Last post of YEAR 2009 !!!
SO FREEZE, its gonna be a LONG post, ii guess. :)
in a blink of an eye, year 2009 gonna end in about 12 hours time.
maybe ii should say, 2009 has been a tough/ challenging yet fruitful year for me!!!
ACADEMIC!!!Last few months towards graduation in poly.
field practicum this year has been
MENTORS, TEACHERS, CHILDREN which ii have met, have been GREAT!they make up nearly 70% of my HAPPINESS!!!
first time celebrated teacher's day,
first time received teacher's day presents and xmas presents from the kids.
been rushing throughh every single projs,
rushing to apply for uni and scholarship...
still, ii am glad that things do goes pretty well for me,
if everything goes well, ii guess my next year would be even more fruitful and challenging!
II pray that no matter what decisions or things ii do now,
"you" will guide me eventually to my final goal.
for ii know you have always been walking side by side with me :)
one day, ii will go back.
this, ii promise.

Lurbe since 14 April.
lurbe have been sweet this time,
somehow, glad that you have always been there for me even though time have alwayss been a factor.

this picture explains how ii felt,
andd the speciall "someone" is babbyy.
somehow, ii gues my strengths complements your weakness,
and your strengths complements my weakness.
imperfections make perfections.
guess this is how compromise is being made.
and its amazing that we have managed to come so far,
and many more far distance to walk hand in hand together. yea?
and yes, GLT lurbe you more and more every single day. :)
Friends and family have been supportive and great.
Gfs have always been sweet and accomodating,
THANKS for always being that sweet andd lovingg bunch !!!
FAMILY have always been a place where ii can be my true self.
my temperament, my character, my way of doing things,
afterall, who know me the best? definitely, is family.
despite every quarrels, ii know they are still the one who cares most about me: DDD

AT THE end of the day,
COURAGE is still what ii needd the most to overcome every obstacle.
Last but not least,
ii know every obstacle that ii overcome will make me to be a stronger person,
so ii wont ask "him" to give me a smooth and easier path,
BUT a path which is challenging and exciting.
for ii know ii will become the type of person you want me to be.
who have made me smile in year 2009,
who have made me frown in year 2009,
GOODBYE, 2009.