HMM..tdyy wentt backk to sch fer dancee continue cheographhy ya.. aaron's groupp was therre also not long after we reachh studioo..=X ya..we werentt sastiisfiied wiif everythiing la..=X so ya.. than see aaron's groupp dance dann beck, mi, liing and rachel were liike remixing three soongs iinto one new complete soong.. wiif some funny transitioon iin between.. its kiinda lastt miin but nber miind cos its liike not iimpt now ler.. diint really manage to rmb much steps tdy.. haiis..
well, nber miind.. doesnt really matter now..4 of us felt liike giiving up tdyy when thiings just doesnt seems to be goiing iin the riight diirection..haiis..was diifiicult..beck was worn-out so weree we.. haiis.. plus the most iimpt persoon alsoo nber go for the chalet.. so no poiint practiising so hardd for the chalet..

lalalala`` by then was about 11pm plus ler.. we left the studio tgtt.. hiitchedd a riide fromm rachel's father agaiin... reachedd home aboutt half an hour laterr.. talkedd to chubbyX2 whiile haviing my superr late diiner.. and watchh some repeatedd channel 8 drama seriies..
so ya.. iniitially wiierrd wiierdd derr..dann iin e endd.. we begann complaiining aboutt "sthh" about the XXXXXX! we paiid 25 bucks for it oki.. and its liike so not worthh itt larr.. ya..we werentt sastiisfiied wiif everythiing la..=X so ya.. than see aaron's groupp dance dann beck, mi, liing and rachel were liike remixing three soongs iinto one new complete soong.. wiif some funny transitioon iin between.. its kiinda lastt miin but nber miind cos its liike not iimpt now ler.. diint really manage to rmb much steps tdy.. haiis..
have learntt a lesson from this and that iis to really really deciide on a song beforee cheographiing the steps for a partiicular song..andd one mustt not be fiickle-miindedd afterr deciiding the song ler.. iff not all effortss wiill bii gOne downn the draiin..=X
well, nber miind.. doesnt really matter now..4 of us felt liike giiving up tdyy when thiings just doesnt seems to be goiing iin the riight diirection..haiis..was diifiicult..beck was worn-out so weree we.. haiis.. plus the most iimpt persoon alsoo nber go for the chalet.. so no poiint practiising so hardd for the chalet..
Fotos of the dayy!

so ya.. packedd my bagg for tmrr d3 chalett.. superr biig..and heavyy lar.. hahas..standardd derr.. wanted to even briing haiir-dryer therre but bag not enough space ler.. haas... so dotts.. so auntii...=X
will not be able to blog these often till fri when come back from the 4 days 3 niight chalet..wonderriing how is tiime gonna pass by.. liing and ah qii goiing on thurss morniing..cos theyy hab wonderiing how aree we gonna surviive man for these 3 niight.. ha! plus ii nber briing my lappy go theree..bagg is heavy enough for mi ler..-_-''' haas...
thats my dayy~ =) Go-Go-Go!!!
gonna miiss someone larrhs..``
haaas..=X the iinocentt chubbyX2. . .
.:words that are not to be saiid too often:.
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