whoos! hadd a greatt andd splenddiid- dayy tdyy man!
met leenx fiirst den go raffles shopping whiile waiiting for themm..the accessorize shopp have a lot of niice niice necklacee andd eariing..damm, iits so dam ex larrhs.. haiis! moree $$$ forr me plls!!!
hmm.. was supposed to miit themm at 5pm derr la.. iin e endd all reachhed at 6pm..=.=ppiiff!!!
Whenn miit dao themm jiiu wennt to eatt steamboatt at mariina therre wiif Kelly-darliing, koorrkorr, renyuan, Choon-ho, Guan-da, Melviin, Alex andd Weiijunn.. ^^ yeppps.. theyy arre greatt friiends..had a splendiiid tiime at therre too..
hmm..ii cannt eat seafood.. so leenx andd ii took a lot of vege, corn, blablabla^^ thenn choon ho sayy wahs.. uu two eat "su" ahs..=.= lol.. blehs^^ HEALTHYY leiis.. hmm.. was so damm hott therre alsoo.. ehhs.. thenn theyy deciidedd to go take some prawns and playy wiif iit..=X
gueess watt..gosh, theyy siimply LOVE tourturiing those prawns larrhs..=X LOL.. so cruell.. denn the prawn can still jump oout one leii.. puutt into the hot water still can jumpp outt.. =X kelly darrliing, leenx andd ii damm shockedd andd afraiidd datt it will jumpp on us larrhs..!=.= LOL..
hmm.. hadd lots of fun whiile eatiing too.. talkedd andd laughedd..=X well, theyy are full of real funny crapps..!! andd thats yy ii cliickedd well wiif themm..same cliquee..^^ hmm.. we satt there andd ate forr more thann 2hourr.. hmm..
wahhs..eachh one of us perspiirring liike dono watt.. so wennt iinto e arcadee.. wahsehs.. ii am filledd wiif the smell of the steamboatt..=.= goshh.. aiiyos.. dont care, the 10smellly one..=X hmm.. playedd arrcadee wiif leenx.. dono watt game.. arghh!!! she won me.. denn playedd wiiff koorrkoor, ii won hiim! ha!! andd playedd anotherr VS game wiif leenx, ii dono how to play so choon ho hellpped mii andd yea! cHOOn-Ho wonn! lol.. so also equal to ii won!!!=P
afterr thatt jiiu go ciine watch enchantedd moviie at 1.15am.. kelly anndd ii wanna watchh datt^^ thenn theyy all jiiu obliige wiif us andd we watchhedd tgtt..
so whiile waiiting for the moviie, wwennt to nydc at heerenn cos theyy wanna driink "hiigh-class coffee" iinsteadd of "kopii"=.= lol.. andd kelly annddd ii camm-whoredd..^^ lol.. piics so funny butt niice lerr.. denn wentt to the cine level 9 therre took piics wiif the cartoon cahractter therre.. =) gosh, took fotos wherrever we arre... heex..! hmm.. fiinally tiime to go iin for the moovvie!!! funny larrhs.. duriing the moviie, jiiu some yawnedd, some werre boredd but the 2 giirls- kelly andd ii enjoyedd the moviie.. hurhurr`` giirls arre alwayys giirls.. theyy will neverr gett boredd of faiiry talle...=) so ya..
moviie endedd andd slackedd awhiile denn jiiu go home lerr..andd backk to my lala-landd!!! ^_^
adoree me for having suchh wonderfull friiends.. =)
whoos! hadd a greatt andd splenddiid- dayy tdyy man!
met leenx fiirst den go raffles shopping whiile waiiting for themm..the accessorize shopp have a lot of niice niice necklacee andd eariing..damm, iits so dam ex larrhs.. haiis! moree $$$ forr me plls!!!
hmm.. was supposed to miit themm at 5pm derr la.. iin e endd all reachhed at 6pm..=.=ppiiff!!!
Whenn miit dao themm jiiu wennt to eatt steamboatt at mariina therre wiif Kelly-darliing, koorrkorr, renyuan, Choon-ho, Guan-da, Melviin, Alex andd Weiijunn.. ^^ yeppps.. theyy arre greatt friiends..had a splendiiid tiime at therre too..
hmm..ii cannt eat seafood.. so leenx andd ii took a lot of vege, corn, blablabla^^ thenn choon ho sayy wahs.. uu two eat "su" ahs..=.= lol.. blehs^^ HEALTHYY leiis.. hmm.. was so damm hott therre alsoo.. ehhs.. thenn theyy deciidedd to go take some prawns and playy wiif iit..=X
gueess watt..gosh, theyy siimply LOVE tourturiing those prawns larrhs..=X LOL.. so cruell.. denn the prawn can still jump oout one leii.. puutt into the hot water still can jumpp outt.. =X kelly darrliing, leenx andd ii damm shockedd andd afraiidd datt it will jumpp on us larrhs..!=.= LOL..
hmm.. hadd lots of fun whiile eatiing too.. talkedd andd laughedd..=X well, theyy are full of real funny crapps..!! andd thats yy ii cliickedd well wiif themm..same cliquee..^^ hmm.. we satt there andd ate forr more thann 2hourr.. hmm..
wahhs..eachh one of us perspiirring liike dono watt.. so wennt iinto e arcadee.. wahsehs.. ii am filledd wiif the smell of the steamboatt..=.= goshh.. aiiyos.. dont care, the 10smellly one..=X hmm.. playedd arrcadee wiif leenx.. dono watt game.. arghh!!! she won me.. denn playedd wiiff koorrkoor, ii won hiim! ha!! andd playedd anotherr VS game wiif leenx, ii dono how to play so choon ho hellpped mii andd yea! cHOOn-Ho wonn! lol.. so also equal to ii won!!!=P
afterr thatt jiiu go ciine watch enchantedd moviie at 1.15am.. kelly anndd ii wanna watchh datt^^ thenn theyy all jiiu obliige wiif us andd we watchhedd tgtt..
so whiile waiiting for the moviie, wwennt to nydc at heerenn cos theyy wanna driink "hiigh-class coffee" iinsteadd of "kopii"=.= lol.. andd kelly annddd ii camm-whoredd..^^ lol.. piics so funny butt niice lerr.. denn wentt to the cine level 9 therre took piics wiif the cartoon cahractter therre.. =) gosh, took fotos wherrever we arre... heex..! hmm.. fiinally tiime to go iin for the moovvie!!! funny larrhs.. duriing the moviie, jiiu some yawnedd, some werre boredd but the 2 giirls- kelly andd ii enjoyedd the moviie.. hurhurr`` giirls arre alwayys giirls.. theyy will neverr gett boredd of faiiry talle...=) so ya..
moviie endedd andd slackedd awhiile denn jiiu go home lerr..andd backk to my lala-landd!!! ^_^
adoree me for having suchh wonderfull friiends.. =)
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