Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
wentt gaii-gaii wiith ah yii andd babyy chloe. !
lunchedd at house there the coffeeshop first .
Bugiis-edd. !
yii zhang wentt IT faiir.
babyy so so so CUTE & talkatiivee .!!!
actiive babyy giirl iindeed!
attempt to wriiggle andd squiiggle out of myy handds whenn carriied her.
thenn ii put her on the ground andd realisedd that she could actually walkedd ler, wiith help. :))
ah yii boughtt me 1 tee, 1 dress, 1 top andd gave me 1 bag from lil match giirl.
costt her a bomb andd she also boughtt manny clothiing too. ! :))

sales giirls frm shops were full of praises for baby chloe. :))
CUTE, whyy so cute?!?!
andd the cutest and sweetest partt was that she can wave her hands andd say "BYEBYE" then "blow kiisses" to ppl. !!!
she understandds what we are sayiing. !
fun to play wiith. !!!
siimplyy love herr! (",)
andd diiner at MOS wiith yii zhanng, ah yii andd babyy. !
drove me backk home then . !
andd there werre fiireworks at my house therre.

Thatt was myylovelyysatt :))
wentt gaii-gaii wiith ah yii andd babyy chloe. !
lunchedd at house there the coffeeshop first .
Bugiis-edd. !
yii zhang wentt IT faiir.
babyy so so so CUTE & talkatiivee .!!!
actiive babyy giirl iindeed!
attempt to wriiggle andd squiiggle out of myy handds whenn carriied her.
thenn ii put her on the ground andd realisedd that she could actually walkedd ler, wiith help. :))
ah yii boughtt me 1 tee, 1 dress, 1 top andd gave me 1 bag from lil match giirl.
costt her a bomb andd she also boughtt manny clothiing too. ! :))
sales giirls frm shops were full of praises for baby chloe. :))
CUTE, whyy so cute?!?!
andd the cutest and sweetest partt was that she can wave her hands andd say "BYEBYE" then "blow kiisses" to ppl. !!!
she understandds what we are sayiing. !
fun to play wiith. !!!
siimplyy love herr! (",)
andd diiner at MOS wiith yii zhanng, ah yii andd babyy. !
drove me backk home then . !
andd there werre fiireworks at my house therre.
Thatt was myylovelyysatt :))
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friidayy ler :))
fiinally endd of a tirring week.
thiird dayy of SAB.
met korr at pp.
went to wash pfotos.
thenn walkk ard andd diiner-edd.
saww shelbyy at level 1 larhhs.
andd guess whatt our fiirst reactiion was to hold hands andd :AHHHH~
lol.. so funnyy. !
chattedd awhiile. abt 1 week neber see her liiaos.
thenn jiiu go off ler.
tiiredd :((
fiinally endd of a tirring week.
thiird dayy of SAB.
met korr at pp.
went to wash pfotos.
thenn walkk ard andd diiner-edd.
saww shelbyy at level 1 larhhs.
andd guess whatt our fiirst reactiion was to hold hands andd :AHHHH~
lol.. so funnyy. !
chattedd awhiile. abt 1 week neber see her liiaos.
thenn jiiu go off ler.
tiiredd :((
Thursday, August 28, 2008
dEADD dayyy!!!
Second dayy of Diploma plus iis Kiiller.!
omg. heavyy ! tediious! Rush--hyy forr tiime lor.
earllii in the mornn, eyes keepp wantiing to close lor. =XX
andd legs cannot be foldedd on the chaiir ehs. =.='''
arghh~ so so so so tiiredd!
mama "Zaii".. she woke upp at 9am- class startt @9am.
Lunchedd andd waSS giibenn assiignment to do iin a grpp wiithiin 1 andd a halff hr then do presentatiion lor.. :((
the durattiion sounds long but iit iisnt lor.
ZzZzzZZZzZz.. the tensiion, the nervousness andd arghh~
but we managedd to scrape iit thruu wiith some negatiive andd posiitive comments by Tr at the end of our presentatiion. . . .
Yea!!! traiin wiith Liing and Julie to city hall.
then Julie went to meet her frenn so liing andd ii went on our "Romantiic Date"!!!
went to the It fair. . . . so freakiing crowdedd.
managedd to buy all ourr thiings!
Bought WD external Hard-diisk (Red colour) , a mouse, a lappy key pad protector, printerr cartidges X4- whiich can last me forr abt 1-2 semesterr. :))
Spentt more than 200 plus there siia, **heartt paiin** . . . .:((
Fiirst tiime spentt so muchh also.
But well, still, iit cost lower than the usual priiciing. . .
End of the day, legs achiing liike hell.
bagg suppra HEAVY.!
macc @ Mariina sq. andd RESTEDD!
then traiin home,
fcukiing crowdedd also lor.
those iinconsiderate ppl.
home, happiily showedd mummy all the thiings thatt ii boughtt.
sleepiing soon :))
Second dayy of Diploma plus iis Kiiller.!
omg. heavyy ! tediious! Rush--hyy forr tiime lor.
earllii in the mornn, eyes keepp wantiing to close lor. =XX
andd legs cannot be foldedd on the chaiir ehs. =.='''
arghh~ so so so so tiiredd!
mama "Zaii".. she woke upp at 9am- class startt @9am.
Lunchedd andd waSS giibenn assiignment to do iin a grpp wiithiin 1 andd a halff hr then do presentatiion lor.. :((
the durattiion sounds long but iit iisnt lor.
ZzZzzZZZzZz.. the tensiion, the nervousness andd arghh~
but we managedd to scrape iit thruu wiith some negatiive andd posiitive comments by Tr at the end of our presentatiion. . . .
Yea!!! traiin wiith Liing and Julie to city hall.
then Julie went to meet her frenn so liing andd ii went on our "Romantiic Date"!!!
went to the It fair. . . . so freakiing crowdedd.
managedd to buy all ourr thiings!
Bought WD external Hard-diisk (Red colour) , a mouse, a lappy key pad protector, printerr cartidges X4- whiich can last me forr abt 1-2 semesterr. :))
Spentt more than 200 plus there siia, **heartt paiin** . . . .:((
Fiirst tiime spentt so muchh also.
But well, still, iit cost lower than the usual priiciing. . .
End of the day, legs achiing liike hell.
bagg suppra HEAVY.!
macc @ Mariina sq. andd RESTEDD!
then traiin home,
fcukiing crowdedd also lor.
those iinconsiderate ppl.
home, happiily showedd mummy all the thiings thatt ii boughtt.
sleepiing soon :))
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
went schh. fiirst dayy of Diploma plus iin setting a bussiness.
andd e entire module gonna last for 4 morre days. :(
andd each dayy iis liike 6 hours iin sch. frm 9am till 4pm. :((
but classmates as grp mates arre cool.
The Ignited Sparkler childcare. we came upp wiith thiis name !
Cool yea?!?!
OMG. still unsure and dono iif ii can surviivedd, whenn iits liike . . .
ii have to.
raiinyy dayy.
moody too.
wearyy .
# were askedd to share why ii joinedd diploma "plus" at the start of the class,
My ans was: For the "Plus" thiingy, iis like more unique andd substance ehs when comparedd wiith others who dont have.
Tr reply was: wHAT iiff iits a diploma "minus".
Tiingg: I will considerr.
hearrt was liike thinking- ( If ii were to play lame wiith her, ii wouldd say how abt a Diploma "Times-X", wont the product be biigger?! )
Well, nights!!!
went schh. fiirst dayy of Diploma plus iin setting a bussiness.
andd e entire module gonna last for 4 morre days. :(
andd each dayy iis liike 6 hours iin sch. frm 9am till 4pm. :((
but classmates as grp mates arre cool.
The Ignited Sparkler childcare. we came upp wiith thiis name !
Cool yea?!?!
OMG. still unsure and dono iif ii can surviivedd, whenn iits liike . . .
ii have to.
raiinyy dayy.
moody too.
wearyy .
# were askedd to share why ii joinedd diploma "plus" at the start of the class,
My ans was: For the "Plus" thiingy, iis like more unique andd substance ehs when comparedd wiith others who dont have.
Tr reply was: wHAT iiff iits a diploma "minus".
Tiingg: I will considerr.
hearrt was liike thinking- ( If ii were to play lame wiith her, ii wouldd say how abt a Diploma "Times-X", wont the product be biigger?! )
Well, nights!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Whole dayy-edd at home.
mio-tv the whole noon till 8 plus pm..
POWERR sehs. =XX
andd mummy's udon noodle was yummyy (:
andd porriidge for diiner was awesome.
hadd 2 full bowls siia. !!!
met korr at my house therre,
go eatt KFC.
andd thenn slackkedd around lor.
got the letters he wrote when @ tekong.
wahahahaha. so funny but stilll **hen gan-dong nehs**
almost every dayy have one letter.
alryte, sent me home.
&&& playedd wiith the lift. XD

siimple dayy.
Hows your day ?
mio-tv the whole noon till 8 plus pm..
POWERR sehs. =XX
andd mummy's udon noodle was yummyy (:
andd porriidge for diiner was awesome.
hadd 2 full bowls siia. !!!
met korr at my house therre,
go eatt KFC.
andd thenn slackkedd around lor.
got the letters he wrote when @ tekong.
wahahahaha. so funny but stilll **hen gan-dong nehs**
almost every dayy have one letter.
alryte, sent me home.
&&& playedd wiith the lift. XD

siimple dayy.
Hows your day ?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Babe's 19th Bdayy :))
@ CCK iinter :)

Yes, she love me :))

andd she got to fiinish upp the entirre browniie! XD

Yes!!! she love iit!

Fiish spa the biig fiish.
scaryy hor. **faiint**faiint**
@ Hay's Diariies farm !

The goats :)) !!!

@ mUshroom pOt !
Long Liive Pot. !!!

uS!!! :))
we gOona madee iit thruu the 3 yearrs tgtt. !
ii love them .!
@ CCK iinter :)
Yes, she love me :))
andd she got to fiinish upp the entirre browniie! XD
Yes!!! she love iit!
Fiish spa the biig fiish.
scaryy hor. **faiint**faiint**
@ Hay's Diariies farm !
The goats :)) !!!
@ mUshroom pOt !
Long Liive Pot. !!!
uS!!! :))
we gOona madee iit thruu the 3 yearrs tgtt. !
ii love them .!