Go outt wif mama andd secc bro to salon, bro need a haiir cut and dye his colour back to black.. andd mama diid hair treatment andd washedd her haiir.. ii sat therre rot.. cos my haiir-styliist wasnt therre.. ii diint wann anyy otherr ppl to cut my haiir or whatt...=X ii am piicky..
haiir is IMPORTANTT la!!!
so ya..reachedd threre was abt 3 plus pm..alot of thiings happenn iin btw whiile waiiting fer themm..*readd below* so ya.. dann by the time mama ok jiiu alrdyy 5 plus yaoo 6 lerr.. suddenly she gt a craviing for macflurry.. so wentt spore postt the mac andd ate..ii ate mac-nugget meal..
satt a a seatt faciing the place wherr fiirst tiime meet chubby.. diint feel good.. butt nver miind.. carrieedd on..smiiliing att mama..
=( was hardd thoughh..buut ii am traiinedd! uunbeatable Tiingg leiis..
thann mama ask abt Liiang, whyy nberr call hiim or watt..y nberr go out wiif hiim or watt..all whyys..thousandds of qns regardiing hiim.. ii kept quiiet for a momentt..dint knew wat to sayy..my family diint knew thatt me andd Liiang alrdyy over ler.. was quiite unsufferable.. ii just saiid he was VERY busy wiif allot of stuffs..wasnt free..blablabla..ii hiid the truth from famiily for 5 months plus lerr..li haii bahs.. haiis.. shi xiin ku derr.. plus ystdd ah yi also askedd me thOSE samme qns..bwgg..theyy all thoughtt everythiing was alriight andd goiin smoothlyy..but iin reality
!!!Itss nott at all!!!
haiis..ii dont blame themm..theyy donnt really understandd mi thoughh..ii m usedd to it lerr..lett them ask all theyy want.. one dayy whenn ii am readyy to tell themm dann ii will say bahs..=X
so ya..wentt pasa malam boughtt tee anndd FBT shorts..hmm..dann walkkedd arouund dann go home dann go buyy cold driinks andd vegetables for diiner laterr on..so tiiredd..=X hadd a late diinerr.. butt veryy full thoough..
met leenx andd sebas meii at around 11 pm lithatt to eatt supper..fiirst time saw sebas meii.. he's funny,joker..friiendly andd iinterestiing...wantedd to eatt at my housee downstaiir those hawker der..butt liike closiin ler.. so took bus to katong theree andd eatt ponggol nasii lemak..ii stiill ate though still veryy full..
!!!BIG APPETIITE nowadayss!!!
dann talkedd,crappedd and laughedd alott at therre before andd afterr eatiing..thann walkedd backk to my house theree slackk agaiin.. along the wayy alot of jokes from sebas meii larrhs..!!! his jokes really cann laughh dehhs..not lame but FUNNY!!! hmm..andd his magiic rubber-bandd triickk..superr harrdd larrhs..!!! leenx andd i still cant fiigure outt.. nber miind...
agaiin..slackk at a place wherr got benches andd tables.. dann continuue talkiing agaiin..lalala``iindeedd, theyy cheeredd mii upp.. thanxx! feltt better ler..=))
2 am ler..leenx still hab schh ltrr on..so leftt at 2 amm dann sayy bye bye to themm andd wentt home..
agaiin..onliine, on fone, blogg, andd blablabla la.. typiicall thiings onee will do derr..=X
[[so ya..]]
::.PhotOs took..::

Sebas meii triied to imitate thiis piic...lol..
~.::Afterr turnniing rouund andd rouund,::.~
::.ii am backk to the same place.::
♥``Afternoon wake up saw a msg byy hiim..wasntt a good one..ii expected ler, ii knew this would happen when you saw that...
but i guess u would be betterr..and happiier..iin this way;
For me, everythiing iis back to squaree 1 agaiin lerrhs..samee endiing agaiin..sryy..=(dint meantt to..probblem liies wiif mii..nii hen haoo.. guess you will be betterr off without wo bahs..beiing wiif mii will only causedd you to get heart attack again and agaiin..=X
qiing nii be liike beforee.. happy happy derr..glad that your feelings wasntt datt deep yett iif nt ii woulld have hurtt u deeply agaiin..but to be honest when see dao u say not alot is iindeed quiite diisappointiing le.. but never miind..
...itt does not matter now lerr..
...itt does not matter now lerr..
ii stil did hurt dao you in one way orr another.. duii bu qii..duii bu qii, zhi dao you really care for wo, really hen concernn for wo..but ii still let you down eventually..haiis..i am not sure if my decision was right orr wrongg..butt ii believe that you will be happierr.. cause dont have to worry about anythiing ler.. even iif its wrong, i will not regrett..cause you are much happierr than beiing wiith mii ler..
tiime tgtt zheng der hen short hen shortt..but enough ler..have happy tiimes andd biicker tiimes..will always remember der..=) Chubby-chubby..
shuo yii, wo zhu fu nii..chubbychubby~yao xiin fu worrs..duii bu qi for yii qie..
. . .pls be happierr andd betterr off withoutt mii. . .
. . .yaoo xiin fuu andd kuaii le. . .
...ii have gave you too much unnecessary problem ler..
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