Anotherr dayy!!!
hmm.. greatt dayy tdyy.. thoughh diintt go anywherr..tdyy wakii.. jiiu see daoo chubbyy chubbyy msgg.. dann jiiu replyy hiim^^ hmm.. dann talkk talkk talkk all the wayy.. haas..^^ niice talkiing to chubby chubby! haas..wake up de tiime is alrdyy 3.30pm lerr...wantedd to slp till 4 plus derr.. butt dinnt manage to sleep backk.. ate lunchh wiif papa.. lolx.. cos he gave me a biig chunng of 3 meal deciidedd to eatt my lunchh.. wakakaka...=X
dann boughtt food backk forr popo andd ahh gong..dan afterr that jiiu go back home lerr..onliine.. chuubby chuubby piig verry xxxx larr// he doontt liike the wordd`` *ROARR* BLEAHS^^ be carefull wor.. urr cheeks.. lolx..huii gtt chancee to piinch piinch ue derrhs..^^
dan nyte tiime go pasa malam wiif familyy.. walkedd herre walkedd therre...dan bought vegetables..haahaha..=X msgeedd hiim all the wayy.. bleahs^^ he is funny la.. watt meatt ball siia..
ahh biishh!!??!@!#?! nii haii "panda" nehs..-_-'''
hmm..=X talkedd over the fonne.. dann laughedd, crapp...blablabla..^^ dan nt early lerr.. jiiu nyte nytee, he go orhs orhs lerrhs=))
dan calledd ah benn, he is down agaiin..sharedd his sworrows abt hiis r/s agaiin.. defiinitely, ii am hiis listeniing earr agaiin..=X ii am a good liistennerr to friiend...blablabla..he goiing malaysiia tmrr..dann he askedd me wann buy shoes not.. dann i agreedd.. lol.. took fotos of my feet andd den sendd hiim thru msn..lolx.. ii dono my shoe siize lerr..haas..^^he iiss a good friiend alsoo=)
dann go poompoomm..=X dann koorr calledd..talkiing to hiim now.. lolx..he told me wat tdy hadd happenedd..kekekex.. gann doong ner.. koorr owedd me thiis yr da birthday presentt.. dan tdy he go look for it.. he says very hard to fiind derr..he want giibb me a uniique present.. ``pheww`` he donnt wann tell me wat he buyiing nehs.. ARghhh!!! curiious to know watt is itt..
happiie! so good..koor: fasterr go make dann giibb mii..!!! *bleahss*
dann boughtt food backk forr popo andd ahh gong..dan afterr that jiiu go back home lerr..onliine.. chuubby chuubby piig verry xxxx larr// he doontt liike the wordd`` *ROARR* BLEAHS^^ be carefull wor.. urr cheeks.. lolx..huii gtt chancee to piinch piinch ue derrhs..^^
dan nyte tiime go pasa malam wiif familyy.. walkedd herre walkedd therre...dan bought vegetables..haahaha..=X msgeedd hiim all the wayy.. bleahs^^ he is funny la.. watt meatt ball siia..
ahh biishh!!??!@!#?! nii haii "panda" nehs..-_-'''
hmm..=X talkedd over the fonne.. dann laughedd, crapp...blablabla..^^ dan nt early lerr.. jiiu nyte nytee, he go orhs orhs lerrhs=))
dan calledd ah benn, he is down agaiin..sharedd his sworrows abt hiis r/s agaiin.. defiinitely, ii am hiis listeniing earr agaiin..=X ii am a good liistennerr to friiend...blablabla..he goiing malaysiia tmrr..dann he askedd me wann buy shoes not.. dann i agreedd.. lol.. took fotos of my feet andd den sendd hiim thru msn..lolx.. ii dono my shoe siize lerr..haas..^^he iiss a good friiend alsoo=)
dann go poompoomm..=X dann koorr calledd..talkiing to hiim now.. lolx..he told me wat tdy hadd happenedd..kekekex.. gann doong ner.. koorr owedd me thiis yr da birthday presentt.. dan tdy he go look for it.. he says very hard to fiind derr..he want giibb me a uniique present.. ``pheww`` he donnt wann tell me wat he buyiing nehs.. ARghhh!!! curiious to know watt is itt..
happiie! so good..koor: fasterr go make dann giibb mii..!!! *bleahss*

.::hao lerr..^^
datts all forr todayy bahhs...
..chuubby chubby piigyy go zzz lerrhs..
see, nberr piian ni wors..veryy earlyy lerr``=x
jiiayoou iin liife!!!
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