♥25TH Septt♥!!!
hmm..d3 chalett at aloha loyang fromm 25th sept till 28 septt....miit rachell at eunos than go white sands tgtt...buy some cupp noodle andd snackss..ate ourr lunch-Macc tgtt..hmm.. dann met calista theyy all at 3pm.. so took cabb iin to the chalett.. haas..gt 7 ppl so we took 2 cabb separatelyy.. lalala`` so exciitedd..=X ourrs is the bungalow terrace-Laughiing Thrusts.. lol.. the name so uniique..
iinitially we mistook wrong house.. dann rachel go press "diing-doong"..diaos.. so paiisehs lar..lolx.. but eventually we found the riight one ler..
so ya..mii, rachel, rebecca and liing got room 4 whiich is 1 double bedd derh..liing wasnt there on the fiirst niight as she still hab work on the nextt dayy.. so ya..she's comiing tmrr.. tiime passedd veryy quiicklyy..wentt beachh hab some funn andd ii suayy suayy diio foreitt..lolx.. nber miind.. was funn larr..took piics agaiin.. lol.. dann went backk hab diiner.. was XXXXX..=x hmm.. me and rachel went swiimming at niight.. for superr superr loong..agaiin chatt alot wiif her...playedd and enjoyed myselff iin the pool greatly..=) oh ya! it was mooncake festiival.. we saw the moon.. it was SUPERR ROUNNDD! dann playedd sparkles awhiile wiif SCALE theyy all..lol.. greatt man! thiis yr the mooncake festival very uniique andd memorable..=))
miidniight ler.. we ate cup-noodles..went back to room..rachel fall asleep fiirst.. me and becck were liike talkiing aboutt some giirls stuff andd r/s derr.. so ya..giirls mahhs.. standardd derr..=)) enjoyyedd talkiing to her.. dann "knockk"knockk", its aaron.. hmm.. he couldnt sleep.. so camme iin and talkkedd to us.. dann playedd some fun games.. rachel was awakenn by thenn..lol..=X
enjoyedd greattlly!!!
♥26th Septt♥!!!
Second dayy~ greatt day too..hmm..wentt to sit at the beachh wiif beck and rachel iin the early afternoon.. hmm.. so ya..and enjoyedd the calmiing sea-breeze greatlyy..wentt backk andd rentted biike as there will be treasuree hunnt later on.. whoo..!!! treaasure hunt was ratherr boriing initially..cos our grp all girl ma..-me, rachel andd rebecca.. so wasntt really datt fun.. plus abit cant be botheredd eiither... hmm.. we hab to go andd take foto of the list of iitems they gave us..cycledd to pasirr ris mrt andd took photo of the mrt siign.. dan blablabla.. oh ya.. cliimb the spiider-webb thiingyy.. was superr thriilling la.. ii nber cliimb beferr marrhs.. so was ratherr exciitedd.. me annd beckk and shaniice cliimbed to the topp lerr.. andd rachel still all the
way bottom.. she was afraiid dat she will fell larhhs..=X lol..
dann headedd backk to the chalett.. so tiriing.. whoosh~ ii sat on rebecca's biike when go back from the pasir ris mrt as shaniice cycledd on my biike.. so ya..=) she broughtt us to the place wher we couldd fiind those iitems..haas..~!!! got bbackk chalett.. ate somethiing.. forgortt watt ii ate lerr..=X nber miind.. dann agaiin.. wentt to the pool siide..shaniice and beck pushed mii into the pool larrhs..
arghh! wantedd to push shaniice iin der iin the ennd ii kana.. -_-''' rachel was liike laughiin at mii larhhs.. thanx to gara that he pushedd her downn into the pool..YEA!!!
agaiin playedd in the pool.. dann rebecca joiinedd us eventually.. she iignoredd her iinconveniience andd swiim wiif us..!!! Liing arriivedd lerr! whoosh!!! so HAPPYY!!!
so ya..=X agaiin went back was quiite late ler..hadd a bath andd ate cup-noodles agaiin ler..hmm..sangg karaoke wiif liing!!! so fun! suddenly
hab the urge to driink.. so cycled to white sand the 7-11 there wiif rachel, aaron, liing and rebecca... lalalala``was miidniight lerr.. but doont care...=X myy biike wass superr lousy larr.. bwgg.. dann back to chalett dann playedd heartt-attackk andd SMACK! andd drank..superr fuun andd memorable le.. so exciited andd thriilling..rebecca reactionn wass funny andd comiicall.. we playedd till morniing 6.30am... wantedd to go see sun-riise derr.. butt iin the endd lazy so nberr go..slepptt till 1plus pm dann woke upp..=)
♥27Th Septt♥!!!
haas..=) lastt day lerr.. so sad.. well, fiinally we contiinuedd ourr dance.. contiinued thiinkiing of steps.. haas.. thiis tiime no chooice liaos.. really hab to get to serioous busiiness lerr..=X haas..!!! so ya.. we diid fiinish the whoole song! FINALLY!!!
yea!! dann niight tiime ler..bbq startss.. atee alot of liitle liitle sttuff.. liike sotong balls, crab-stiick, hot-dog, lalalala``dann went out to cheers wiif becck, rachel, liing andd shaniice to buy alcoholiic driinkk at cheers.. GUESS WHAT! IT wass raiining heaviily earliierr on.. as we were walkiing the beach way to the escape entrance there the gate..on our way there.. we saw alot of worm drownedd andd some were even still wriiggliing mann..my godd! WE SCREAMEDD!!! eeekkss!!!! andd ii still rmb the tiime-10PM!!!
so ya.. boughtt ourrs andd fer SCALE.. dan we took a cabb backk.. yea=) by the time get back was the group by groupp performancee thiingy..so ya.. lalalala`` was greatt..we triiedd our best ler..So ya..=)) dann sangg karaoke agaiin.. drankk alcohol, cam-whoore agaiin..dance thruu the niight.. playedd andd truly enjoy greatlyy..
yeps//=X aaron wentt home early in the morniing to catch the fiirst traiin.. by then only left me, rachel and liing.. the restt too tiredd ler.. went to sleepp lerr.. we sang sangg sangg, all the way till 6.30am.. wahs.. wentt sleep andd hab to wake up liike 9.30am larr.."pheww" so tiiredd..MEMORABLE!!!
♥28TH Septt♥!!!
Wokee upp lerr.. feel so shackk..so tirred.. diint really hab a proper andd good sleep siince 25th Seppt lerr.. or shoould ii sayy ii playedd AND HADD TOO MUCH FUN lerr..lolx.. lalalala``dann packk our stuffs dann had some debriief dann book out ler.. waiitedd for the bus to pasirr riis mrt for 15 mins lerr..so longg..!!! arghh!!! superr exhaustedd ler.. dann took mrt home dan bus 154 from eunos!!! bathed, onliine awhiile andd sleptt till 6pmm..
woke upp bathee preparee to go out later ler.. met chubbyyX2 andd went to parkwayy for diiner.. so ya..dann walkedd to ECP, wait for leenx, jeff deedee, jess, jess bf, and "dude"?!?! lolx.. it was driinkiing dayy at east coast..wenntt beachh hut iinitially followedd by cabana.. haas..
so ya..! madee a scenee of myselff wiif leenx agaiin datt dayy...=X bwgg..!!! diint meannt to derhhs..=( satt at the beachh till 6plus am dann go homee..
♥29th Septt♥!!!
slepptt till 3plus pm woke upp..calledd jx koorr andd askk hiim go wherr miit..causee celebratiing Guan Da bdayy.. so met koor, choon-ho, pearly, guanda at bugis dann go fish&co eatt.. lol.. ii dont liike e food therre.. so bwgg=X err..agaiin, thheyy madee lame jokess at there.. theyy foreverr lamerr lerr.. hmm.. so ya.. ate hao ler jiiu go arcadee playedd games but mostlyy is see them play derr...
dann mii andd pearly wentt shopping ler..we boughtt clothiing=) yea.. lovedd the clothes boughtt at bugiis street..agaiin manyy funny thiing happen at theree.. renyuann reachedd lerr.. thann ii testiing clothes marrhs.. dann ii pull the dressing room cloth too much ler..dann mistooking dat ii can changed ler.. thann choon ho, koor andd ry jiiu madee alot of stuppid noiise.. diaos.. dann the auntii closed for mii..dann didd ii know datt ii dintt close properlyy.. lol...=X so diiaos larrhs..
dann the guys werre still thiinking of goiing wherr..bikiini partyy or boatt quayy the pubb therre.. eventually wentt boat quay derr pubb..=) just niice its 30th Sept ler.. 12 am passedd ler.. so celebratedd at the pubb wiif hiim! greatt funn..=X wentt to 2 diiff pubb..lalalala``dann agaiin driink driink driink..^^ umm.. cam-whoree wiif themm lerrhs..playedd game..andd sangg songg.. dann talkedd to koor abtt some thiings..*pheww* dann took cabb wiif pearlyy to fiind chubbyX2...lalalala``hiis cousiin veryy CUTE!!!
♥30th Septt♥!!!
wokee upp iin the afternoon.. onliine awhiile, ate dann go hoome lerr..ii full of alcohol andd cigg smell lerr.. so eeekk...!!! -_-''' reachedd hoome see tbee dann mid-niight tiime jiiu ediit fotos.. alot fotos to ediit lerr..wahs..! sleppt at 5 am, ii thiink so..=)
♥1St Octoberr♥!!!
haa!!! HAPPIE CHILDREN'S DAYY!!! seems loong siince ii was a children.. lolx.. though ii do look liike.. lolx..-_-''' woke up 5 plus pm.. 12 hours of sleep lerr.. lii haii bahs.. still not really enuff..HADD a superr niice dreamm for superr long tiime..
hmm.. but woke up go popo house eatt diiner.. dann see tbee derre dann 10plus pm brought deedee backk home..=) watchh tbee agaiin.. mondayy alot of niice niice show to watchh derr..=X ddan talkedd to chubbyX2 dann late lerr.. jiiu hang fone..=X awhille laterr rmbb ii promiise koor datt will call hiim.. soo ii call hiim.. he sleep ler.. ii woke hiim up! whoosh~!!! GREAT! dann talkedd agaiin..he iis my rackett!!! lol.. he saiid derr.. haas/=X dann talkedd talkedd talkedd.. hmm..he is the bestt koor koor larrhs!!!
♥♥Fotoss siince 25thSept till 28th Septt♥♥

lalalalala`` off to bedd lerr..
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