ii amm backk!!!
justt camme backk froom my kbox--iing sessioon wiif :
Jx korr korr, Leenx, Renyuan, Kelly, Choon ho, Kian Tat, Guan da, Wei jun, "thatt giirl", andd somee of..theiir friiends..
earliier on derr tdyy, mii, jx korr andd leenx broughtt didii go ciine to waTCHH doraemon e moviie ..wahs.. damm lotts of parents also broughtt theiir chiildrenn go wattch.. its siimply a jiia-yu-hu-xiiao moviie.. butt ii tink e duratiion of e moviie abiit too long ler, most of e children was distractedd after not long.. andd startedd to make noiise blablabla..
afterr moviie jiiu go arcadee playy lorr..korr korr changge 10 buckks tokenn.. hmm.. alot nehs.. lol..^^ Thannx..but mostlyy he changeedd is forr diidii to playy dehhs.. LOL..
One speciial game whichh is e one whiich havee 2 ppl at one siiide anddd the otherr 2 ppl at the otherr siide.. yepps.. denn got e whiite "friisbee" dehs.. andd havee to sliide it into e slott.. =X hmm..korr koorr andd diidii one grpp andd leenx andd ii one grpp.. so is liike girrls VS boyys... hurhurr.. no one woonn.. so ya..butt didii damm li hai la.. he play cheatt li haii.. hhe cliimb onto the table andd wanna put the whiite "friisbee" iin..LOL..=.=
lalalalal`` afterr p[layy hao lerr jiiu go walkk walkk takke neopriint andd eatt long johnn..=) yepps..denn jiiu broughtt hiim backk to popo huse..=) LOL.. byy then jiiu alrdyy 6plus pm lerr..
wonderfull dayy..
LOL..tiink myy didii enjoyy lot lot also bahss..=X yepps.afterr sent hiim to popo house so leftt me, leenx andd jx korr koorr..=X YEPPS..andd we wentt backk to townn to miit rennyuann theyy all..so ya lorr..to go kbox.. andd theyy wanna go kbox-iing so ok lorr.. it was so damm full lerr.. bothh level 8 andd level 4 dehhs..so we book level 4 at 11.30pm dehx.... andd before datt went to makann agaiin fiirst... yepx^^ii nberr eatt, not hungryy..soo see themm eat lorr..
HMM.. mii andd leenx iinsisted on the two of us one room dann e resttt abt 10 ppl plus iin one biig room.. so we jump here jumpp there dehs.. LOL..=.= and ya..butt kiian tat, korrkoorr,
choon ho, renyuann, guann da, weiijunn keep coome ourr room...
HA! theyyy siimplyy miiss me larrhs.. whatt to do?!?!
lol.. oorr shuld ii sayy thatt biigg room have soome destable woman?!?!?! too badd.. =X lalalalala..so ya..
weii junn open alcoholl.. and leenx drankk too much andd lett herr emotiions outt cos of some reasonn.. triied to console herr butt eventuallyy, myy emotiions, emo-ness came backk too.. damm, rememberredd some fcukiing thhiing.. iin e endd bothh of us cuddledd tgtt andd criedd for awhiile.. =X
dann jiiu korr koorr triiedd cheeriing me upp andd ann-weii-iing wo.. butt sryy.. ii still..
diidntt meanntt iit..
certaiin thiings andd stuff,
ii havve been holdiing iinsiide e deepest siide of my heartt forr too long,
andd ii needded to lett it all outt..
cryy iit all ouutt,
to feel betterr..
ii knoww thatt shouldnnt be me..
sryy forr the troublee ii causedd you..
promiisedd you nextt time wontt liike thiis lerr..
really sryy...
[[Baobeii-koorr, ii knoww youu will see daoo thiis postt derr..]]
lalalalala`` tiinkk korr korr quiite shengg qii bahs...=.= haiis.. sryy lerrhs..meimeii becoome liike thiis.. srysrysryy..
dann siimplyy cantt standd "thatt giirrl" smuggleness ler.. so took cabb home wiff weii jun , leenx, guann da.. LOLX,.. leenx so damm deadd iin e cabb larrhs.. =X lol... haiis...
so whenn reachh daoo my huse there, weiijun also got downn.. andd seee mii upp... lolx..shockedd daoo.. thanxx.. ii am okiee... sober.. yeps... =) as ii m typiing thiis.. andd thiink he wennt to take cabb home bahhss..
ii swearrr ii will neberr be liike diis becos of datt reason AGAIIN lerrhs..!=X
ii ASSURRE! theyy zhenng de hen concerrnn andd worriedd abouut me.. enough ler.. wiif all these friiends..ii m contentedd... yepps..lalalalala``cann really feel daoo theiir concern, love, andd carre.. ^^
as ii m typiing this, haviing a damm hiigh feverr andd headachee.. donntt feel goodd..physiically, mentally anndd emotiionallyy..=X
haiis... nber miind..off to bedd...
Tomorroww will be a betterr dayy^^
buayy buayy!
buayy buayy!
my emo-ness camme backk,
uu broughtt it all upoon me..
yes, ii am foolish,
but whatt cann ii do..
cann ii sayy "NO?!?!"
ii thoughht iit throughh,
ii wiish u all e bestt wiif her..
ii pray AND wiish for ur forever happiiness..
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