Have been really busyy prepariing presents for the kiids.
chipp in $$$ tgt wiith the teachers for my N1. :)))
morniing went City Harvest Children's Church service with the kiids.
buss journey there was argh,
BUS keptt jerking non-stopp.
most of the teachers vomitted.
service startedd at 11am.
By the tiime we reachedd there, the entire place was flooded with children of all ages.
seriously, ii damn afraid that my class kiids will get lost or what.
andd N1 kiids are onlyy 3years old .
both of my hands were full .
NOTT by holding bags but by holding the kiid's hands.
No wonder lecturers always say:
"Teacher must have many hands ,
and also eyes at the back of the head."
afterr several squeezing here and there,
we managed to squeeze into the main auditorium.
service startedd.

mixedd feelings.
iits like at the same place,
samee auditorium,
familiar smell,
ii actually miss those days. :(
yet, ii have no confidence iin the weekly commitment.

love the kiids a lot a lot.
ii still snapp snapp a lot photos.
upload another dayy .
see, theyy enjoying themselves la!
after everything, it was super late by the time we went back to school.
Everythiing was like "eat quickly!" "faster faster!" "no time already!" etc.
ii would say, almost all the teacherss werre chasing after the tiime.
andd yupp,
afterr work,
ii went to myy last year attachment centre to be "Miiss Santa"
iits better to give than to receive!
gave presentss to the K1 kiids there.
andd yes, theyy rememberred me. :)))
iits amazing to see how much the kiids actucally grew afterr 1 year.
Teacher Justine ask me to be relief teacher there.
but well, maybe when school reopens.
relief teacher iis like as and when they need me, theyy will call me .
andd ii will go.
well, went to my fav swiing playground,
same playground,
same me,
but yet ii have brought different people there. =X
sat there for awhile,
played the swing,
and startedd thinking abt stuffs.
Guess ii have became more wiser and responsible towards people ard me.
TIll then,