Wednesday, October 31, 2007

wedd agaiin..
diidnt really feel liike goiing school for justt 2 hourr of lecturee..
pluss thiis morniin the bedd so nicee to slpp..
[cosyy plus goodd weatherr]!!!
couldd hab just get someone to siign for my attendannce.
well, ii did go iin the endd..=)
mii, ahh bii, liing andd anna is damm ADDICTEDD to the taka balls iin caneteen 1 larrhs andd motherr hadd her yummy cheese pancakke=X
andd off to lecturre..
diidnt reallyy payy muchh attentiion iin lecturre eiitherr..
orr shoulldd ii sayy majoriity of us..
fiinally, lecturre ended.
diidnt go anywherr tdyy afterr schh.. wentt straiight homme andd did myy own stuff..
seriouslyy niided some restt physiically andd mentally..
so ya.. diid my readiing for frii's tutoriial.. fiinally..wanted to read iit ober the weekend yet kiip delayiing..=X
[[aiint't-diiscipliined enoughh]]
andd off to see all the due dates for all the assignmentts giiven so farr..=X
===confusedd, puzzledd===
getting more andd more challengiing andd diificultt..
we can do iit one stepp by one stepp
as mostt of our assignmentt we arre doiing tgtt..>3
tmrr goiin for attachementt agaiin..
Semester 2,
new gradiing,
but certaiin things whiich happen iin Sem 1,
wonderr iiff you all will probe anyy furtherr...
everythiing gonna repeattt..
ii dreadd...dreadd...dreadd..
goiing thruu everythiing agaiin.
but, just gotta be posiitive abt tmr,
beliieviing that everythiing gonna be allryte,
andd wearrs a smiile tomorrow..
realiity aiint' thatt siimple..
iitt contradiicts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

anotherr dayy hadd passedd!
bag tdyy damm heavvyy larrhs..
thiinkk gortt abt 6 kg bahs.. lappyy andd some artt materiials andd blablabla!!!
tdyy STB-Speech Traiining Basiics damm fuun andd cool la..have microphone ear piiece siia.. liike those radiio-casterr dehhs.. lol.. cooll..=.= hmm..heardd myy ownn voiice andd the wayy ii readd..
"iintonatiions" yeaa..?
"....nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah...."
ha! agaiin, class endd le.. tiime for creatiive art tutoriial.. yupps.. watchh some viideoo aboutt "Handi-makes"
[[psps: ii dontt know how to spell]]*
iis just byy usiing every iinch of ur hands andd create sth outt of iit!
so damm niice la..
hmm, yepps..hadd some powerr point on viisual art andd blablabla..=X
andd off for luunch breakk.. wentt caneteen 2 ate yong-tau-foo agaiin..yummyyummy^^
andd one hrr was upp superr quiicklyy..
backk to tutoriiall..
supposedly to end at 4pm but itt endedd one hourr earlierr..=))
took bus home wiith jess andd of cos we talkedd abt manyy manyy stuff!!!
Some people arent thatt siimple as you thiink theyy werre
iin factt,
theyy wore diifferent shades of masks iin frontt of you.
Despiite thatt,
ii am still BLESSEDD wiif my Happie-Fam!
Happie Famiily Outiing to Sentosa
28th Octoberr!


AwesOmee pIIcss!!!>3

Monday, October 29, 2007

dragg mysellff to school thiis morniing=X

damm tiiredd canns..!!!

aiiyos.. nberr miind, woke upp at 6am siia.. lecturre startts at 8am all the wayy till 12 nooon thenn lunchh breakk for 4 hourss afterr whiich still hab tutoriial befoore the dayy endds iin schholl..=X

goshh! damm loongg dayy..duriing ourr 4 hourr breakk, Happiee-Fam wenntt to JP andd ate ourr luuncch..heex^^ so ya..eatt haoo ler, jiiu walkedd walkedd awhiile.. dann jiiu go take bus backk to schh lerr..yepps..=))

Cam-whoriing sessioonn!!!

hohohoho=)) hmm..backk to school forr the last tutoriial of the dayy.. yepps.. was kiinda fuunn..cann readd lots of chiildren storyy bookk=) faiiry tale, fables andd blablabla..^^ yupps.. andd playedd some gamess.. SOON, tutoriial endedd!!!

diint wenntt for cca..=X liing andd ii werre too exhaustedd lerr..**pheww**

lalalala`` andd backk to myy home-sweett-home!

. . .ii wanna fiind a neww meaniing iin myy liife. . .

Sunday, October 28, 2007

despiite applyiing 4 layers of sunblockk on my face andd body!!!
burnn till damm jiialatt!!=X
aiiyos.. tdyy was supposedd to miit Happie-Fam 10am at vivo de.. but guess watt, ii woke upp att 9.30am..! GOSH! ii actually sett my alarm at 9.30am.. cos ii thought miit them at 11am!
sryy worr.. ii mixedd up the tiime..=X
so ya.. denn ii prepare as quiickly as ii cann andd wentt off to take bus ler..yepps..mett them at aboutt 10.45am plus..=X
off to take monorail leiis.. but guess whatt we couldnt fiind the place to take monorail siia..denn from vivo walkedd till harbourr frontt denn realiised is not therre..
haa! iin the endd boughtt new york piizza andd cheese friies..
haas.. andd off we went to vivo agaiin..haas..fiinally founnd dao the monorail place lerr..=))
DAmm exciited larr.. fiirstt tiime take monoraill iin to sentosa.. cause usually is take buss dehhs..
so ya..=))
Fiinally reachhedd siloso beachh lerr..! whoos!
the four of us damm exciited la.. lol.. the sunn is damm briight tdyy la!
putt 4layers of sunblockk siia..but still result is the same as not putting..
stuppiid ryyte!?!?!
so ya.. ate the piiza andd chheese friies we boughht
at a shadyy place..
we dam "en-aii" la.. feed eachh otherr!
so ya.! at therre hab small fountaiin liike bugiis those kiind..playedd therre awhiile andd off to the biig blue sea..
haha.. helppedd motherr putt tanniing lotioon..=X
shee wann good colourr of tone..
yepps.. andd off to sea..
was abtt 12pm whenn we jummpped into the seaa!
took damm lots of fotos before, duriing annd afterr!!
yarrhs.. thoughh ah bii leftt earlierr butt we still hadd lots of funn tgtt as a famiily..
hmm. left mii, liing andd motherr..
motherr wann blackk blackk so she laiid on the sanndd and tanned!
mii andd liing iin the sea..
always rolling everywherr cos the superr biig waves current pushedd us to andd fro..
myy gosh.. so damm unglamed la!
laughhedd at eachh otherr unglam-ness, so funny"!!!
yepps..well, who cares for those unglamm!
its the fun, joy andd laughterr datt matters bahs!
PROCESS! yeaa, u noee...!!!
andd hadd manny manny fuun!
motherr's feet was liike burriedd by the three of us...
sandd-maskk...u noee!
denn backk to the sea.. superr hot siia.. buayy tahann!
haas.. andd ya..currentt pushedd mii andd liing to andd fro agaiin..!
hold onto mother's feet as she was lyiing on the sandd..
oh ya.. the sea-waterr is damm SALTY larrhs!
made daaoo eyes super paiinfull dehhs...
so funny..mii andd liing alwayys got pushedd here andd therre by the wavess...!!!
so ya..denn one bunchh of chiina ppl was liike jummpiin iinto the sea..
so comiicall!
so ya..talkedd abt many stuffs whiile in the sea..
love themm to the biits!``
yepps...fiinally we cannot stannd the blaziing suun anymoree..
off we go to showerr =))
by thenn it was like abt 4pm..
gosh, we hab been underr the suun for 4hours!=X
Liing was chao-tah!!!
motherr andd ii werre burntt!!!
so ya.. lalala.. showerr~ skyy lookedd liike its goonna raiin soon..
so off we wentt as quiickly to take monorail back to viivo..=))
wa driizzliing by thenn ler.
shopped arounnd, wentt iinto Toysrus.. three of us behave liike kiids larrhs=X
GOSH! aww.. we aree iinddeed fromm ECH der leiis.!!!
lots of funn andd stupiid thiing we do therre..
shall uploadd fotos soon!!!=))
yepps.. walkedd walkked walkedd..
bagg damm heavyy, bodyy achiing.. andd the sun-burn iitch and hurtts.!
searchedd for subwayy thiink for abtt 20miins bahs..

fromm viivo searchhedd til harbour fronntt haii bahhs!
fiinally we fouund iit at harbourr fronntt!
walkedd too long, damm tiired!
of cos along the way, lots of eyes werre looking at us as iif we were
-got so jiialat mehs!?!?!-
firstt tiime eatt subb-wayy, feels so "ku-ku" larrhs
dontt noe watt to eatt andd watt to orderr..
so anyhow anyhoww..
yepps..eatt eatt eatt, talkedd tallked talkedd..
compariing hu got burntt more serioussly!
andd for mii is funny case lor.. after putting 4 layers of sun blockk,
ii am still so burnt!
nberr miind, once iin a blue moon gt sunburnnt is okays bahs!
yeaas?! anyways, is the fun that matters riight!?!?
off to buyy aloe vera gel from guardiian afterr eatt haoo..
my gosh,
ii dint noe aloe vera gel can be usedd as a shaviing gel siia!
cool!~~three of us werre liike laughiing like crazy when we saw thatt..=X
ehhs.. we are liike thiis, so pls get usedd to us andd tahan ourr NOISE LEVEL!!!
yepps..andd denn we wentt took bus iin separate wayys..=X
whatt to sayy nerr?!!
ii LOVE themm lots lots!
they taughtt mii how to move on!
how to be strong!
andd wat iis poly liife liike wiith themm@_@
Thanx!!! and ii love every siingle of you truly!!!=))

Saturday, October 27, 2007

wokee upp liike 12 plus noon..damm earlyy..=X hmm.. usually is slpp till evening time der..aiiyos..woke upp earllyy cos babyy chloe gt go popo house..=)) for the sake of seeiing herr..yeaa..playedd withh herr fromm noon till eveniing pluss cos ah yii go forr herr faciial... so put babyy chloe iin popo hands..=)) wahs.. anndd ii makee miillk miilk forr baby chloe..yepps..=X

she wannt people to carry herr dehs.. cannot siit downn derr.. iff not she will cryy damm loudlly so ya.. took superr muchh fotos of herr.. she likkes camera so much man.. always smiles at the camera dehs=X ..andd stayedd at popo huse al the way till nightt tiime..

tuurnedd downn all gaii-gaii-

kiinda frustratedd andd mooddy.. in siimple terms, itss -[[moodless]]- ya..nebrr go outt means cann save $$$...hurhurr``...everytiime go out, spend $ liike waterr lidatt..cannot off derrhs.. damm shyytt larrhs..=X yepps

siimply love andd adoore herr to the biits...^^ babiies aree so damm iinnocentt andd lovable...

Piics of Babyy Chloe

Xiiao-jiiu andd babyy chloee

lalalala`` ordiinaryy dayy bahhs=)
ii am exciitedd abtt tmrr..=X
kekex..tiime to go off to lala landd lerr..
canndiiex dreams. . .

Friday, October 26, 2007

yepps.. lastt dayy of the weekk..mett happie-famm 11.30am at jurong eastt control statioon.. so ya.. ii wasnnt late..=X iinsteadd was earlly...hurhurr`` ah bi, motherr andd ii walkedd oberr to imm andd miit liing.. denn headedd to MOS for lunchh..=))
eatt eatt eatt~~~

denn jiiu go shoppiing leiis..=)) went into Giordano denn tryy clothiing.. iin the endd ii nberr buy thiis greyy tankk topp...but bought blackk spaggetii..=X so ya..hab lots of funn whiile trying clothiings..hehehehess^^ anndd of coss we CAM-WHORED agaiiin! yeaa=X

denn fiinally we boughtt hao lerr..contiinue shopp..went into a ariies shopp andd boughtt an anklett..=)) afterr whiich wenntt mini toons andd buyy gummiess..**yummy**yummy** andd of coss we walkedd arouund mini-toons andd see got anyy niice or cute stuff to buyy..=) in e end only ah bi andd liing boughtt thenn is liike 1.30pm lerr..we leftt soon..
2pm tutoriials jiiu startts.. =X doonntt carre.. we still happily took bus 52 andd playedd all the wayy.. [ROARR] lalalala``

so ya.. wasnt realli datt late duhhs.. still alrytess..jiiu late for 10 miins bahhs..aiiyas.. nberr miind.. so ya..watchhedd one superr boriing andd loong video siia.. cann diie.. mii andd ah bii fall asleep.. insteadd..=X bo biian- too boriing luhs.. so ya.. kekekx^^

alrytii..denn groupp workk andd andd anna presentt..hohoho^^ fiinally..4pm lerr.. herr tutoriial endd lerr..=)) yea! fiinally one more week has passedd..damm fastt larrhs...

to be frankk.. though startt school for liike 2 weeks ler.. but yett dontt realli know what ii have learnt..=.= thiink too slackk thiis Semm..haiiyos..andd some lesson quiite boriing..nberr miind, ii will tryy not to fall asleep luhs..**tryy**

oh thiis semm habb one module on speech traiining dehs..liing andd ii cannot speakk engliise iin froont of a biig crowdd..we will gett damm nervous.. dann motherr suggestted thatt the fourr of us shall speakk engliish froomm 2pm onwards..=X iiff anyone speakk chiinese, dann jiiu penalty lehs..=.= iinterestiing sehhs..of cos, we diid speakk iin chiinese unconciously..andd ourr tone of speakiing so fuunny.. liing has iindian accent andd mii hab some funny accent..hees^^

aiiyos..for the sakke of getting good grades for STB, we are practiisiing speakiing engliish comfortabllyy wiith one anotherr..=)) hopee it doess works..^_^ yepps.. worthh tryiing.. so ya...thoughh its hardd lehs..=X ends ler, jiiu go home ler the weatherr superr hott.. cann burntt mii to charcoal liiaos! ha! [[R=O=A=R]]
walkedd home as quiicklyy as ii cann..

reach home took a shortt napp andd woke up by 9pm..andd watchh the channel 8 drama seriial.. yepps..datts myy dayy..

Howw aboutt ya dayy.????

Cam-whoriing att IMM!

siimply love themm to the biits@_@!!!

ii foundd out sthh..

"someone" is liike attachedd liiaos lorr!


dontt knoww whyy ii am so iidiot as to go see if theyy are tgt or nott..

~iin eiither way, it still affects me~

well, the ansswerr is obviious,

ii guess.. stopp denyyiing..

my heartt does not ached that much liike how it was before..

guess its iimmune to all these alreadyy,


ii am alrytee!

even if ii am all alone few years down the roadd..

ii will still be contentedd.

thoughh a partt of mii aiin't





Thursday, October 25, 2007

hmm..was late, supposedd to miit happie-fam 1pm at common-wealthh de but ii late agaiin..=X Reachh 15 mins laterr.. denn took buss go Holland V eatt nasii lemakk..=)) weatherr damm hott..kaoo..**sweatiingg likke dono whatt..** luckky gt putt mosturiizerr..iff not sure "become darkerr"^^ ya.. saww damalla-ex sec classmatess at therre wiith her frens too.. so ya.. saiid "hii" to herr.. ate hao ler, talkedd, crappedd denn jiiu go walkedd walkkedd arounnd therre..=X saww the wiindmiill, ii thoughtt is those biig biig kiind dehs..denn saw dao ler dann know iis thosee small small one..=X **ROARR**

so ya..=)) wentt iintoo one Halloween shopp whiich sell all thosee wiierdd stuff...example: iinsectss iin gummies, some wiierd "popp" gummiies..=X my goshh..ii dont darre eatt thosee stuff lerrhs.. after whiich wennt backk to school justt for 1 hourr tutoriial..=.= well, though the whole dayy only habb datt only 1 hr tutoriiall.. but is reall funny andd iinterestiing class..enjoyyeedd liisteniing to trr's storyy..=)

denn jiiu end schh lerr.. took bus 154 wiif ahh bii andd jess..butt ah bii aliight before mii.. denn talkedd all the wayy wiith jess forr the entiire journeyy till sporee postt.. denn she changedd bus..=X yepps.. so fuunny, she askedd mii watss my motiivatiion iin comiing schh everry dayy...denn ii repliedd iinstantlyy withoutt thiinking : "HAPPIE-FAMMILY"!!! =)
iindeed, its them who make my everydayy so greatt andd fuun iin school..

after school, wenntt my huse therre the kfc miit leenx.. den ah benn camme andd pass me the everlastt shoes-redd colorr- dehhs... shunn biian eatt diinerr..
**niice**nicee shoess** costt 27buckks siia..=X [[brokee...]]
but stiill cheaperr then buyiin iin sporee...

so ya.. denn talkedd andd laughedd superr loudd iin therre alsoo..heariing ah benn clubbiing experiiencee..damm funny.. he hooked daoo 1 fatt fatt derr charr bo...=X my goshh.. cannt iimagiine.. ah benn is those superr superr skiiny type goshh..-liike a bamboo stiickk..

so ya.. 7 plus pm jiiu go off lerr..wenntt see doctorr...earr superr paiin..thiink diio iinfectiion lerrhs..=( costts 44 buckks for the consultation andd mediicine.. quiite ex..^^but bo biian, really cannot ya..=.=

watchhedd tbee all the wayy andd blogginng abbtt todayy...=) weekk gonna ennd soon..
lookiing forwardd to thiis comiing weekenndd..^^

Happie-Famiily att Holland-V shopping mall=))

.::helppedd mii a lott thruu outt my O's lastt yearr::.

!!!camm-whoorrin piic!!!
ii lovee,
my dearestt Happie-Fam,
andd anndd andd,
myy friiends!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


wokee upp latee tdyy..arghh..kiinda 15 mins prepare hao jiiu go takke bus lerr..andd the bus journeyy is liike 1hrr journeyy..hmm..sleppt the whole journeyy therre..yepps..
FUNN dayy!!! afterr lecturee, wentt ahh bii's housee forr swiimiing wiith Happie-Fam! the whole journeyy fromm school busstopp till herr housee , we made superr muchh noiise.. lolx...=X while waiiting for bus, on bus andd of cos whille walkiing.. =)) sangg, crapp andd jokee too.. fiinally reachedd ler.. changedd andd exciitedly we jumpp iinto the pool...
=X my goshh, the waterr damm coldd..^^ shiiveriing liike madd larrhs..superrr duperr coldd..lalalaa``afterr a whiile of splashiin waterr at eachh otherr.. not thatt cold ler.. muchh betterr lerr..=) nextt, of cos we playedd! playedd wiithh ball andd the swiiming boardd ah bi broughtt..andd of cos playedd some damm funnyy game..likke competiing agaiinst eachh otherr by running whiile carryiing either of us on her ya.. we hab 4 ppl..evenn numberr..=) gulpped down a lot of the water siia..arghh..
funny man..we veryy NOISY..evenn securiity camme andd told us twiice... butt dontt carre..lalalaa`` we justt contiinue...laughiing, talking loudly like no one's busiiness..=X butt denn gtt some ppl so rubbishh`` look out of theiir wiindoww andd startedd starriing at us..!?!?!! my gosh.. the ppl liiving therre are freakiing
we wennt to the otherr siide, satt jacuzzii awhiile dann wenntt off for showerr..we playedd iin the pool for abtt 2 hours plus lerr..=X
ratherr hungryy too..showerr andd wenntt to ah bi's house..
herr mom hadd preparedd food for us..=)
[[photos are beloww]]
hohohoho``andd of cos afterr eatt hao jiiu wennt up to the balcony andd camm-whoore..!
ii love the wiind therre larrhs..=) superr wiindyy leiis...
[[ photos beloww too ]]^^ thosee piic.. havee lot of funn whiile cam-whoriing too..=)yeaa..
fiinally, we leftt andd headedd to vivo..took mrt from harbour frontt..
ourr bagss superr superr heavvyy due to the swiiming costume andd the towel la..
**ROARR** nberr miind, we still wennt to vivo andd shopp shopp..
on the journeyy there, we fall asleep..guess we over-used our energyy..
fiinally reachedd vivo ler.. casuall shooppiing andd walkiin aroundd..
walkedd walkedd walkedd andd fiinally we deciided to eatt diinerr before goiing home... so ya..ppl therre aree wiierrd alsoo..bwgg.. dono whyy met so much wiiierdo tdyy..=X
hmm..neberr miind..serviice therre aso not datt good thoughh...
[[ lazyy to elaborattee ]]
okiies. so ya.. dann jiiu walkedd dann go takee bus home lerr.. andd reachedd home jiiu 7pm plus.. whoosh~ been outt siince earlyy in the morniing 6plus am..
superr tiiredd andd exhaustedd lerrhs..=X
no energyy leftt lerr..
so ya..=X greatt dayy tdyy..
exceptt for the 2hourr boriing lecturee..
wonderfull happie-famiily outiing alsoo..=))

tmrr cann wakke up late lerr..cos tutoriial at 2pm..

Pho_Ots took 24th Octoberr 07

HAPPIE-Famiily lerrhs!
afterr swiimming att ah bii's house..
ahh bii's motherr cookk for uss..=) so swiitt..
hao hao chii lerrhs..we ate moree dann 1 roundd larrhs..=X

We swamm att therre..damm fuunn larrhs..=X
lotts lotts off noiise produceedd man!

the staiirrcasee...

Liing tookk derr..=)


Themm-Rebecca, Tiing, Rachell
afterr swiimming...
datt kkiip me so happy andd occupiiedd duriing dancee epiic..=)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

hmm..tdyy bagg damm heavyy..! wth.. thiink got 5kg bahs..damm it.. superr superr heavyy..anndd from eastt siide all the wayy to schh leiis..=X! ARGHH... no choiice alsoo.. haiis..

lalalala``fiirst tutoriial damm fuun..Speech marhhs.. liike reporterr lidatt, can recordd my ownn voiice andd playy backk hearr dehs...hurhurr``plus the table damm cool la..=X tdyy also damm slackk duriing herr 2 hr class.. onliine almostt thru-outt herr class..=X

hohohoho..dann is phiilip class..some creatiive arts module,
veryy fun too...creatted some nursery rhyme..ourr groupp changedd twiinkle twiinkle liitle starr iinto some r&b genre man..**cann uu iimagiine how iit will sounnd liike** well.. we diid it..=)) so funny..defiinitelyy not miissing lots of fun andd craps too..=X nott only datt mann.. diid soome drawiingg..on a theme "fashiion"...justt anyhoww drew.. =X basiically we hadd moree fuun whiile drawiing some fashiion not miissing motherr's biikiini..=))

**the drawiing is below..**

so ya..fiinally, lunch breakk lerr.. wentt SIM forr lunchh..=) lalalaa``andd we concludedd datt tmrr we shall go swiimming att ah bii's housee..yeaa..^^tmrr lecture ends at 10am andd dats all for tmrr..=) so yepps..
camm-whoriing agaiin afterr e lastt class..=X

reachedd home arouund eveniiing tiime..not earlyy not latte..^^ blehhs..lalala``watchhedd tbee all the wayy.. andd yepps.. andd noww ii amm bloggingg..=))

off to my lala``landd agaiin..=))
sugarr niightss..

ii-m gettiing usedd to thiis kiinda kkind of liifstylee agaiin..
dontt wiishh to have anyone to iinvadee in anymore.
so, siimply, gett lost.
PhotOs took On 23rd-Octoberr

The drawiing me, motherr, 2 hazels andd anna diid dehss..duriing creatiive arts lesson=X
kiinda "CREATIVE" worrs..=X hehs``

tO_oK all thesee fotos att conventiion centree.. heex..^^ greatt mann.. greatt tiime...

pHoToS took on 19th-Octoberr