hmm.. we wennt to the yuki yaki at mariina sq and ate our sumptous lunchh buffett..LOLX..we have waitedd for thiis dayy to come like ever siince july lerr.. haas// fiinally tdyy we wentt iin... hmm..took ourr food andd waiited for the pan to heatt up.. DEFINITELY, we took alott andd in the endd couldnt fiinish! STANDARDD deerrhhs.. butt guess whatt?!?!?! overrr 100g, jiuu will fined 5 bucks leii.. NO WAY MAN! LOL...
EHHS.. butt theree is liike still alott leftt larrh.. so we leftt it on the pan till it is superr charredd..! lolx.. whichh meanss inedible.. we deliberately derrhs..dan jiiu no need to eat lerr..*diiaos*bahs..~

[[thosee who hab ate that beforee will knoww watt i meann...]]=X

NIICEE bahhs??!! lolx=X
than billedd.. andd camm-whorrs agaiin in toilett.. ^^ as usuall!!! hmms..
Niicee piic! simplyy Lovee them to thee biits!!!~~
You guyss add colourr to my poly liife!!!

thenn took a veryy "biig" cabb to heerenn to take neopriint.. SPECIALLY justt to takke neopriint worr.. itss a habiit in thiss cutee happy familiy larrhs=) LOLX...muackss!!! took twiice.. hmm...**PSPS**
shunn biann go see if thatt "guyy"therre marrhs.. well, datt tyme saww hiim at ther shopp, he seems to be workiing therre derrhs.. washes..but tdyy nber see dao hiim when pass by thatt shopp..LOLX..-_-''' leenxx asoo knoww derr la..+ happily famiily!!! oops=X

haas^^watt to sayy..~ theyy lookedd awesomee larrhs!!! wakakaka!!!
ii realiissedd sth- now derr me take photos smille moree lerrh..not becos of anythiing but jiiu ya..wherrelse the old me everytiime take foto dontt smiile derr.. haiis..ii rememberedd "he" usedd to tell me thatt smiile looks betterr thann dontt smiile..
ii rememberedd everyy wordd you saiid andd every thiing thatt we useedd to do andd thiings thatt we havee been throughh togetherr..its alwayss in me no matterr how long and how my friiends encouragedd me to forgett aboutt you...itss not worthh rememberring all these...butt justt cannt let go yett..="( ii triedd butt... whenn ii amm alone, the pastt will flow backk to me, flashbackk of you, your face justt appearr in my miind...
hatee myselff forr not beiing able to lett go of you, let go of my feelings for you yett...
whatts wronng with me, thiis emo- feeling hasnt been backk forr quiitee some tiime, andd noww ii dont feell good..! ii miss you utterly,truely... answerr is obviious andd clearr to me ever siince... butt ii am still holdiing on..holdiing on dearly...~ ii mustt be iinsanee! still thiiniing of you andd wanting you back..
iindulgiing myselff into nightt life...
haiis...fearr of openning my photo album.. iinsiide have alot of "our" photo..the wound will just gett deeperr..haiis..still rememberred the photo album was chose by you.. andd i bought it without having a second thought...ii savedd 4 pages for you, for our photos..and now theyy aree leftt emptyy..siince has been like thiis siince thenn..
Argghh!!~leavee me alone....
.::I dontt feel Goodd!!!::.
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