yepps.. lastt dayy of the weekk..mett happie-famm 11.30am at jurong eastt control statioon.. so ya.. ii wasnnt late..=X iinsteadd was earlly...hurhurr`` ah bi, motherr andd ii walkedd oberr to imm andd miit liing.. denn headedd to MOS for lunchh..=))
eatt eatt eatt~~~
denn jiiu go shoppiing leiis..=)) went into Giordano denn tryy clothiing.. iin the endd ii nberr buy thiis greyy tankk topp...but bought blackk spaggetii..=X so ya..hab lots of funn whiile trying clothiings..hehehehess^^ anndd of coss we CAM-WHORED agaiiin! yeaa=X
denn fiinally we boughtt hao lerr..contiinue shopp..went into a ariies shopp andd boughtt an anklett..=)) afterr whiich wenntt mini toons andd buyy gummiess..**yummy**yummy** andd of coss we walkedd arouund mini-toons andd see got anyy niice or cute stuff to buyy..=) in e end only ah bi andd liing boughtt gummiies..hehs..by thenn is liike 1.30pm lerr..we leftt soon..
2pm tutoriials jiiu startts.. =X doonntt carre.. we still happily took bus 52 andd playedd all the wayy.. [ROARR] lalalala``
so ya.. wasnt realli datt late duhhs.. still alrytess..jiiu late for 10 miins bahhs..aiiyas.. nberr miind.. so ya..watchhedd one superr boriing andd loong video siia.. cann diie.. mii andd ah bii fall asleep.. insteadd..=X bo biian- too boriing luhs.. so ya.. kekekx^^
alrytii..denn groupp workk andd presentation..lol...motherr andd anna presentt..hohoho^^ fiinally..4pm lerr.. herr tutoriial endd lerr..=)) yea! fiinally one more week has passedd..damm fastt larrhs...
to be frankk.. though startt school for liike 2 weeks ler.. but yett dontt realli know what ii have learnt..=.= thiink too slackk thiis Semm..haiiyos..andd some lesson quiite boriing..nberr miind, ii will tryy not to fall asleep luhs..**tryy**
oh ya..as thiis semm habb one module on speech traiining dehs..liing andd ii cannot speakk engliise iin froont of a biig crowdd..we will gett damm nervous.. dann motherr suggestted thatt the fourr of us shall speakk engliish froomm 2pm onwards..=X iiff anyone speakk chiinese, dann jiiu penalty lehs..=.= iinterestiing sehhs..of cos, we diid speakk iin chiinese unconciously..andd ourr tone of speakiing so fuunny.. liing has iindian accent andd mii hab some funny accent..hees^^
aiiyos..for the sakke of getting good grades for STB, we are practiisiing speakiing engliish comfortabllyy wiith one anotherr..=)) hopee it doess works..^_^ yepps.. worthh tryiing.. so ya...thoughh its hardd lehs..=X
Kkekeke...school ends ler, jiiu go home ler luhs..wahs..now the weatherr superr hott.. cann burntt mii to charcoal liiaos! ha! [[R=O=A=R]]
walkedd home as quiicklyy as ii cann..
reach home took a shortt napp andd woke up by 9pm..andd watchh the channel 8 drama seriial.. yepps..datts myy dayy..
Howw aboutt ya dayy.????
Cam-whoriing att IMM!
siimply love themm to the biits@_@!!!

ii foundd out sthh..
"someone" is liike attachedd liiaos lorr!
dontt knoww whyy ii am so iidiot as to go see if theyy are tgt or nott..
~iin eiither way, it still affects me~
well, the ansswerr is obviious,
ii guess.. stopp denyyiing..
my heartt does not ached that much liike how it was before..
guess its iimmune to all these alreadyy,
ii am alrytee!
even if ii am all alone few years down the roadd..
ii will still be contentedd.
thoughh a partt of mii aiin't
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