Tuesday, September 30, 2008
thenn boughht some tees @ house there the pasa malam.
haddd KFC andd restedd.
funnyy thiings happened. =XXX
thenn acc mummy go sheng shiiong buyy some necessitiies.
diiner wiith mummy andd papa at Duman Foodcourt.
hadd frogg leg porridge.
theyy pluckk the frog leg meat out for me. :)))
ii dont eat other parts of the frog.
pampered wiith love :))
home-edd abt 9plus pm liiaos.
tv andd watchh The Academy.
diint go for Guan da bdayy celebratiion.
err dii dono whiich nerves connect wrong,
became so crankyy andd do all sorts of funny actiions.
made me andd mummy laugh till cry. XD
of cos ii was alsoo er dii crankyy play mates.!
andd we both hiid at one cornner and scare the wiits out of mummy.
that moment ii felt liike those days.
those days whenn we havent grew up,
those dayys when we would always playedd wiith our "masat masat-TOYS",
andd fiight tgt till our legs were full of bruises .
our 4 years age gap often made us quarrel over diifferent poiint of viiews whenn our opiinions crossed HORRIBLY.
TERRIIBLE FlarE upp was iineviitable.
but there is thiis speciial thiing- Example: common interests.
we cann talk abt Taiwan drama tgt, dii-siiao one another. . .
sweetest part was mummy would always ask err dii to go downstaiirs waiit for me andd to piick me upp whenever ii am out till wee hours.
DDeepdeepp down, ii know thatt, my famiily will always be there for me no matter what.
wo shii xiin fu der. :DDD
Monday, September 29, 2008
waiitedd kiinda long for everythiing to starrtt.
eventt supposed to be heldd at the fiield but was changed to the hall cos raiining non-stopp. =.='''
spore-eans realli veryy kiia-su.
buayy tahan..
P1 startt fiirst then followed by P2.
deciidedd to go giive lil bro support.
thoughh diint won but still, iits the experiience gaiinedd for hiim .
all the tuckshopp aunties andd uncles still the samme liike 10years ago.
alll never changedd so tdyy whenn ii walkedd pastt theirr stalls,
ii smiledd at them andd theyy couldd recogniise mi :))
took manyy pfotos .
shall uploadd one dayy .
Edmund Chen was there to giive out priizes.
snappedd some pfotos of hiim .
hahahahaXD still as shuaii andd youunng siia,
dont look old at all one lor.
waiitedd for lil bro to endd school then went home tgt,
boughht diiner backk andd tv all the wayy !
Niights ppl .
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
met andeliine, ong, sharon, ziihuii at pp to buyy cake andd wrote the carrd.
saw emiily att pp wiith her bf.
chatted wiith her awhiile whiile waiiting for andeliine they all to reach .
whenn they reachhedd ler, we jiiu go buy wiinnie the pooh balloon and cake for ah Lii!
thenn walkedd go opposiite katong mall there the Aston restaurant .
waiitedd for ah lii to reachh thenn order lor.
sharred wiith sharon andd we hav a LOVELY diiner and tiime tgt.
celebratedd ahh li's 19th bdayy.
the cakee was yummy. !
andd went katong mall there whiile deciiding wherr to go then.
ah lii was holdiing onto her balloon whenn a lil giirl attemptedd to snatch the balloon.
haha.. funnyy scene.
fiinally, we deciided to go to central affter ah lii persuadedd zii huii andd ong for a long longg tiime.
went there we sat nearr the riiver there lor andd playedd BLUFF!
LOLS. XDD diint know how to play der but iin the end ii also know liiaos.
FUN AND LAUGHTERR laughiing at one another who triied to bluff successfully andd those who triied to bluff but failed.
Ong was the maiin "detectiive" for the niight. !!!
keepp catchiing me BLUFF. !!! OMG.
theyy wentt home andd ii joiinedd ah lii and her friiends go to The White Bar.
was still hesitatiing for some tiime whetherrr or not to go. . .
but still ii went.
iinside was niice n good place to chiill out.
playyed carrd games wiith ah lii friiends andd chiit chattedd .
Joviin came meet us.
ii fcukiing longg never see dao her ler.
thiink got 3-4 years ler bahs.
catchh-edd upp andd played ppool.
haha. was cool to see her agaiin.
there wasnt any awkardness despiite so many years neverr meet ler.
andd snap snap snapp fotos. !!!
took manyymanyy fotos tdyy!!! =D
cabb-edd wiith ah lii and joviin.
home abt 3 plus am ler. =XXX
wasntt knockedd down but guess joviin and ah lii's friiends werre.
long dayy andd fun tiime !!!

theyy doodle-edd on the boarrd.
uploadd pfotos whenn ii get them .:)))
Friday, September 26, 2008
then go bedok there see chinese acupuncture physician .
iinjuredd knee ystd duriing dance. :((
thoughht tdyy wake upp would get better but never. so told mummyy abbt iit.
the chinese acupuncture physician iis papa relatiive so foc one.
fiirst tiime hurt dao knee till need go see doctor..
he message the area so painful also. ! :((
andd also iitchyy.
he bandagedd the area wiith mediicine andd was told to remove iit only on sundayy morniing.
tdyy ate manyy food.
hohohohooo`` XD
bus backk home then.
wiith the bandagge thiingy, walkiing also xiin ku.
wantedd to buy curtaiin at house there the pasa malam one but diint liike the patterns AND desiigns there.
nahs. never miind.
well !
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
preparedd andd took bus 24 to amk.
shelbyy hoppedd onto the bus.
waiitedd for bus 24 superr long also lor.
iin the end two bus 24 came tgt.
reachedd yishunn inter andd met the rest .
thiinkk we took bus 806 to some partt of yiishun andd wentt to the chiildcare there.
celebratted chiildren's dayy for the kiids.
ii was wiith playgroupp that grpp.
kiids werre friiendlyy eventually!
kiinda tiiringg at the end of iit.
cos the actiivitiies whiich we preparedd for themm also aiint siimple.
or should ii say iis messy actiivities whiich involves paiint all those.
myy hands andd clothes got staiined by paiint also. =XXX
thats the bad part, anyway.
went amk wiith mel, shelby and ana.
julie joiined us for lunchh.
lunchedd andd deciided to joiin mel and julie for kbox sessiion.
so went amk jubilee there the kbox.
iif ii rmb correctly.
wtf`` there the serviice sucks to the corre lor!
Seriiousllyy!!! BADD!
sangg manyy songs andd deborah joiinedd us then.
FUN!!! andd took manyy pfotos too :))
bus 135 home. superr long journeyy....
fall aslleepp many tiimes. ZzZzZzzZzZz
niight tiime diisturbb mummy,
she also haben sleepp.
andd ii m goiing faciial on frii!
whoo XDD
cookiee that the kiids madee :))
Tiingg, Ana andd Deb :))
Deb, Julie andd Mel :))
Ana andd Deb :))
andd lastlyy The GROUPP fotoss :)))
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
yutakii class frm 6.30pm-8.30pm...
was fun andd cool.
whoo~ Siians.. blogger have prob, there goes my post .!
typiing again. !!!
warm-edd upp realli warm-edd.!
legs achiing liike argh~
afterwhiich, diiner @ East point there the LJS.
Shelby started to "beat box" whiich was what yutakii diid duriing class.
andd there ii starrttedd to "beat box" too.
andd the fuunnyy thiing was thatt whiile queiing up and waiting to order food,
the guy iin front of me turnedd andd lookedd whiile ii was "don-chii-don-chii-sa-ba-shiii"
ahh~ somethiing liike that larr.
hahaha. ! LOLS.
diiner then home sweet home:))
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
11am starts.
superr earlii, have probs crawliing out of bedd.
hadd a badd badd badd dreamm. :((
scaryy, thot ii will diie.
as usual, bryan's sessiion was overwhelmiing.
guess who we saww.!
Philip! yes, one of the lecturer who taughtt my class for the passt few semester.
Miiss Lim andd ii were iin the same class tgt wiith Philip.
so funnyy. andd iit was at the end of the fiirst class that he saw us.
cool. He was kiinda shockedd too. !
lunchedd at PS Ajiisen.
bus 7 to spore post and meet mummy, papa andd lil bro there.
boughtt some stuff andd walkedd backk home.
sun superr hot !!!
spoil my mood lor.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
diint went to childcarre.
not enoughh tiime thoughh. =XXX
wass on the same traiin as Miss Tan towardds Pasiir riis. !
anndd the traiin keppt pause, brake iin the miidle of the trackk. =.='''
walkedd ard at whiitesands denn babe andd ana reachedd and boughtt some stuff andd off we go to the chalet. !
bus403. !
we werre superr noiisy andd crappyy on the entiire journeyy there.
totallyy isolatedd in our sharedd conversatiions. !
ii liike!
andd soonn we reachedd the chalet!
Foodd. Food. Foodd
andd thenn tv-edd and those usual stuff.
best part was whenn we attempt to hiighliight our haiir.!
we sharedd the dyye andd triied.
took us a pretty long tiime to gett 2 heads done.
felt cheatedd by the dye AGAIIN! ! !
iit diint turn out liike what we saww on the boxx!!!
[Driinkk] O_o
Ana, babe andd mii.
talkedd abt those days, yes, those were the days.
andd toilet, cliimbiing up the staiirs upp andd down to get beer.
14 cans of beer were conqured* tgtt .
Miss Tan, sorry for the noiise andd diin we made.
Thanks for suchh a niice tiime tgt . :))
woke upp andd realisedd all the stupiid stuff we diid.
esp iif one dont even recalled doiing .
hahaha. =XXX woke upp felt superr bloatedd iin the stomachh. wennt whiite sands to buy backk the beer we drankk.
back to chalet, chiit chatt wiith babe whiile lyiing on bedd.
bbq tiime andd food was awesome. !
playedd at pasir riis parkk after sendiing Miiss Lim to busstop.
kiids therre playedd wiith us.
FUN! sweatt profusellyy!!!
stoodd on the sandd andd star/cloudd gaziing:))
restedd backk at chalet awhiile andd left abt 10plus pm.
reachedd home superr tiiredd.
talkedd wiithh mummyy andd lil bro awhiile andd ZZZZzzzZzZzZ.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
earliier of the noon,
acc mummy go err dii school.=XXX
tdy dance class aso veryy funn andd funny.
especiially the V-pop..
whereby have to siing some partt and dance @ the same tiime.
so funny .
**Miss Lim andd ii were liike laughiing most of the tiime** =XXX
yutakii was funny too. haha.
iinterestiing class.
home abt 8pllus liiaos.
bus thenn walkedd home slowlyy.
niice walk home alone.
tv andd now mii and shelbyy tryiing to fiind those musiic we have learnt.
some still not found. ZzZzZzZZzZzzZz
tmrr goiing for chalet!
will be back on sat.
how cool.
maybe before dat, gonna pop by @ my centre andd see the kiids.
mentor asked me backk to see their open house thiingy.
ii miis them ! :)))
somehow iit crashes wiith my tiimetable tmr!
shall see how iit goes tmr then!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
never go for dance.
met mummyy @ spore post eat lunchh.
then go buy some cookiing stuff.
walkedd home.
home immed "TOH" dropped flat on bedd.
tv andd then diiner @ popo house.
afterr diiner jiiu home liiaos.
on the wayy home ,
playyed wiith mummy andd lil bro.
showedd them the neckk movement to the riight then to the leftt thiingy,
so funny, theyy tried to imitate me but hahahha, not riight. !
fiinally, ii could do that !
home playyedd some "Roti-prata" games wiith lil bro and tv then slackedd.
ZzZzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz =XXX
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
dancee as usual.
tdy one was kiiler. =X
tiime passedd utterly slow. =.='''
Giirls hiip hop was fun andd cool .
hahahaha. everywherr achhing stiill.
confidence, can ii be ur friiend?!
class endedd @ 8.30plus pm...
diinerr @ PS mac wiith miiss Lim.!
serviice there was superrr bad.
shant elaborate. just one word- BAD.
ii orderrredd fillet but when ii openedd it, iit was chiickenn iin a fiillet box. =.='''
like wth. so angry! serviice alrdy nt gd liiaos somemorre still giive me wroong orderr!
will not diine @ there the macc anymorre.
bus 7 home.
reachhed home 10.30plus pm liiaos.
tiired lor.
somemorre my show startt liiaos. !
lights off .
Monday, September 15, 2008
morniing was tense.
woke upp and there was no sms by school abt the results.
nervous siia, jumped out of bed andd checkedd results.
then the sms came. iit came like 9plus am thiis tiime roundd.
usually past 3 semester it comes usuallyy liike 7-8plus am.
GPA= 3.18
happyy cos ii improvedd as comparedd to last sem.
not so happy cos iit still not that good as the results ii got iin year 1 .
but still sastiifiedd larrhs! :D
surprisingly, Finanacial Mgt got A whiich iis liike huh. expectedd a B or B+.
but still happyy that ii got A.! XD
well, be contentedd yea.
Class @ studiiowu tdyy!
was FUN !
comparedd to sat.
tdyy hadd J/K pop.
instructor was funnyy .
got "Di ban" actiions also.
dancedd continuously for 3 hrs.
how cool yea.
class endedd at 7.30pm andd diiner-edd at KouFu at SMU.
starviing liike seriiously.
niice diiner.
andd bus home. !
muscles now achiing.
shiiok ahs~!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Your hidden talent is writing |
woke upp, muscles seriiouslyy achiing. :((
entiire bodyy larrhs.
niice one .
diiner at house nearbyy wiith famiily.
raiining cats andd dogs.
snugglyy ffeell.
((wonderr how ppl play candles, lanterns andd fiires tdyy))
mooncake festiival tdyy,
nothiing speciial.
diint realli celebrate anyway.
whatsmorever, the ''special'' one aiint by myy siide .
anyway, eat hao diiner jiiu go to pasa malam walkk walkk.
boughtt some stuff andd saw the curtaiin ii liike,
but diint buy yet.
gg backk wiith mummy one dayy soon . !