
Groupp fOtO_o
hmm.. somee stiill nortt 18 yett well, managedd to gett iin still! haass^^ II am 18 lerrhs=X hmms.. superr crowdeedd, people theree differentt from those underagee derrhs..~ lolx.. verryy different larrhs.. hmms^^ wentt counterr orderr alcohol liike nobodayy busiiness unliike the "wherre" larrhs.. so whatt..~ whoosh! superr crowdedd siia.. no placee ferr evenn the foot to standd fiirm on the grouund la.. but we managedd to squeeze iinto somewherr in the dancee floor larrhs.. haas... ah benn wass funny wiif hiis "griindiing"moove.. lolx..
Greatt tiime theree!!! Took fotoo butt somehow all whatt ystd mostt of the foto we took werre nortt veryy niice larrhs.. lolx..

playedd therre till dawnn.. aboutt 4 plus, everythiing stops.. haas.. so slackk awhiile me andd leenx jiiu lefft lerr.. haas..reachedd home waas unable to slpp.. so onlinee awhiile dann go zzz lerrhs..
Today-Thurs, wentt backk to schh ferr cca larrhs.. wahs.. met leenx ferr lunchh, she acc me eatt macc at sporee postt.. haas.. shee donwann eatt so see me eatt larhs.. lolx.. sebasttian saww us he saiid he wavedd to uss butt we walkedd awayy.. lolx... ma and leenx forever neverr notiice hiim lerhhs..~ liike so badd like thatt.. everytimee neverr sees hiim yett he alwayss spot dao uss derrhs..~ whoosh! ps: we neverr mett hiim befoore larrhs.. kneww hiim froom frendsterr derhhs..~ oops=X
noww iss liike 4.41am liaoss.. haas.. wass ediitinng fotoo whiich ii took ystdd andd todayy larrhs..! superr muchh siia.. lolx... ya..!
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