Tuesday, November 27, 2007

hadd some oral readiing tdyy.. sortt of assessment for STB.. ^^ aiiyo.. simiilar to secondary school those oral days..=X thoughtt ii would have escapedd from oral after O's butt seems liike ii am gonna be stuckk wiith a Engliish module throughoutt.. ^^ lol..

diid watt mrs Toweyy want me to do andd ii diid practiised for the pastt few dayys...hmm..feltt thatt ii dint diid my bestt andd ii could have done better..read fiinish e whole passage wiithiin liike ii tink even less than 5 minutes..=( haiis... hope ii dint fare badlly.. hmm.. ii triiedd. nehhs..!

the heavyy raiin thiis morniing siimply made my mood evenn more heaviier..haiis.. andd plus plus.. korr goiing thaiiland for traiining tomorrow ler..haiis=( hadd phillip class andd dint do any artt tdyy.. we diiscussed about the assignment.. and yes! we HAVE somethiing iin miind lerrhs!=) ii beliieved that thiings will turn out well!

and andd lunchh at alumi.. food therre was yummy andd tastyy..! i love iit man! heehee..!!! andd yes, Happie-fam neberr gett tiired of talkiing and talkiing andd crapping!=) love them lots..! afterr lunchh headedd backk foR Glen's class..=.=

diint really payy attentiion to hiim eiither.. was playiing neopets, andd blablabla!!! denn sometiime geh geh that ii am listeniing but actually I am NOTT!!! lol..=X ii guess mostt of werre siimply doiing ourr ownn stuffs..! =.=

yepps..koorr fettchhed mii from school! hmm.. he hebenn reachedd so wentt canteen 1 wiif mother, ana and ah bii.. andd do "somethiing"... yeepps.. fiinally, we got thiings done quiickly..

andd Baobeii Koor reachhedd lerr.. so go miit hiim at busstopp^^

hahaha.. he dressedd liike lil boyy booyy like datt.. hmm..yes, ! he carriedd my bagg for me.. so superr heavyy larhhs..=X xiie-xiie nii worrs! the whole journeyy, we just kepptt talkiing and talkiing.. ate at spore post the KFC fiirst.. hmm.. andd slackkedd here andd therre.. denn backk home to putt my bagg...=)

thenn koorr koor saw all my lastt time photos..!

ROARR!!! e uglyy uglly me... ARGHH! aiiyos.. giive hiim laughh liike dono watt siia..=.= speechless~ andd on my lappy giib hiim usedd...sat nextt to hiim lorr..~ aiiyos.. denn somethiing "funny" happened..

[[ shantt elaboratte any furtherr ]] myy qiing aii derr knoww..=) hmm.. so ya lorr..

thenn wennt my house therre the ciity plaza andd playedd arcade.. yepps.. the arcadee the games therre got tiicket one leiis.. so cool.. long tiime siince ii literally see a tiickett comiing out from the slott lerr.. nowadays e arcadee e tiicket are all recordedd iin the card derr..=.=

denn playedd lot lot of games whiich will issue tiicket dehhs..^^ basketball, and blablabla.. happiee worr~ hadd a damm fun tiime..both of us liike little liitle kiids lidat.. =) bleahs^^ denn jiiu we used the tiickets exchangedd some stuff.. heex^^one of themm is some cute cute derrh "hammer"...

afterr he blew aiir iinto iit, thenn he usedd e hammer andd hiit my headd... ahahah! not paiin derr! blehs! thenn wentt markett eatt agaiin.. ii ate fruiits! denn feedd korr riice larrhs! lol..=.= so funnyy! hehs...keep dii-siiaoiing mii.. =X dootss..

eatt hao le go playgroundd andd slackkedd... time getting nearrer and nearrer ler.. soon, he gotta leave soon lerr..haiis=( three weeks cannt bully hiim, cannt wake him up and call him to go toiilet.. cannt go gaii-gaii wiith hiim lerr..denn on the wayy backk to busstop, he piiggy-backkedd mii..^^ bleahss..

diid soome thiing for hiim ystdd.. so diid he.. **gann-dongg** hmm..xiie xiie nii! =)) peii hiim waiit forr bus 67.. waiited andd waiited.. hearrtt got heavvierr annd heavviierr..hao she bu der wor.. but ii just kepptt smiilling..

finally, the bus came, gave mii a biig biig bearr hugg..^^ **bleahhs..** so funnyy.. hmm.. denn he ran after e bus but the bus go off lerr..=X so acc hiim waiit for the nextt bus.. can really gan jue der daoo koorr korr hao she bu de mii worr..^^ so amm ii.. aiiyos.. satt down agaiin..

kepptt silence andd liistenedd to songs.. fiinally e bus camme.. he leftt lerr.. gonna be three weeks plus denn he commee backk.. haiis... umm..

backk home openedd the letterr he wrootee.. so cute..^^=) xiie-xiie nii, wo hen xi huann the "songg.." and those words thatt you wrotee speciially for mii... hmm..

TAKe lots lots of carre worrs!


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