mett happie-famm forr assignment.. hmm..eventuallyy we deciided to make everythiing as siimple as iit cann be.. ROARR! gett iit overr and donee wiith..
holiidayy = to NO holiidayy!!!
nahs.. ii m gonna make iit a fulfiilling one... hope so=) raiinedd heavvily the whole dayy siince morniing.. have been walkiing underr the raiin non-stopp..
well, but hadd a fun tiime wiif happie-famm underr e raiin stiill~
screamiing, laughiing andd shoutiing^^
afterr doiing assignment at ah bi house,
we stilll went town despiite the superr heavyy raiin..
so ya..
andd tryiing not to look arouund.. damm.. iif not ii m gonna spennd $ agaiin...
andd ii am so damm broke alreadyy...=(
thenn we ate sthh beforree goiing home.. haha
the raiin was damm heavyy by thenn... but still..
we walkedd underr the raiin agaiin!
coldd! FREEZIING~~!!!
hmm... den saw my childcare the principle and one of the teacher and her son on bus.. haha.. the little boii recogniise mii.. wavedd bye-bye to mii somemorre.. **TOUCHEDD nehhs** ii meann he is only liike 4 yrs old andd he rmbedd mii!
denn the raiin still superr heavy heavyy..! a uncle shelterred me frm bustopp to the shopping mall opposite..[[ thanks ]] ... thenn so wiierd larrhs.. but still thankful.. denn at traffic liight therre.. whiile waiting for the "greenman", an aunti shelterred mii withh herr umbrella..
[[ thankss!!! ]]
so shockedd.... but still thankfull!!!~~~ hmm.. rann home..
backk home siit downn tv-edd!
wentt to myy room.. saw a biig hello kiity box...
mama boughtt forr mii..^^
**touchedd** nehs..
ystdd quarreled wiif herr..
though she apologised to me alrdy.. but still ii dint talk to her..
thiis morrning denn ii talkedd to herr little biit..
butt denn mustt admiit..henn gan dong whenn saw dao the hello kiity thiingy she boughhtt.. thatt was the thiing ii wana bought thatt time butt diint.. =)

heehee.. veryy cutte..^^ hmm..
buayy buayy!!!
off too myy lala lanndd!!!