photographyy outiing.
made new friiends. yongshin, rosanne andd lydiia.
5 of us, iincludiin liing n ii.
ice breakker was horrendous.
reachh daoo fullerton arrea therre. free and easyy. we justt go takke anyy pfotos we liike :)
artiistiic pfoto yea. andd of cos somme cam-whorriing fotos tgt.
all ii cann sayy iis
but well, nothiing is perfect.
funan mall wiith liing to look forr a sonyy diigii cam. :)
ii thiink ii saw e one ii liike ler.
considerriing thatt.
liing acc mii to mariina sq therre. denn she go off ler.
meett andeliine, ziihuii, huan lii, rachel ong, sharon andd aiiliin. :)
HK cafe-edd for diiner.
was AWESOME.!!!!
theyy celebratedd myy bday earliier. . .
Cake, presentt and carrd was loves!
the pppl workkiin at therre gave us a biig biig free mangoo icce puddiing. :)
andd of cause, we chatt upp, andd saww a guyy whoo seriiouslyy resemble someone.
OMG. kiinda iiirriitated though. =X
well, ii am alryte, thiis shall nt dampen myy mood!
wennt mariina sq the open space outsiide mac therre:)
we forrmed a ciircle, sat down andd playyed "chiild-hood" games tgt.
ii swearr iits damn fun laughiin at eachh otherr miistakess duriing e game.
of cause, we took pfotos agaiin.
traiin-edd tgt.
madee superr muchh noiises agaiin iin mrt. =X
oopS., well, iits us.
30th Apriil :)
attachment was kiinda alryte.
hopiin thatt ii will adappt to the new environment quiickly.
chilldrenn werre behaviing too
mentor was kiinda good too.
met liing, babe, shelbyy and ana at townn for lunchh.
sakae sushii buffet was loves.
sryy, ii am late agaiin.
hmmmms, theyy bought me a biig biig hello kiitty balloon :)
damn surpriised, fiirst tiime receive dao such a biig balloon.
theyy put a candle on one of the sushii and sang.
LOL. ii rmbb hw ii laughedd at ry andd now miiine was sushii. XD
superrb funny larrhs.
ppl hu sat behiind uus, dontt know iis no braiin orr pea braiin orr butt too biig.
oh.guess theyy mustt have some serrious backk problem orr suckkyy etiiquette!
foodd was yummmyy.
theyy treatedd mii. :)
suntec thenn mariina sq.
carrefour, theyy bought whiipp cream, strawberries andd crackerrs.
dono whatt theyy wanna do yet wiith all the stuff theyy bought.
went to some open space outsiide mariina sq aggain.
diifferent one. :)
denn ii was "iisolatedd" somewherr whiile theyy preparre the stuff.
fiinally, theyy werre done. guess watt ii saw, a superr creatiive cakke.
omg, chheese cakke, wiith strawberries andd extra extrra extrra whiipp cream.
theyy prankked mii, liing's iidea ii guess.
lol..theyy wantedd me to :
biite candle off, fiind the strawberyy iin the cakke, denn eatt the cake.
ii thought that was the end of theiir plan ler. BUT
THE nextt thiing ii knew wass whiipp creamm was on myy facce. =.='''
of cause, ii diint lett liing andd shelbyy remaiin clean clean.
afterr some chasiing herre and therre,
we shook hanndds "peace"peace" :)
pfotos tgtt was cool larrhs!!!
cleanedd upp andd tada home-edd tgt wiith shelby.
babe andd liing wentt the otherr way.
was 10plus pm whenn reachhed home.
iii felt contentedd andd blessedd wiithh everythiing, everyyone. :)
seriiouslly, thiis weekk startedd off veryy badllyy for mii.
lappyy keyboard spoiil, mouse spoil, everythiing spoiill. quarrels, scaldedd hand acciidentally, IT problem.
**siigh** sometiimes, ii admiit ii reallii cantt takke iit anymoore.
ii fellt better tdyy.
hopefully, the joyous occasiion will wash andd briing myy badd luckk awayy!!!