Sunday, November 04, 2007

♥3rdd Novemberr♥


thanx to eilleen tan AHHH!!! calledd mii liike 15 miins earlierr dan she was supposedd to call!
hahaha!!! mett herr 12noonn pluss andd go spore post studyyy!!! TDY PLAN WAS SUPPOSEDD TO ACC HER STUDYY FOR HER O's DEHHS!!!

BUTT GUESS WHATT, reach daoo spore postt go buyy myy file andd stuff.. dann goo mac le.. wentt boughht fiillett meall... she eatt liiaos so shee studyy lorrhs..=X ii eatt!!! neberr talkk.. she seems" to focusiing on her sociial! hahaha!!!



AHHHH~~~!!! WTH@!#@#@!#@#@#@#!#@! myy butt not evenn warm sitting down andd my books was still iin my bagg larrhs!!!

HUPHH! WAs supposedd to studii till liike 3plus pm BUTTT SEE HERR EAGERR""" FACE jiiu know shee wann go home andd putt herr MAKE-UPPP ANDD PREPARRE TO MIIT HER PRIINCEE!!!=X !@@!@!#!@!@!#

Thenn shee tryyiing too coax mii... mii bu fu qii!

Tiing: HUPHH! MY BAG SO HEAVY, HOW TO WALK HOME! **hiint-hiintt**andd my huse is liike walk frm heeren to ciine lidatt niia! =X
Leenx: II hellpp u carry la^^!
Tiing: DONTT WANN! THE SUN VERY HOT! *hiint-hiint*
Tiing: CONFIRMM MAHS??!?!?! UU SAY ONE EHS! ii neberr force u wiif a KNIFE ahh!!!
Leenx: YA LA! BUT WORTH IT MAH?!?! she hesitated for a whiile andd lookedd at mii!

II staredd at her=X ahhh!!!

agaiin, we gott iinto some "kidds-fiighhtt andd quarrell!!!" as usuall all eyes werre on us but heckk.!!! lolx...=X thiis is the typiical siide of us! =X

ii driink my coke damm slowlyy larrhs! ha! too BADD!!! Fiinallyy ii feel liike gg le dann ask her go... =.= Okayy! so ya.. waiit cabb wiithh herr iis damm iimpoossible larrhs! FOREVERR NO CAB ONE!!!=x ahhh!!! cann diie...

SOyaa!!! fiinally gt one cabb.. BOARDED IT keppt laughiing nonstopp! me andd her liike complaiining to uncle lidatt! uncle so funnyy, lalalala``

Cabb uncle: need to turnn in carparkk?
Tiing: err.. **thiinkiing** wantedd to say no need der..
Leenx: no need, hesitated awhile* saiid ya..ya..turn inn!!! [[she veryy jii-dong siia]]

all laughiing! uncle turnnedd iinto the carparkk! =) lolx.. soo backk home!

diid some read-up on LAECY...=) andd ii nearlyy fall asleep.. goshh! damm tiiredd anndd boriing..ahh! iin the endd deciided to take a shortt napp..but but but agaiin became a loongg napp!!!=X damm.. slepptt forr 3 pluss hour! woke up at 7plus pm larrhs! loLX! thiinkiing neberr miind, ii cann contiinue readiing the notes she gave laterr at niight siincee ii slepptt so long earlierr on lerrhs..=X

BUTT ! GUESS WATT! startedd readiing att liike 11plus pm andd slepptt att 1 plus am...=X wantedd to sleep at a laterr tiiming der..but ii cannt controoll my eyes from enterring the sleep modee siia! STUPIIDD!!! kepptt yawniing...

deciidedd to go to myy lala lanndd!!! andd therre goes my SATT!!!
agaiiin, ii couldd hab completedd moore thiings!

♥4th Novemberr♥

YEPPS! wokee upp 12plus noonn..hadd my 12 hrr off beautyy sleepp!!! atee luunch boughht by ddaddyy! hmm.. wantedd to continuuee studdyy derr!
ECH aiint thatt RELAXIING andd SLACKK llikke watt mostt ppl arre thiinkiing okayy!=X CHANGE UR PERSPECTIIVE CANSS!!!

so ya.. calledd eiileen-tann! askedd herr wann go marriine paradee liib nott.. ii wanna readd some kiids-storyy...^^ hahhaa!!! she ok! anywayy, at home too much diistractiion! myy bedd anndd myy lappyy!!! so off we wentt to preparee!!! andd ii am Latee agaiin..LOLX..

damm crowdedd at the chiildren's level therre.. wasntt able to fiind any emptyy benches..=X fiinally, ii approachedd one small diidii, he one person hab 2 benches so ii asked if cann take one frm hiim..ii mean he aso cantt sayy no yea..?=.= so ya.. andd we hab place to settle down ler! =))

LEENX startt herr reviision andd off ii wentt to search for interestiing kiids storyybook andd stuff..=X was backk wiif alot mann! tookk mii 1 hr to compplette all thosee thatt ii took..!!! AHH!
mett huan li at therre too..she studyiing alone.. we diint arrange de worr..lolx.. FATE LARRHS!
so ya..

talkedd talkedd awhiile andd backk to studyy..=x askked her to joiin us studyy tgtt, she dontt wann sayy she will endd up talkiing morree thann studyyiing!!! =X ii agrree! she neberr faiils to keep us entertaiinedd wiif herr crapps! studyyy stuuddy studyy!!! andd saww JOHNATHON SNG SHAO DONG!- myy pri schh classmate! lol..also eilleen classmates ya.. crapp andd talkedd awhiile.. mii, huanli andd hiim talkedd abtt some priii schh stuff andd blablabla! yepps..

he changedd alot.. well, ppl do changee yea..! hmms...his presence distractedd the 3 of us man! cant seems to focuss on watt ii m readiing! DAMM!!! keepp psycho-iing the 3 of us to go eatt diinerr tgtt.. thanxx to the briiliiant MS KOH HUAN LI! she started off! wiithh thiis:

Johnathon: Go eatt diiner tgtt leiis??!
Huan: II cant eatt! ii haviing puasa!
Tiing: Ehhs.. ii aso! ii haviing deepavalii!
Leenx: II chriistiian, ii fastiing!!!=X

stupiid canns! funny riitee..laughiin liike hell wiif all the actiions anndd accent larr..!lol.. andd thee newly joiined one saiid " ii cantt eat, ii am a nun! "...=X LOL.. fiinallyy theyy gave upp, wenntt off andd had theiir diinerr.. lolx..=)) fiinally att 715pm ii guess, ii fiinishedd readiing myy LAECY textbook forr tmrr lecturre..=X KAOO! justt thatt chapterr alone tookk mii 3 hrr plus siia...! ahhs~ damm hungryy andd tiirredd noww!!! STARVATION + FATIGUE!!!

hahaha! borrowwedd some books for myy liil broo andd off leenx andd ii went to parkwayy to have ourr diinerr.. agaiin.. so damm cro0wdedd..! sharredd a tablle wiif otherr.. andd boughhtt ourr yummy yong-tau-fuu!!! =)) we swallowedd downn the food liike hungryy ghostt!=X neberr talkedd to eachh otherr at all.. justt keptt eatiing our foodd.. =X cann see how hunngryy we aree bahhs!

LOL! so ya.. andd shopp shopp awhiile andd boughhtt tako balls from pasa malam andd wentt to mac andd orderred a drriinkk... talkedd awhiile jiiu go off lerrr.. tookk samme bus... miisedd ourr buss... whiile waitiing, we jookee, crapp andd laughedd liike 2 woodbriidge ppl! lolx....=X YEPPS.. agaiin, continuedd on bus.. andd gt diiao byy the coouplle iinfrontt! wth! has been diiaos byy ppl for the pastt few weeks wiith happie famm andd wiif outsiide frenn!!!

WATTS urr proobb mann! jealouss of the fuunn andd laughterr we haviing ryyte!!!

lalalala!!! alightedd andd waitedd for myy bus 13 to come.. andd backk home! talkiing to Ongg on the wayy home abt some cca stuff! lol..=x SO ya.. tiredd yett enjoyable dayy!

Siimplestt thiing cann make mii contentedd..

yawnnzzz... off to myy lala-lanndd!!!


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