H.A.P.P.Y-B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y.::RACHEL O.::.
Zhong xu-e andd
Poly- Toong Xuee!!! ~
hmm...so happy tdyy, mett andeliine, zihuii,ong, huan li, ailin and sharoon...wentt out celebratte ong's birthdayy larrhs.. lolx... thoughh herr actual bday is on the 15th...its been ourr tradiition to celebrate each of our bday tgt no matter wat.. andd its been goiing on for 3 yrs lerrhs...=))
siimplyy LOVE them larrhs! theyy aree GREATT!
hmms...we met like superr early la..to go snow cityy fiirstt... lolx.. met at 12pm! haas..woke up at 11.30am...=) was late for abt 10miins larr...lolx... dann took mrt all the wayy to jurong eastt... argghh=xx we hab some prob deciidiing which movie to watchh ltrr... eitherr the ratt show orr the apartmentt 1303... itss 3 agaiinst 2 at thatt tiime... hmmm, cos sharoon and ailiin joiin us ltr...for moviie..hab prob deciidin wherr to go...a place wherr both movie werre avaiilabe and e tiiming is veryy nearr to each otherr derr..in the endd we chose YISHUN the NORTHPOINT Shooppiing mall to watch moviie larrhs!
thenn fiinally was tiime to go in and get prepared..to putt on the coatt thiingy, boots, gloves...blablabla..=))
thenn camm-whoor agaiin wiif the "costumee"...lol...fiinally cann enterr the snow chamberr lerr..wasehs..huann lii rushh iin mann...! secoond runner up iss Miss Tan ZiHuii! lolx... anndd ii amm thirrd runnerr-upp larrhs! whoos~
Photoss off us!!!

Ahh Li ahh.., ii still rmbb those pri sch days whenn we qiuarrelledd andd fighhtt overr triivall thiings.. noow thiinkiing backk, haas..really quiite stuppiid andd chiildishh larrh..=XLOLX.. well, no matterr how manyy tiimes we quarrel, friends jiiu shii friiends... 12 yrs of frenshiip lerr..lolx... so long siia...ii beliievedd it woont changge!
To the 5 of themm: u guys aree immptt..! eachh of u aree uniique,... siimpply lovee u guyss! lets toastt to our never-endiing friendshiip!!!
hmms..1 hrr was upp.. ourr sessionn tiime fiinish lerr.. so we wennt outt, washh up dann go meet ailin and sharon lerr.. lolx...
took mrt to yishun...along the way, superr crowdedd siia.. wanntt "faint"liiaos..=X arghh..!!! dann fiinally after 30miins reachh yishun ler.. diint really feel good..feeliings sankk.. haiis.. too muchh memoriies therre alsoo.. haiis.. yishun, amk, yck therre..ii doont liike.. memoriies do hurtt...=(' nber miind, cheerredd myself up..
eventually, zihuii andd ii and ong deciidedd to gib up ourr "apartmentt 1303"and watchh the "ratt"moviie.. -_-"' hmm... superr hungryy by thenn.. boughtt 2 large sprite and 2 pkts of large fries and 1 pkt of small fries... superr rush larr.. cos show starttiin soon in like 5 miins.. lolx...
wahs.. dan go in cinema.. driink the spriite..wasehs... superr dilutedd larhhs... arghh!!! CMI=XX dann nberr driink so that ltrr go backk to "therre" sortt of tell them hey, ur driink is nortt rightt! hmms.. huan li did datt.. and gave us backk 2 "normal"spriite.. hmms...showw niice.. jiiu quitee worthh watchhing derrhs...hmmx.. then went habb kfc.. wahs...
agaiin.. theree- the kfc ii hab been therre wiif hiim once or twicee... andd ii coulld rememberr viividly the exactt place we bothh satt 2yrs agoo[2005] haiis...iit does hurtt...giina, ken, "hiim" andd mi usedd to slackk arouund yishuun derr.. haiis..thiings do change so does friendshiip.. [ depennddiing on how one maiintaiin andd treatt the friiendshiip bahs ] =X once biiteen, ii will stay clearr froomm the person.. its human larrhs..HELLOS.
so ya.. diint really feel good..^^butt still triiedd..diint want to spoil the mood.. everythiing at therre werre still the samme.. so ya.. at kfc.. andeliine bought back the cake dan we light the candle and sang bday sonng "loudly" dan took photos tgt.. hmms..=)
ate, talkk, laughh, by then it was like 9plus pm lerrhs..quiite latte by the tiime reach home.. cos all of us liive att eastt siide derr.. hmm..
satt traiin backk to cityhall datt tyme, will pass by yck..amk... haiis..heartt becamme heaviierr..but ii diint told any of them.. diint noe how to say and wat to sayy.. so became sortt of e-mo lerrhs.. took foto of the "yck"mrt siign...
haiis...haiis..haiis... whatt cann ii do...
nextt was amkk.. ii hate datt placce.. why... cos of "memoriies"by"hiim"... arghhh..! ii siimmply cannt lett go...
thenn begann to look out of the wiindow andd saw famiiliarr place..thoughh it was liike dark lerr..but stiill ii am always trapped by the pastt...unable to walk out of the ciircle..heartt got heavvier and heaviier..hais. triiedd to putt on a smiile..=) ii am okii.. yea?? ii am tiing leii.. unbeatable Tiing!
hmm...so ya.. wennt hoome, organiise my neopriint in a neaterr wayy in my albumm.. saw fotos of us..ii am okii..ii hope soo..=) fliip pastt that page of hiim veryy quiickly.. diint wannt to stayy loong at thatt page..wif all the mmemoriies..so blablabla.. organiise annd ii was done..!
They say if you love something let it go and if it comes back then that's how you know
The further I go the closer I get back to you I say I moved on till I'm reminded of you
can somebody help me help me get out of this circle get out of this circle?

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