greatt dayy tdyy.. LOL.. woke upp at abt 1pm lidatt dann go miit leenx at pp andd acc herr go nokiia carre..repairr fone.. but who knows warranty no more ler.. so iin e endd no repaiirr.. lalala``=X
so ya.. dann hadd macc for luncchh dann go shopping..agaiin,, ii boughtt a lot of face stuff.. liike..
1.clean face sponge, andd niightt bodyy lotiion,
3.maskk andd blablabla..=X
dontt knoww whyy butt jiiu noww sseems to be iin love wiith stuff that cann iimprove the skiin-face derr..=) yeps...superr iinto "WHITENING"...
-boughtt garnierr whiitening mosturiiser on wedd,
-anotherr twiin pack of Loreal facial foam and a toner on frii,
-tdyy boughtt all those thiings ii listedd above..
lol..ii xii huan jiiu haoo..=) ii am happy... hmm.. talkiin to leenx at mac whiile eattiin that tiime, somehow or whatt..feel thatt ii seems to have grow upp somehow or whatt ler..iin terms of thiinking bahs..
[[defiinitelly bahs afterr beiing throughh so muchh andd seeiing howw liife cann be...]]=X
ii mustt groww upp alsoo..get adaptedd to everythiing or any changes as readyy as ii cann.. hmm=) so ya..feel thatt leenx still iin the "hyperr-actiive playy modee".. wherelse ii seems to prefer a "stable andd peaceful mode" nowadays..certaiin niight places thatt ii usedd to love hangiing out at, now de me dontt really have the urge to kkiip goiing ler.. dontt know why also.. perhaps.. for now, ii needd a rest, a more focus aiim iin liife bahs.. =)
**leenx sayy ii got siigns of ageiing..** whatt rubbish..=X
but jiiu ii am happy withoutt all those night life, alcoholiic andd blastiing musiic for now also..**pheww** evenn ah benn says ii madd ahs..-_-''' ha! well.. thats me whenn school reopens andd everythiing gets iinto orderr- serioous busiiness, ii SERIOUSSX2
so ya..=) okay, back to topiic.. hmm..stupiid e-li-tan![ shortt- form ] ha..^^means eileen tan!!! nber miind.. ii hopedd she will do well for herr Os..andd gett iinto her desiiredd course..=) dann shoppiing.. boughtt all those stuffs.. dann go coffee beann andd acc her studyy whiile ii readd thru my neww goshh- the new textbook for just one module-Language arts costs me $40.50... arghh..damm ex cann! bwgg.. bo biian.. readiin thruu, kiinda iinterestiing..
1 hr laterr jiiu go off le.. while leenx go meet jr..=X lol**secrett**=P so ya.. ii go popo house.. wantedd to briing didi go playyground dehs.. but reachedd dao popo house, he slpiing siia.. =X dann nberr miind.. bu she de wakke hiim upp.. he slpiing so soundlyy..soo deciidedd to do some exerciises..andd guesss whatt ii actually didd an hourr of exerciise whiich iincludes
-andd some ii dontt know the name.. jiiu exerciises lerr..=)
whoosh^^ felt damm greatt lar! ha! 1 hr leiis..dann jiiu ate diiner andd watchh channel 8-7pm show..: The Last Breakthrough... damm touchiing larrhs..*enviious* hmm.. hk show aree nice man! so ya..lalalalaa`` dann jiiu bring didi go home afterr thatt..
reachh home jiiu go thru didi chiinese fiiles wiith hiim.. ii dont know iif it will help hiim iin hiis examm..but jiiu go thru andd all the miistakes he madee just iin casee..^^
ii still rmbedd at popo huse, he siimply refusedd to listen to me whenn i told hiim go home must studyy..ccall mama andd complaiin..-_-''' damm naughtyy la.. wantt playy cpu games iinsteadd of studyyin.. defiinitelly, scoldedd hiim..andd saiid "NO!" he shows temper tantrumm... ii hate thatt man whenn he shows that to me..! talkedd properrly to hiim whenn walkiing back home..andd iindeedd iit does works.. he liistenedd..=) **ECH-Spiiritt**
ii realiisedd thatt a chiild siimply do not listen to anythiing even if the child himself is in the wrong, furthermore throwing temper tantrum to tell the adult to give in or else he will not stop cryiing, *PHEW* iihate thatt man! to me, thiss triick does not work at all..howeverr, when the chiild calms down, he does listen andd understandd why andd that he is in the wrong then he will sayy "sorry"... **oops, damm addiictedd to childrrenn's world**
taughtt didi patiiently for 1 hrr of chiinese.. he was AWESOME! ii must admiit.. fiirst tiime he so cooperatiive wiith me, no temper tantrum, no stubborness...lalala``ii must admiitt, ii dote on hiim a lot a lot..=) yea.. diid some chartt to encouragee hiim.. andd of cos ii gave hiim benefiits forr studyyiing cooperatiivelyy withh me.. =X hopes this works on as to spurr hiim on..
HOHOHO..=) anotherr thiing, gavee qiishann's siisterr a small note andd ask her to pass it to herr jiiejiie.. haas..**we liveedd damm nearr but justt lesserr contactt lerr** night tiime receiivedd a sms froomm herr..kneww thatt she receiivedd the note ler..happy thatt iit does encourages her iin one wayy or anotherr..=) liitlee liitle thiings that ii do cann really briightenn up andd spurr her on..**smmiliing** ii feltt greatt too.. ii hope she will get good grades for Os too..^^
sometiimes, its just take the little little effort or things to make one's days..=)
so me, friiends aree foreverr treasuure..=)) IIRREPLACEABLE
...theyy colourr my dull liife...
Thiings wiill gett betterr...
groww tallerr, lose weiightt..!?!?!
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