hurrhurr..~ diss piic so cute larrhs..=X hmm..daniiel took this..-_-''' he too boredd ler...
dann miit chubby-chubby forr diinerr..quiite late ler..ha! ii still late larrhs=X psps^^ hmm.. dann whenn eattin de shi hou, got one lil boii very veryy small and adorable.. he keeps smiling dann ii began to try to catch his attention.. INSTEAD, the boii kiip smiiling at chubby-chubby! ha! UNFAIR!!
lalalala``nnber miind.. dann watch some liine dance..lol..thiink its still now e iin thing among aunties andd uncles nehs.. lol.. they veryy buayy paii one.. but some really bwg..=X
reachh home call leenx.. she liike no mood no mood lidatt der..ii asoo affectedd lerr.. haiis..=X dats how ii felt when she iis attxxxxd...ii understandd datt feeling.. betterr dann anyone does..dann sayy ii change ler.. haiis.. ii wheregtt..=( dann was like plannin tmr stuff.. butt it just dint seems righhtt.. nber miind.. hang up fone..moodless``~~~
lalalala``dann ystd jiiu got my sem2 tiimetable ler..ii still thinking abt it la..ii so so DONTT LIIKE cann..! wth, gt 2 days end sch so LATE! plus after attachmentt still hab to rush backk fer tutorial. . .arghh.. ii wann my Sem 1 timetable larrhs=!!! HAIIS...
than sth korr saiid..madee mii really henn gan donngg``, he's a really hen hao hen haoo de koorr-koor..hen teng wo..=) xiie xiie. . .
hab greatt people aroundd mii..poly friends, outside der friends,sec school de friends and hiim-chubbyx2``.. ii am CONTENTED...
readd qiishan postt, so true.. wo men have all grew upp ler.. not like those days ler.. so carefree..hao miiss those days, those fun..those laughterr... those days of cam-whoriing..=( haiis.. ii miss themm lerr..thoughh we liive very nearr eachh other.. but time doesnt really permits us to meet upp..jiiayou fer ur O's wors..
[[ii dontt wann to groow up lerr..]]
[[``wann remaiin like thiis..``]]
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