AHH LII:))))))))))))))))))))
Mayy all ur wiishess come truue !!!
met andeliine, ong, sharon, ziihuii at pp to buyy cake andd wrote the carrd.
saw emiily att pp wiith her bf.
chatted wiith her awhiile whiile waiiting for andeliine they all to reach .
whenn they reachhedd ler, we jiiu go buy wiinnie the pooh balloon and cake for ah Lii!
thenn walkedd go opposiite katong mall there the Aston restaurant .
waiitedd for ah lii to reachh thenn order lor.
sharred wiith sharon andd we hav a LOVELY diiner and tiime tgt.
celebratedd ahh li's 19th bdayy.
the cakee was yummy. !
andd went katong mall there whiile deciiding wherr to go then.
ah lii was holdiing onto her balloon whenn a lil giirl attemptedd to snatch the balloon.
haha.. funnyy scene.
fiinally, we deciided to go to central affter ah lii persuadedd zii huii andd ong for a long longg tiime.
went there we sat nearr the riiver there lor andd playedd BLUFF!
LOLS. XDD diint know how to play der but iin the end ii also know liiaos.
FUN AND LAUGHTERR laughiing at one another who triied to bluff successfully andd those who triied to bluff but failed.
Ong was the maiin "detectiive" for the niight. !!!
keepp catchiing me BLUFF. !!! OMG.
theyy wentt home andd ii joiinedd ah lii and her friiends go to The White Bar.
was still hesitatiing for some tiime whetherrr or not to go. . .
but still ii went.
iinside was niice n good place to chiill out.
playyed carrd games wiith ah lii friiends andd chiit chattedd .
Joviin came meet us.
ii fcukiing longg never see dao her ler.
thiink got 3-4 years ler bahs.
catchh-edd upp andd played ppool.
haha. was cool to see her agaiin.
there wasnt any awkardness despiite so many years neverr meet ler.
andd snap snap snapp fotos. !!!
took manyymanyy fotos tdyy!!! =D
cabb-edd wiith ah lii and joviin.
home abt 3 plus am ler. =XXX
wasntt knockedd down but guess joviin and ah lii's friiends werre.
long dayy andd fun tiime !!!

theyy doodle-edd on the boarrd.
uploadd pfotos whenn ii get them .:)))
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