Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

AwesOmee pIIcss!!!>3
Monday, October 29, 2007
damm tiiredd canns..!!!
aiiyos.. nberr miind, woke upp at 6am siia.. lecturre startts at 8am all the wayy till 12 nooon thenn lunchh breakk for 4 hourss afterr whiich still hab tutoriial befoore the dayy endds iin schholl..=X
goshh! damm loongg dayy..duriing ourr 4 hourr breakk, Happiee-Fam wenntt to JP andd ate ourr luuncch..heex^^ so ya..eatt haoo ler, jiiu walkedd walkedd awhiile.. dann jiiu go take bus backk to schh lerr..yepps..=))
Cam-whoriing sessioonn!!!
hohohoho=)) hmm..backk to school forr the last tutoriial of the dayy.. yepps.. was kiinda fuunn..cann readd lots of chiildren storyy bookk=) faiiry tale, fables andd blablabla..^^ yupps.. andd playedd some gamess.. SOON, tutoriial endedd!!!
diint wenntt for cca..=X liing andd ii werre too exhaustedd lerr..**pheww**
lalalala`` andd backk to myy home-sweett-home!
. . .ii wanna fiind a neww meaniing iin myy liife. . .
Sunday, October 28, 2007
fromm viivo searchhedd til harbour fronntt haii bahhs!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
she wannt people to carry herr dehs.. cannot siit downn derr.. iff not she will cryy damm loudlly so ya.. took superr muchh fotos of herr.. she likkes camera so much man.. always smiles at the camera dehs=X ..andd stayedd at popo huse al the way till nightt tiime..
tuurnedd downn all gaii-gaii-
kiinda frustratedd andd mooddy.. in siimple terms, itss -[[moodless]]- ya..nebrr go outt means cann save $$$...hurhurr``...everytiime go out, spend $ liike waterr lidatt..cannot off derrhs.. damm shyytt larrhs..=X yepps
siimply love andd adoore herr to the biits...^^ babiies aree so damm iinnocentt andd lovable...
Piics of Babyy Chloe

lalalala`` ordiinaryy dayy bahhs=)
kekex..tiime to go off to lala landd lerr..
Friday, October 26, 2007

yepps.. lastt dayy of the weekk..mett happie-famm 11.30am at jurong eastt control statioon.. so ya.. ii wasnnt late..=X iinsteadd was earlly...hurhurr`` ah bi, motherr andd ii walkedd oberr to imm andd miit liing.. denn headedd to MOS for lunchh..=))
eatt eatt eatt~~~
denn jiiu go shoppiing leiis..=)) went into Giordano denn tryy clothiing.. iin the endd ii nberr buy thiis greyy tankk topp...but bought blackk spaggetii..=X so ya..hab lots of funn whiile trying clothiings..hehehehess^^ anndd of coss we CAM-WHORED agaiiin! yeaa=X
denn fiinally we boughtt hao lerr..contiinue shopp..went into a ariies shopp andd boughtt an anklett..=)) afterr whiich wenntt mini toons andd buyy gummiess..**yummy**yummy** andd of coss we walkedd arouund mini-toons andd see got anyy niice or cute stuff to buyy..=) in e end only ah bi andd liing boughtt thenn is liike 1.30pm lerr..we leftt soon..
2pm tutoriials jiiu startts.. =X doonntt carre.. we still happily took bus 52 andd playedd all the wayy.. [ROARR] lalalala``
so ya.. wasnt realli datt late duhhs.. still alrytess..jiiu late for 10 miins bahhs..aiiyas.. nberr miind.. so ya..watchhedd one superr boriing andd loong video siia.. cann diie.. mii andd ah bii fall asleep.. insteadd..=X bo biian- too boriing luhs.. so ya.. kekekx^^
alrytii..denn groupp workk andd andd anna presentt..hohoho^^ fiinally..4pm lerr.. herr tutoriial endd lerr..=)) yea! fiinally one more week has passedd..damm fastt larrhs...
to be frankk.. though startt school for liike 2 weeks ler.. but yett dontt realli know what ii have learnt..=.= thiink too slackk thiis Semm..haiiyos..andd some lesson quiite boriing..nberr miind, ii will tryy not to fall asleep luhs..**tryy**
oh thiis semm habb one module on speech traiining dehs..liing andd ii cannot speakk engliise iin froont of a biig crowdd..we will gett damm nervous.. dann motherr suggestted thatt the fourr of us shall speakk engliish froomm 2pm onwards..=X iiff anyone speakk chiinese, dann jiiu penalty lehs..=.= iinterestiing sehhs..of cos, we diid speakk iin chiinese unconciously..andd ourr tone of speakiing so fuunny.. liing has iindian accent andd mii hab some funny accent..hees^^
aiiyos..for the sakke of getting good grades for STB, we are practiisiing speakiing engliish comfortabllyy wiith one anotherr..=)) hopee it doess works..^_^ yepps.. worthh tryiing.. so ya...thoughh its hardd lehs..=X ends ler, jiiu go home ler the weatherr superr hott.. cann burntt mii to charcoal liiaos! ha! [[R=O=A=R]]
walkedd home as quiicklyy as ii cann..
reach home took a shortt napp andd woke up by 9pm..andd watchh the channel 8 drama seriial.. yepps..datts myy dayy..
Howw aboutt ya dayy.????

Thursday, October 25, 2007
so ya..=)) wentt iintoo one Halloween shopp whiich sell all thosee wiierdd stuff...example: iinsectss iin gummies, some wiierd "popp" gummiies..=X my goshh..ii dont darre eatt thosee stuff lerrhs.. after whiich wennt backk to school justt for 1 hourr tutoriial..=.= well, though the whole dayy only habb datt only 1 hr tutoriiall.. but is reall funny andd iinterestiing class..enjoyyeedd liisteniing to trr's storyy..=)
denn jiiu end schh lerr.. took bus 154 wiif ahh bii andd jess..butt ah bii aliight before mii.. denn talkedd all the wayy wiith jess forr the entiire journeyy till sporee postt.. denn she changedd bus..=X yepps.. so fuunny, she askedd mii watss my motiivatiion iin comiing schh everry dayy...denn ii repliedd iinstantlyy withoutt thiinking : "HAPPIE-FAMMILY"!!! =)
iindeed, its them who make my everydayy so greatt andd fuun iin school..
after school, wenntt my huse therre the kfc miit leenx.. den ah benn camme andd pass me the everlastt shoes-redd colorr- dehhs... shunn biian eatt diinerr..
**niice**nicee shoess** costt 27buckks siia..=X [[brokee...]]
but stiill cheaperr then buyiin iin sporee...
so ya.. denn talkedd andd laughedd superr loudd iin therre alsoo..heariing ah benn clubbiing experiiencee..damm funny.. he hooked daoo 1 fatt fatt derr charr bo...=X my goshh.. cannt iimagiine.. ah benn is those superr superr skiiny type goshh..-liike a bamboo stiickk..
so ya.. 7 plus pm jiiu go off lerr..wenntt see doctorr...earr superr paiin..thiink diio iinfectiion lerrhs..=( costts 44 buckks for the consultation andd mediicine.. quiite ex..^^but bo biian, really cannot ya..=.=
watchhedd tbee all the wayy andd blogginng abbtt todayy...=) weekk gonna ennd soon..
lookiing forwardd to thiis comiing weekenndd..^^
my dearestt Happie-Fam,
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Pho_Ots took 24th Octoberr 07

We swamm att therre..damm fuunn larrhs..=X
lotts lotts off noiise produceedd man!

Themm-Rebecca, Tiing, Rachell
afterr swiimming...
datt kkiip me so happy andd occupiiedd duriing dancee epiic..=)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
hmm..tdyy bagg damm heavyy..! wth.. thiink got 5kg bahs..damm it.. superr superr heavyy..anndd from eastt siide all the wayy to schh leiis..=X! ARGHH... no choiice alsoo.. haiis..
lalalala``fiirst tutoriial damm fuun..Speech marhhs.. liike reporterr lidatt, can recordd my ownn voiice andd playy backk hearr dehs...hurhurr``plus the table damm cool la..=X tdyy also damm slackk duriing herr 2 hr class.. onliine almostt thru-outt herr class..=X
hohohoho..dann is phiilip class..some creatiive arts module,
veryy fun too...creatted some nursery rhyme..ourr groupp changedd twiinkle twiinkle liitle starr iinto some r&b genre man..**cann uu iimagiine how iit will sounnd liike** well.. we diid it..=)) so funny..defiinitelyy not miissing lots of fun andd craps too..=X nott only datt mann.. diid soome drawiingg..on a theme "fashiion"...justt anyhoww drew.. =X basiically we hadd moree fuun whiile drawiing some fashiion not miissing motherr's biikiini..=))
**the drawiing is below..**
so ya..fiinally, lunch breakk lerr.. wentt SIM forr lunchh..=) lalalaa``andd we concludedd datt tmrr we shall go swiimming att ah bii's housee..yeaa..^^tmrr lecture ends at 10am andd dats all for tmrr..=) so yepps..
camm-whoriing agaiin afterr e lastt class..=X
reachedd home arouund eveniiing tiime..not earlyy not latte..^^ blehhs..lalala``watchhedd tbee all the wayy.. andd yepps.. andd noww ii amm bloggingg..=))

kiinda "CREATIVE" worrs..=X hehs``

pHoToS took on 19th-Octoberr