ii hope to be okii...
haiis..=X... badd dayy tonyyte...quarrelledd severelyy wiif "themm"... dontt wiish to mentioon aboutt itt anymoree... haiis.. nber miind, ii am usedd to it... just liike eattiing "riice" everydayy..nortt the firrstt tiime alsoo.. ii am iimmune..andd deaff to theiirr worrds...~~~ but still their words does pierce thru my heart deeply...ii am severely hurtt by theiir words...just siimply dissapoiintedd..=''( haiis..
argghh!!! wateverr la..iimmediiatelly call jiiemeii askk hiim coome ouutt..causee diint wanna stayy at home anyy loongerr...angryy andd annoyedd.. no amt of wordss cann descriibe that feeliing...haiis... told jiiemeii..he laughh liike watt siia..-_-''' bwgg... ii nortt good att telling otherss my xiing shii..so always endedd up beiing laughedd derr.. fiinally jjiiemeii preparedd hao ler.. took cabb come my housee meet mii.. its liike close to 1 am ler..by thenn... ii left the house withoutt sayiing any wordd..didntt botheredd though they askedd wherre ii gg..
met jiiemeii.. didntt knoww watt to do andd wherr to go.. as usual.. wentt to my house there da 7-11... boughtt these "rubbishh"alcoholiic agaiin..driinkiing "ribena"larrhs...nberr miind... still drankk..

thenn calledd huan li she nber ans..dan jiiemeii say call allan..so i calledd.. wantedd to ask him come my house here fiind us derr.. but he say he no $$$, so iin the end, we took cab go fiind hiim lorr..he liives at bedokk theree niia...=X agaiin... meet daoo hiim ler, dann also dono watt to do... so walkk here walkk therre.. talkk lame crapp...haiis.. its boredd butt just at that tiime, diint want to stayy at home lar...
argghh!!! wateverr la..iimmediiatelly call jiiemeii askk hiim coome ouutt..causee diint wanna stayy at home anyy loongerr...angryy andd annoyedd.. no amt of wordss cann descriibe that feeliing...haiis... told jiiemeii..he laughh liike watt siia..-_-''' bwgg... ii nortt good att telling otherss my xiing shii..so always endedd up beiing laughedd derr.. fiinally jjiiemeii preparedd hao ler.. took cabb come my housee meet mii.. its liike close to 1 am ler..by thenn... ii left the house withoutt sayiing any wordd..didntt botheredd though they askedd wherre ii gg..
met jiiemeii.. didntt knoww watt to do andd wherr to go.. as usual.. wentt to my house there da 7-11... boughtt these "rubbishh"alcoholiic agaiin..driinkiing "ribena"larrhs...nberr miind... still drankk..
The "ribena" alcoholl lorrhs...=X
thenn calledd huan li she nber ans..dan jiiemeii say call allan..so i calledd.. wantedd to ask him come my house here fiind us derr.. but he say he no $$$, so iin the end, we took cab go fiind hiim lorr..he liives at bedokk theree niia...=X agaiin... meet daoo hiim ler, dann also dono watt to do... so walkk here walkk therre.. talkk lame crapp...haiis.. its boredd butt just at that tiime, diint want to stayy at home lar...
thenn fiinally sit underr a block whiich have very strongg wiind derr..dann slackk awhiile.. like till 3am lidatt...jiiemeii andd ii jiiu took cab back to my house there da 7-11 lerr.. both of us ratherr hungryy so go buy food eatt.. hmm...agaiin, jiiemeii sayy alot of true" thiings...yarr..
``[[ jiiemeii: u shulld noe watt ii mean bahas...ourr gossiip!...]]``oops=X
so ya... boughtt manyy manyy food.. ii only ate the egg sandwhich larr..but he ate a lot a lot... lolx... so ya..afterr eatiing outside the 7-11, went iin agaiin..thiis time we bought ice-creamm.. the liime derr... yummy yummy~~~
haas..^^dan walkedd to somewherr got place to siit.. dann ate our iice-creamm..andd continuiing talkiing...talk abt everythiing larrhs... hmm..^^ told me abt his pastt'', wahsehs..we both have a lot a lot of common friiends larr.. so dotss larrhs... dan talk talk talkk..`` abt hiis r/s dann miine dan blablabla...!
fiinally, he is thiirsty agaiin.. wentt to buy miineral water agaiin... lolx... dann jiiu walked to waiit for cab wiith hiim... agaiin, he iinsistedd me to waiit with hiim, see dao hiim insidee the cab dan ii can go off...ehhs... jiiemeii nehs... LOLX..
so ya..now liike is 5.13 am lerr.. cantt slpp... so ya..iindeedd felt better now afterr goiing out though quiite boriing...no, ii shuld sayy ii enjoyyed talkiing andd laughiing out loud wiif jiiemeii..!!! he is SIIMPLY VERYY "CUTE" larrhs!!! thoughh he veryy tiired ler, cann see larr, but he still came outt to acc me,...quiite gann dong derr... Jjiemeii, xiie xiie nii wors!!! butt ii am still supremely angryy and annoyedd at ''themm''.. no words can descriibe...=XX!!!
Tdyy, afternoon wentt back to schh to cheographed dance wif rebecca, ong, and liing... hmms...was supposed to meet at 3pm at caneteen2 derr.. but iinsteadd all of us late and we met at liike nearr to 4 pm lidatt..well, still oki larrh=X no woorries cause its just the 4 of us...
iniitially quiite slackk iin the dance studiio... but tiime pastt veryy fastt la.. thenn not much time left ler.. so jiiu get downn to seriious busiiness lerr..^^
rebecca taught us..we modiify and hellp herr..lolx...^^greatt fuun lookiin at you-tubee tryyiing to follow the dancee steps larr.. well, eventually we did caught some of the dance moves after several faiiled attempts... haas...see, thats the team spirit..!!! BLEAHS~
so ya.. we did managed to clearr the steps for half of the sonng "liike a boy-by ciara"... now justt got to polish up our steps andd thiink of new stepss agaiin forr the remaiining part of the songg... yea..!!!
off to bedd...
yeps... afraiid datt ii wil do badlyy for my exam, result comiing outt tmrr 9am lerrhs...!!! nervouss....
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