Sunday, December 30, 2007

ordiinarryy dayy...
qiiu ma-ma andd Q.A.D liing andd baobeii korrkorr madee mii feell betterr...
cheerr-edd mii upp...=)
ii will brace myyself upp...

qiiu ma-ma: you diidnt lose, is he lose.
q.a.d Liing: [[ she saiid sthh veryy cutee ]]=) ii love herr..!
baobeii korr: **saiid sth veryy gan renn alsoo**

felt better...liing sayy she gonna show mii sth...ii m curiious^^=)

ii m blessedd~
watt morre cann ii ask for?!?!

school tmr...
1/2 dayy but no diiff!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

sleptt superr long..
woke upp at late afternoon...=.=
diid GISP assignment...
fiinallyy ii guess ii m done..!!!=)
MI donee!!!

for the tiime beiing,
ii cann breathe...

agaiin, dreamtt of "you"...
was a good dreamm...
thats whyy ii refusedd to wake up...
how ii wiish it is real...
yes, ii am iinsanee..
arre you happiier?
how are you...
ii must be iinsane...
ii m lyiing iif ii sayy ii dont xxxxx of u...

sometimes, i do wiiish we can still be friiends...
ii m afraiid ii cant control myself...
cannot acceppt the fact thatt...=(

emo-edd agaiin,
niight time all the songs played by 933 all sad sad der...

as usual, ii thought of you...
ii hate you yett...

sealedd and lockeed you deepp iin my hearrtt...
just a lil hope to keep mii goiing. . .

Friday, December 28, 2007

mett leenx go ktv...
sang-edd for 3hours...=)
ii m loviing iit!!!

bugiis-edd agaiin...
met kelly darliing...
todayy herr BIIG-DAYY!!!
leenx, kelly darliing andd mii eatt abiit tgtt fiirst,
denn leenx go workk lerr..
so darliing andd mii go walkk walkk...

darliing boughtt anotherr dress...
she lovess dress!!!
shee iis talll!!!
wentt to bugis shopping centree...
boughtt somethiing...
andd off to miit ry, choon ho andd korr koorr...
celebrateedd darliing bdayy at "yukii-yakii"...
siimple yett memorablee...

andd by the timme eatt hao was alrdyy 10plus pm lerr... slackedd awhiille... denn go home... korr korr stomachh liike not okay..

ii saww hiim...
ii m gladd thatt he movedd on...
wiish you andd herr eternal happiiness...

tmrr rushh do prooject lerr..!!!
andd iii meann serrious-busiiness!!!

Groupp fotoo...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

attachmentt iin the morniing..=X
as usual...
childrenn iindeeed briightenn upp myy dayy..
one of the child- James (fake name) gonna changge childcarre lerr...haiis=)
gonna miiss hiiimm...
he is the firstt boii thatt ii talkedd to on my fiirst day of attachment,
the boii thatt actually madee my heartt melt...
damm..ii m gonna miis hiim so damm muchh...=(
so tdyy, ii paiid full attentiion to hiim, hiis actiions, hiis everythiing...

guess its just a partt and parcell iin liife bahs,
I lose some and I gaiin some...
suure miiss hiim, my boii..^^
damm attachedd to hiim...

nextt, mett happiie-famm to do assignmentt...
ate lunchh at bugiis...
walkedd around boughtt materiials...
denn wentt to liing house...=) myy Q.A.D house leiis...!!!
iinitiall partt was hardd..
totallyy no iideas=X
somehow orr watt we managedd to squueeze sth out froom ourr tiny miiny braiin...
andd yes!!!
we r 1/4 done for creattiive arts...
not miissing out the memorable fun tiimes..=)

butt ii love iit!
thatt explaiin why we aree a cliique!

atee diinerr at qiing aii der housee...
afterr whiich contiinued,
we r done by 8plus pm...

*see fotos andd u will understandd*

funnyy faces capturedd, yett memorablee...

cool~ babess^^
4 on a bedd fiightiing!!!
they aree adorable=)

thats markedd the end of myy dayy...

buss-edd home wiif ah bii, sleptt the whole jurneyy...superr tiired..=X
a good rest wouldd be sufficiient...
A morre normall photoo!!!

falliing off the bedd...
oops.. see ourr faceess...^^
naturall nortt?!?!
Insaniity rocks mann!!!
the bestt naturall canddiid larr!
ehhs.. miissiing one leiis!!!
goshh.. ahh bii becamme a ....!!!
candiid mama-shott!!!
thats whyy ii love themm deeplyy mann!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

normal dayy...
mett leenx go east poiint repaiir my fone norrhs..=X
denn gt to waiit veryy veryy long.!!!
so wentt sakae eatt buffett fiirstt...
crapp, talkedd as usual=)
veryy veryy full!!!

backk to there and see what numberr theyy are at alrdyy...
still not my turnn..
fiinally, itss my turnn!!!
annd yepps, told them wats wrong wiif my fone!
cann only collectt iit on satt..=.=
haiis... so long...
thenn ii usedd another fone for e tiime beiing fiirst...

went to level 1,
there have IP zone sale...
so both of us bought sth therre..=X
CANN DIIE mann!!!
somehow we behaved liike "auntii-ess" too...
justt a matter of tiime...

llalalalala... Home-eddd!!!
tv--edd all the wayy...!!!
chriistmass presii 07"
lovess!!! =)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

emotions swayedd...
hate to see thiings changed...
wats wrong wiith mii?
ii shunned..
but yett...
ii guess,
things shouldnt be datt compliicated.

ii wan a siimple liife.
ii niid a rest,
*giib mii a break*
ii run, ii avoiid, ii hiide...
whenn ii cant fiind an answer to all my doubts...
detestt the stuffiness surroundiing mii...
gett an aiim iin liife?!?!


Monday, December 24, 2007

Chriistmass EVEE!!!=)
mett kELLY darrlliing, Leenx boiiboii, Sebass meiimeii, Jx korr koorr, renyuan, choon ho, kiian tat, pearly, guan-da, alex
....theyy all...
aiiyas, basiically iss the groupp of themm larrhs!

wentt eatt att gd gd place, restaurantt at ciity liink therre derr..=)
foodd ex,
choon ho sayy ex but poiison...
hiis stomachh...
liike cannot takke iit leiis...=X

TOOK a lonngg tiime to deciide watt to eatt=.=
talkedd, good tiime tgtt^^

took pfotos too!!!

diiner-edd settledd...
downn to boat quayy...
as usuall...
watt cann u do at boat quayy...
waiiting barr superr crowdedd...
as usuall..=X

hmm...camwhorredd wiif Kelly darliing=)
Exchangee presiiie!!!
actt of LOVEEE leiis!!!
Thankss everyone forr theiir presiie!
wo henn xii-huann^^

hmm..dancedd, playedd, laughedd...
lovee themm larrhs!!!
theyy madee myy dayy...=)
memorable chriistmas 2007 eve....

openedd presiie!
Espp: koorr koorr derr...
andd anndd anndd
hiis letterr=)

ii lovee chriistmas larrhs...
espp, wiif dearestt friiends!


Groupp foto at the restauranntt=)

Prettyy- Kelly darliing andd Tiingg!!!

Choon ho preparedd the sparkless for us...
onlyy forr giirls lerr..=)
ch: u all like stars stars?
kelly andd ii: yaya! wherr?!?!
then countdown datt tiime, he took out the sparkless...
wahs...surpriised leiis...^^

Sunday, December 23, 2007


wentt ESCAPE wiif koorr, jess and her friiend...=)
denn at whiite sand saw "meii-meii" andd wanliing (gf)...
so we all go tgtt...
reachh daoo therre... jess and her friiend go play themmselves..=X
SO leftt 4 of us...
playyed tgtt^^
had lots of funn...=)
ii screammed, some laughed whiile playying the 360 degrees turniing thiing..=X
scaryy leiis...
gt miistook as....=.=
denn korr dont wann play the wett wett game...=.=
he dont wann get wet...
but iin e end he aso gt played..=)
psps, ii sort of forcedd hiim to play dehs...

denn afterr datt raiinedd heaviily...
afterr the game, 4 of us werre completely wet cos of the game...
despiite datt,
shiiverring. . .
meii meii lent mii hiis cardiigenn=)
walkedd underr the raiin to busstopp....
backk to whiitesandd..
saiid bye-bye to meii meii andd wanliing...
shoppiing wiif koorr korr..
white sand-> TM-> century sq....
damm crowdedd...
nahs... complaiining as usuall...
piinchiing myy chheek the entiire dayy!
synaii-iing wiif hiim alsoo..^^

afterr diinerr,
neopriints, bus riide home=)

Saturday, December 22, 2007


wokee upp quiite earlii...
as iin tiink ii sleppt less thenn 10hour bahs...
ii m tirred,
butt couldntt contiinue sleepiing...
wasntt feeliing good
whenn woke upp...
calledd kellyy darliing to diiscuss sthh..
on the fone wiith her for 1 hourr plus worr..^^
andd somehow orr whatt..
guess we roughlyy have an iidea for chriistmas eve...=)

so ya...wentt ah bii house for steamboatt diinerr!
ah bii's mummy made e soup was yummy! DELIICIOUS!
hmm..andd of cos nt forgettiing the yummy foodd!!!^^
the bestt partt is the partt when we exchangedd presentt andd openedd it tgt...=))
the feeliing iis unexplaiinable!!!
to havee eachh one of themm iin my liife!^^
its a MUSTT forr all memorable activiites!!!

Thanxx forr everythiing...
Hope youu guys liike the presentt...
ii love all my presentts too!!!^^

. . . therre are more reasons for me to be happy than sad. . .
ii hadd a memorable chriistmas thiis yearr!!!

ii love themm!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

ii m backk!
was doiing assignment forr the pastt few dayys!=X
hmm..almostt done wiith MI lerr..
motherr andd ii wanna gett iit done andd overr wiith!
yes! andd iindeed we r almostt done!!!
ah bii sayy we veryy fastt... =X
lol... ii m HAPPY!
thoughh, rushiing assignment butt ii do feel good...^^

mett sec school friiends! wahs! miiss them loads loads man!
been 2 months plus neberr see dao them lerr...=X
ANDD we wentt to eatt "zii chaa" at katonngg!
so cool~ liike fammiily lithatt, eatt "zii-chaa"!!! togetherr...
hmm.. andd yes!
hadd a gdd tiime!
pangsehh mii! she was suupposedd to joiin us also one lorr!
iin the endd, she neverr! shee slleepp all the wayy...
thousandds of call alsoo could not wake herr up mann!

well... its okayy! datts herr... ii m usedd to it ler..^^
afterr eatt haoo..raiin damm biig siia...WE sharedd umbrella lorr....
to zihuii house denn to boat quay!
on the wayy therre, ii saww qiiu mama!!! myy babee!
fiirst tiime go boatt quayy the pubb wiith themm...
so funnyy!
theyy dontt driink much one...=.=
denn all leftt beforre 12...
leftt mii andd jiingwenn therre...

denn ii calledd leenx! she camme! thenn korr korr, ry, choonho theyy all also therre... so mmiit up alsoo...=) "qiiao" the pub we wentt to werre quiite nearr to eachh otherr one.. so theyy keep come overr.. herre andd therre^^ gdgdgdgd~

hmm...goodd tiime therre!
... ii deservedd a good playy tiime mann ...

thatss myy frii!!!=)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


fuunn dayy..
watchh Alvin and the chipmunks morniing moviie wiif happie famm at J8!=)
chipmunkss soo damm cutte larrhs!
theirr actiions andd everythiing...

ii love the moviie larrhs!

oh~ hmm.. afterr moviie, motherr deciided to buy the soundtrack of the moviie..=) so cool~
andd of cause, ii gt songs frm her..=)
thanx babe!!!

damm..ii likke theiir songs..^^
shopppp forr awhiile beforre goiing to ah bi house to continue our assign agaiin...
tdyy was driizliing nt a heavy downpourr..

hmm..^^ andd ii guess we r done wiif one assigment ler.. andd cam-whorred and crapp!
hectiic liife butt yett fulfiiliing...
ii m happiie!

hadd a badd stomach-dayy tdyy! keep giiviing mii troublee!!! ARGHH!
SPOIILL myy mood siia..
wonderiing why keep havee "hue--eeiing"
hmm.. backk home, eat mediicine ler.. hope ii will gett betterr..
dontt wanna fall siick at thiis tiime..
ii wanna enjoy one!

yeahh.. koorr koorr comiing backk ler.r... hahas.. miiss hiim larrhs! lol.. miiss long crappiing on e fone wiif hiim larrhs! =)
uue comiing backk ler worr!
BAOBEII koorr!!!

buayy buayy!

Monday, December 17, 2007

mett happie-famm forr assignment.. hmm..eventuallyy we deciided to make everythiing as siimple as iit cann be.. ROARR! gett iit overr and donee wiith..
holiidayy = to NO holiidayy!!!
nahs.. ii m gonna make iit a fulfiilling one... hope so=) raiinedd heavvily the whole dayy siince morniing.. have been walkiing underr the raiin non-stopp..
well, but hadd a fun tiime wiif happie-famm underr e raiin stiill~
screamiing, laughiing andd shoutiing^^
afterr doiing assignment at ah bi house,
we stilll went town despiite the superr heavyy raiin..
so ya..
andd tryiing not to look arouund.. damm.. iif not ii m gonna spennd $ agaiin...

andd ii am so damm broke alreadyy...=(

thenn we ate sthh beforree goiing home.. haha
the raiin was damm heavyy by thenn... but still..
we walkedd underr the raiin agaiin!

coldd! FREEZIING~~!!!
hmm... den saw my childcare the principle and one of the teacher and her son on bus.. haha.. the little boii recogniise mii.. wavedd bye-bye to mii somemorre.. **TOUCHEDD nehhs** ii meann he is only liike 4 yrs old andd he rmbedd mii!
denn the raiin still superr heavy heavyy..! a uncle shelterred me frm bustopp to the shopping mall opposite..[[ thanks ]] ... thenn so wiierd larrhs.. but still thankful.. denn at traffic liight therre.. whiile waiting for the "greenman", an aunti shelterred mii withh herr umbrella..
[[ thankss!!! ]]
so shockedd.... but still thankfull!!!~~~ hmm.. rann home..

backk home siit downn tv-edd!

wentt to myy room.. saw a biig hello kiity box...

mama boughtt forr mii..^^

**touchedd** nehs..

ystdd quarreled wiif herr..


though she apologised to me alrdy.. but still ii dint talk to her..


thiis morrning denn ii talkedd to herr little biit..

butt denn mustt admiit..henn gan dong whenn saw dao the hello kiity thiingy she boughhtt.. thatt was the thiing ii wana bought thatt time butt diint.. =)

heehee.. veryy cutte..^^ hmm..

buayy buayy!!!

off too myy lala lanndd!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


mett happiie fam forr breakfastt at KAP before goiing to school! so dam earlyy.. ii dragggedd myselff up siia! ARGHH~ tiired....

hmm..hadd puppett class tdyy earlyy iin the morniing! andd its a SATTURDAY!!! ..iinterestiing puppett... heex^^ damm cool larrhs! the puppett all came aliive..=) hmm.. damm.. ii also wann a puppett oof myy ownn.. ROARR! hmm.. ordderred a miini one froom miss chong..
gd gd gd~hadd damm good tiime of laughterr man!
so ya..

took photos.. will be uploadedd soon..=X


den afterr thatt jiiu go popo housee.. babyy chloe will be therre..^^ hmm.. ii miiss her.. one month plus neverr see daoo her lerr...! so afterr school, jiiu rushh go popo house lerr.. denn reachh daoo therre babyy keppt cryyiing.. must always be carriied aroundd..! =X aiiyos.. ii also dontt darre touch her liiaos..=X she refusedd to driink miillk siia.. no one had a wayy to curb herr cryyiing!
hmm.. so justt playedd and took some photos of her..^^ ADORABLE!!!

so ya.. triied to catch some wiinks off sleep at popo husee..
meetiing Kelly darliing ltrr forr diinerr and shoppiing...
so ya.. hees!!! took neoprrint wiith herr worrs! LOV-iingg Lov-iing leiis! heex..
denn wentt V8 cafee forr diinerr..heex... talkedd many many thiings wiith herr wors..
gd gd gd!

sharredd many thiings tgtt wiith her... ^^ gd! ii lovee herr larrhs! =) thenn eat hao ler jiiu go walk walk aroundd.. shoppiing~ butt mostlyy all the thiings we wanna buy, dontt have leiis.. liike

shoes, no size.
eyeliiner, no morre.
eye lash, out of stock!

ROARR!!!! aiiyoss..

denn.. go bugiis strreett walk walkk.. boughtt tops andd liing presentt.. heee^^
fiinally done wiif happie fam presentt for chriistmass!
denn darliing triiedd clothiing giibe mii see nehs..! haha..
we havee the samee "thiinkiing".. can see daoo "certaiin parts nott.."hahhaha..!!!
denn we boughtt tops at one of the shopps.. hmm.. now all the tops liike have sale lerr.. gdgdgd..
gonna go backk andd buyy morre agaiin man!

diint bought eye lash cos not niice, but when found dao one niice one, its too ex.. not worrth iit..=X so we deciidedd not to buyy..^^ denn tiired ler, so went burger kiing eatt and driink sth =)

Of coursee not miissiing out the talkiing andd crappiing partt.. darliing gavee mii present somemorre nehs.. hee!!! so goodd...ii also wan giive u sthh..! hahaha!!! denn jiiu go take bus home.. darliin bus came fiirst so she left ler.. she liive veryy farr.. panjang therre nehhs..

talkedd to jess abt sthh..hehee.. ii m waitiing-waiiting forr...uu noe larr..!
carrefull larrhs~

enjoyedd myselff greatlyy wiith kelly darliing larrhs!
moorre gaii-gaii-iing tgtt lerhs...
ii m loviing iit...
loviing yourr accompanny larrhs!

off to beddd!!!
morre tiime...
morre restt pls...

Puppett alliive!!!

Kelly darliing andd Tiingg!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007


havee been rushiing for two assignments whiich was gonna be due tdy siince mondayy=X **badd head-achhee!!!**andd iinsufficiient sllpp for e entiire week lerrhs...!!!
haiiyoos! cann diie man! tiink ii worried andd stressedd too much overr liimit ler..=X

hmm..well, ii diid my ya.. hope everythiing goes well...
anywayy 2 assignment downn-edd! yiipee.. well, but thats not the endd yett.. =X still have lots to do duriing the two weeks holiidayy..

mmett Happiie-Fam for lunch tdy at alumni agaiin.. ate claypot beancurd rice sett..hmm.. tastee normal normall.. haha.. healthyy.. denn guess whatt, afterr eat haoo jiiu go to the minii playgroundd nextt to alumni..=) COOL!

HADD a damm funn tiime therre! it was liike 1pm plus N we got to hand iin Fp assign at HMS office btw 1-2pm fiirst.. haha..yett we still camm-whorredd therre.. lotts of screamiing andd laughiing! hahaha! we LOVED playgroundd!^^

Photos to be uploadeed soon! =)

afterr handd iin fp assign, theyy wanna run to canteen 2 to priint sth..and by then was alrdy 1.45plus pm lerr.. andd presentatiion startts at 2pm.. lol.. so run therre.. so fuunny.. aiiyos.. after priint hao.. runn backk.. =.=

reach dao therre, sweatiing liike hell.. aiiyos.. kept graspiing for aiirr..! denn soon was ourr presentatiion ler..tiinkk ii screwedd iit upp.. haiis=X hmm.ran out of tiime for presentatiion, so till the end, motherr talkedd damm fastt liike a toy gunn! lol..

hmm.. CLEAREDD! happiie buutt still worriied abt iit..diint talkedd much afterr schh ends.. motherr could sensed iit somehow..=X thanx for cheerring mii upp! BABE!=) so ya..

on the bus journeyy home, thoughtt a lott.. haiis..assign. arre xiin-ku.. its kiiliing mii...
yy mm ii so stupiid to...
haiis.. forgett iit..
iits harrd to draww a clearr liine btw everythiing..
close one eye andd bliink one eye bahs..=X

andd backk home, watchh tbee all the wayy.. ii deserved a good breakk!.. hmm..
gonna enjoy thiis weekendd!

ii nnidd a good restt!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007