lastt cd lecture of yr 1!!!
reachedd lecturee therre at 8.15 am lidatt andd she started class at 8.30am...=.=
haha... as usual. !!!
nahs, lecturee was shortt andd endedd damn early,
as early as 9.15 am?!?! lol...
gdgd, deciided to catch the moviie 27 dresses wiith babee andd liing at jp..
ah bii and ana watchedd ler so left we thrree...
[[ laughs! ]]
reachedd jp superr early, ciiinema not evenn open..=.=
walk arounndd at popular..
haha.. babe andd liing arre SUPERR obsessedd wiith muffiins andd cakkes..=)
so ya, headedd to buyy our tiicketts for moviie for 11.10am!!!
wahahhaa... broughtt kfcc iin secretlyy^^
annd we sharred pop-corns.. [[loviing-loviing]]
hmm.. took photos wiith one funny characterr!
pfotos to be uploaded!
cam-whoredd afterr moviie at our usual toilett!!! ii love them larr!
blehs=D enviious me forr haviing themm !!!
shoopp-edd, andd traiin-edd to city hall to meet eileent tan ler!
wahahah..ii reachh earliier thann her..=)
hmm.. **yawnss** whille waiitiing..
headedd to chiina-town denn..
ii dontt liike therre,
feels wiierd... not riight!!!
wantedd to buy cosmetic from chinatown cos jess says therre cheaper..
but but, ii tinkk ii found the shopp but ii dontt liike the stuff therre...=(
damnn!!!! waste myy tiime leis.
got out of chiinatownn and down to central poiint thenn!!!
not many ppl therre.. feels liike we book the whole mall liidat.. =D
watt a freakkiing mood ~diint found the things ii wann=(
not riight forr shoppiing orr shuld ii say too tirred lerr..?!?!
nahs. heck.
bugiis-edd den..
boughtt cosmectic. liike fiinally.!!!
tiredd man!#@!#~#~!@!~#~#@#!~@~!!#~~!@~
diiner--ed att pastamaniia.
denn buss-edd home lerr...
shoppiing craze part 4 to be contiinued!!!
"once brokenn considerred soldd"
sounds familiar ehs. andd thinkk this phrase does rep certaiin parts of my liife..
ii used to beliieve andd stand fiirm to thiis:
couple break ler, can still patch backk..
good frriends quarrel can still be good frriends again,
r/s can still be backk tgt again as long as both still love each otherr..
nothiing else matters.
but now, ii doubtedd whatt ii beliieve.
no reasons. but maybe once bitten, twiice shyy
ii will not be the same. so stupiid as to be biiiten agaiin for the seconnd tiime!
nahs.. paiinful.
tada!!! =) enough of thosee grumblliing andd theoriies of miine!
ha! ii am really enjoyyiin thee tiime thatt ii have now!
so free! so relax! so whoo~
no words cann descriibe the feeliing ii am experrienciing now afterr doiing so darn much projects!!!