr a shelther.. yepps..

deciidedd to go kbox frm 2pm startt..K-studennt mahhs.. moree worthh iit.. andd fiinally we deciidedd on a place. -Mariina Squarre.. we rushedd therre.. lol.. hmm.. so ya.. diidntt really hadd a properr luunch but its oki bahs.. [DIIETT!!!]

hehs.. so ya.. andd sing siing siing+ fun, joy, laughterr thruuoutt e whole ssiingiing sessiion.. =) lovee themm to the biits mann.. ^^ talkeddd abtt all stuff.. lol..AWESOME..!

hmm..suddenly hab e urge to go do sth to my deciidedd tatt tmrr ii goiing salon.. lol...canntt stanndd myy hairr lerr.. alamakk..! ehhs.. oh ya.. afterr sinng fiinish, motherr and liing wenntt iin e same diirecttiion andd ah bii and ii wentt to e conventiion therre to takke bus ya.. BUTT reachh dao therre jiiu no bus 70.. stupiid..!@!#!#@!#@!#?@!?!@#?!
iin e endd we took bus 36 andd changge bus backk home lorr.. we sammee diirectiion..

andd ii alightedd fiirstt, so deciided to go popo huse forr diinerr..blablabla therre.... andd wentt home wiif lil diidii 11plus pm..^^

Fiinally bb-koorrkoorr more normall ler..
nott angryy lerr..
madee me so worriedd andd afraiidd..
understoodd e reason whyy lerr..
nextt time got prob sure fiirst one go fiind you dehhs..
wontt bottle upp everythiing agaiin lerr..
only nii sang song to peii wo qu shuii-jiiao..
dontt know whatt you saiid at the endiint parrtt,
guess, ii really fall asleep ler..-[oopss]-
dontt tiink thatt you have not done enoughh lerr..
youu diid a lot a lot lerr..
to e extentt thatt mii really henn gann-dong..^^
nextt time wont make you so worry ler larrhs..
ltrr yourr piimple come outt agaiin.. =X
ii go wherr fiind daoo thiis kiind of rarre koorrkoor nerrhs??
so justt wann tell you,
you are TRULYY beiing treasureedd andd cheriished..


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