Happiiee Tiimee!!!
jiaxiang and renyuan go town shopp fiirst, than me, leenx and gerald go bugiis boughtt clothiing fiirst andd shopp.. hmms..^^satt cabb go.. whenn go out wif jiemeii, everywherr we go, is by CAB!!! LOLX.. err.. so is liike supposedd to meet jx and ry 7pm at orcharrdd derr.. butt guess whatt, we reachedd bugiis at 7pm pluss..lol.. hmms.. why neh... cos..-> leenx latte due to herr choosiing of clothes.. she took 2 hourss to choose whatt to wearr..
so ya.. acc hiim go to the man's street to look for hiis clothes thiis tiime, haas.. walkedd the lane many many times before he saww the checkeredd clothess andd he boughtt it..it costs 28bucks.. lolx..
wasehs.. gerald immediatelyy puii siia..andd me laughiing my hearts outt.. lol... superr fuunny larrhs..^^in the end the shirtt cost jiemeii 26 bucks..lolx..
waiitedd for cabb to go taka meet themm..ahhaha.jiemeii wantedd to go buy the blazerr frm zara..butt it closed at 9pm.. whenn reachhedd theree still gt 15 mins moree before it close.. but the three of us seems to dont noe wherr the zara is la.. in the endd.. found daoo zara yett nberr go in.. cos jx calledd..so go topshopp mett themm lerr.. haas..
superr tireddd andd hungryy lerrhs..habenn eatt fer the whole day.. hmm.. dan wentt ciine eatt diinerr, we ate hk cafe.. haas..^^ ry tryyiing to be funny larrhs.. askedd the miss if gt "sushii " marrhs.. lolx..
diaos.. orderredd ourr food dann wee camm-whoree whiile waiiting ferr the food to come..
Somee piicturee took!!! Jiemeii superr richh cans..hab so much cashh on hiim...haas!!took foto of his cash!

Afterr eattiing, pulledd themm to take neopriint.. haas..^^neopriint fotos^^

than afterr thatt jiiu go playy pool larrhs.. haas..
ii took photoos of themm agaiin...

theyy playedd forr 1hrr plus larrhs.. whiile waitiin for the moviie-Naraka 19 whichh startss at 1.40am..yupps.. leenx came backk agaiin.. she wentt home earlierr on.. so ya..
watchh the moviie.. than ok bahs,, gerald andd ry liike fall asleep leiis.. lolx.. jx satt nextt to me.. keep scarre me.. haas..^^ MISSION FAIILED! BLEAHS^^
hmm, leenx was so afraidd larrhs, she grabb my handd...! lolx.. fiinally the moviie fiinished.. whoosh~no comments abt that moviie..thoughhtt it would be veryy niice butt errhs..jiiu thiink quitee CMI bahs.. ya..
than me and leenx ratherr hungryy so go to the hawkerr opp cine and ate supperr!!! LOLX.. aww, is fattenniing larrhs.. lolx.. cant be helpedd, ii amm hungryy larrh! all three of them knockedd downn.. seems to be very tiredd.. me and leenx ate happily..the food theree quitee yummy yummy..butt abiit exx larrhs..

thann whenn eatt fiinish go cheers buyy driink, wahs.. dehydratiing siince 11pm pluss..hmm.. so ya..ii entertaiinedd themm withh "apple"verbally..lol...theyy sayy ii noiissy larrhh.. LOLX..seems to be ratherr insane at thatt poiint of tiime..jx koor driink chocolate milkk..LOLX.. than afterr slackkiing awhile, jiiu go home lerr..jiemei,me and leenx sharedd 1 cabb..dan jx and ry livedd panjang larrh..so farr..lol..
reached home abt 5am lerrhs..lolx..slack awhile, see here see there dan go zzz...
Todayy..SUNDAY! woke upp at 6pm.. lolx.. PRO bahs.. hmm..dann ediitt foto..blablabla..see tbeee..onliine... noww onlyy 2am.. still earlyy larrhs..
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