Its deepavali and a publiic hooliiday!
mett up wiif sec school frens:
Andeliine, Zihui, Rachel, Ailin, Huan Li andd Sharon... =)
Itss been a long whiile siince lastt met upp wiif themm.. as usual we wentt out to TM andd catchh a moviie - GamePlan! its a damm nice andd gan-dong moviie..=) ii was touchedd by the moviie..its a meaniingful moviie whiich iincludes some comedyy as well.. so yepps..
ii love the storyy plot andd the "NEVER SAYY NO" attitudee iin iit..^^
so ya.. duriing moviie, damm, the row of ppl behiind us werre damm superbb noisyy andd iirritatiing larrhs! stupiid.. a bunchh of small kiids..*phew* cannot standd it! kiip whiisperiing andd one of them kiip sayyin the worrd " funny ahs " ARGHH! BWG..!
dann turn backk see.. wahsehs.. all so youngg, dann all paiir paiir.. =X lol... thann ii thott of watt motherr hadd saiid..thiink ECH giirls hab prob getting attached.whetherr or not now orr iin the years to come..^^ LOL.. ii agree.. come on`` ourr course all giirls larrhs..!=.= but still ii made some reall reall good friiends forr liife.. Qiiu mama andd ii analysedd ler.. nextt tiime workiing liife also quiite bu ke neng to fiind dao true love..=X lol..
WELL, to me, it does not matter thatt muchh anymorre now ler..iif fiind de daoo one ii realli hen xii huan thann ii am defiinitelly thankful andd blessedd..whiich giirl bu xiiang beii ai beii tengg ner..^^ butt iif cannt fiind daoo, thann jiiu suan ler..^^ yi ge ren also not badd dehhs.. yepps...=)
so backk to topiic, oh ya, after the movie endedd ler, dann went to the open plaza at TM andd camm-whoredd wiith themm.. STANDARDD dehhs.. everytiime go out surre takke manny manyy piics.. heex.. well, thats simply GIRLS!
so ya.. afterr whiich was hesitatiing whetherr orr not to meet leenx andd jerr att bugiis.. orr shuldd ii go diinerr wiif my sec schh frens nerr.. iin the endd deciided to go diiner wiif sec schh mates..=) yepps.. shanntt diisturbb the 2 love biirds..^^ dontt liike beiing a "Lighht-bulbb"...=X
so ya.. from TM, took mrt to bedok andd tookk bus 222 to Bedok 85 therre for diinerr wiif themm...aagaiin, ii diint knoww watt to eatt.. iin e endd, ziihuii andd ii orderred a few dish andd 2 plates of beehoon..=) LOL..gosh, its too muchh food.. andd eatt haoo ler, jiiu go off ler..
rushedd home watchh the 9pm drama serriials..=) yepps..
hmm..andd hadd onliine discussioon abt someone's presentt..=) **SECRETT** yepps.. fiinallyy, ii startedd D.I.Y-iing the someone's presentt..eachh of us hab a partt to do.. **SECRETT** shall be revealedd on SAT... yepps..
SO ChIll~~~
mett up wiif sec school frens:
Andeliine, Zihui, Rachel, Ailin, Huan Li andd Sharon... =)
Itss been a long whiile siince lastt met upp wiif themm.. as usual we wentt out to TM andd catchh a moviie - GamePlan! its a damm nice andd gan-dong moviie..=) ii was touchedd by the moviie..its a meaniingful moviie whiich iincludes some comedyy as well.. so yepps..
ii love the storyy plot andd the "NEVER SAYY NO" attitudee iin iit..^^
so ya.. duriing moviie, damm, the row of ppl behiind us werre damm superbb noisyy andd iirritatiing larrhs! stupiid.. a bunchh of small kiids..*phew* cannot standd it! kiip whiisperiing andd one of them kiip sayyin the worrd " funny ahs " ARGHH! BWG..!
dann turn backk see.. wahsehs.. all so youngg, dann all paiir paiir.. =X lol... thann ii thott of watt motherr hadd saiid..thiink ECH giirls hab prob getting attached.whetherr or not now orr iin the years to come..^^ LOL.. ii agree.. come on`` ourr course all giirls larrhs..!=.= but still ii made some reall reall good friiends forr liife.. Qiiu mama andd ii analysedd ler.. nextt tiime workiing liife also quiite bu ke neng to fiind dao true love..=X lol..
WELL, to me, it does not matter thatt muchh anymorre now ler..iif fiind de daoo one ii realli hen xii huan thann ii am defiinitelly thankful andd blessedd..whiich giirl bu xiiang beii ai beii tengg ner..^^ butt iif cannt fiind daoo, thann jiiu suan ler..^^ yi ge ren also not badd dehhs.. yepps...=)
so backk to topiic, oh ya, after the movie endedd ler, dann went to the open plaza at TM andd camm-whoredd wiith themm.. STANDARDD dehhs.. everytiime go out surre takke manny manyy piics.. heex.. well, thats simply GIRLS!
so ya.. afterr whiich was hesitatiing whetherr orr not to meet leenx andd jerr att bugiis.. orr shuldd ii go diinerr wiif my sec schh frens nerr.. iin the endd deciided to go diiner wiif sec schh mates..=) yepps.. shanntt diisturbb the 2 love biirds..^^ dontt liike beiing a "Lighht-bulbb"...=X
so ya.. from TM, took mrt to bedok andd tookk bus 222 to Bedok 85 therre for diinerr wiif themm...aagaiin, ii diint knoww watt to eatt.. iin e endd, ziihuii andd ii orderred a few dish andd 2 plates of beehoon..=) LOL..gosh, its too muchh food.. andd eatt haoo ler, jiiu go off ler..
rushedd home watchh the 9pm drama serriials..=) yepps..
hmm..andd hadd onliine discussioon abt someone's presentt..=) **SECRETT** yepps.. fiinallyy, ii startedd D.I.Y-iing the someone's presentt..eachh of us hab a partt to do.. **SECRETT** shall be revealedd on SAT... yepps..
SO ChIll~~~
tiirredd ler,,
off to bedd!
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