wokee upp liike 12 plus noon..damm earlyy..=X hmm.. usually is slpp till evening time der..aiiyos..woke upp earllyy cos babyy chloe gt go popo house..=)) for the sake of seeiing herr..yeaa..playedd withh herr fromm noon till eveniing pluss cos ah yii go forr herr faciial... so put babyy chloe iin popo hands..=)) wahs.. anndd ii makee miillk miilk forr baby chloe..yepps..=X
she wannt people to carry herr dehs.. cannot siit downn derr.. iff not she will cryy damm loudlly leiis..lol.. so funny..so ya.. took superr muchh fotos of herr.. she likkes camera so much man.. always smiles at the camera dehs=X ..andd stayedd at popo huse al the way till nightt tiime..

Xiiao-jiiu andd babyy chloee
lalalala`` ordiinaryy dayy bahhs=)
she wannt people to carry herr dehs.. cannot siit downn derr.. iff not she will cryy damm loudlly leiis..lol.. so funny..so ya.. took superr muchh fotos of herr.. she likkes camera so much man.. always smiles at the camera dehs=X ..andd stayedd at popo huse al the way till nightt tiime..
tuurnedd downn all gaii-gaii-
kiinda frustratedd andd mooddy.. in siimple terms, itss -[[moodless]]-
haiis..so ya..nebrr go outt means cann save $$$...hurhurr``...everytiime go out, spend $ liike waterr lidatt..cannot off derrhs.. damm shyytt larrhs..=X yepps
siimply love andd adoore herr to the biits...^^ babiies aree so damm iinnocentt andd lovable...
Piics of Babyy Chloe

lalalala`` ordiinaryy dayy bahhs=)
ii am exciitedd abtt tmrr..=X
kekex..tiime to go off to lala landd lerr..
kekex..tiime to go off to lala landd lerr..
canndiiex dreams. . .
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