miss those school days larr..so long nberr wearr unii andd full pe-attire ler.. but tdy met eileen so just wearr.. nearby my house only ma.. haas...miss those secc school days..when afterr schh will go parkway parade slack wif fren..classmates derr..andd talkk abt everythiing larr=X though hab to muggle for exams but those days weree really memorble..everythiing la.. early iin the mornn, iin sch.. afterr sch..``esp wiif those really close classmates.. miss themm lortt lortt..=) hope theyy are doiing fiine and well iin theiir respectiive school...
so ya..recently der me miss them alott..haas..hope to meet themm up soon lerr..=X
=)) on the fone wiif chubby-chubbyy ler.. lolx..kekekex...^^ dann talkedd quiite loong wiif chubby-chubbyy..bleahs^^
dann afterr hang fone wiiif hiim, updatted blogg andd ediited fotos..=X

haas..^^ miissess.. bleahs..
off to bedd now lerr..=X
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