hmm..=) tdyy wentt to ah yii housee anddviisit herr andd baby chloe.. wahs.. tiime really pastt veryy fastt.. so fastt now she alrdyy goiing to be 4 months lerr..=)) she is siimply too lovable lerr!!! dote on herr superr superr muchh..triiedd all means tdyy justt to see herr beautiiful andd cute smiile.. ii must sayy, she is gonna bii a reall beauty when she groww up mann..!!!^^ agaiin, myy ECH spiriit actedd up.. haas..she cann do palmerr grasp ler.. whiich means she had met the milestones for physical development- palmer grasp at this month..=X haas^^
stayedd at therre till 7plus pm dann took cab home wiif mama.. ate diiner..guess watt, ii ate 2 bowl of riice lerrhs.. whoo!~~~ myy biig appetiite iis bacckk agaiin.. haas.. so amazedd by watt ii couldd actually ya..=)
ii miiss myy kiids att the chiildcarre..=( miss theiir laughterr everythiing...miss theiirr cuteness, innocence, iignorance andd playfulness..
...Piic off Babyy-Chloe...

haiis..=(began thiinkiing alot after hangg up phone..
thiings arent supposedd to bii liike this der..shouldd be sweet sweet der butt whyy...
its just 2 weeks andd we have these disagreement ler.. Thiings that u saiid miight be right, butt ii am stubborn..probably only when certaiin thiings really happen dann will ii understandd everything datt u saiid.. butt..
nberr miind..ii am a mysteryy, someone that no matter how, u also wontt understand derr..cause ii dont wann u to understandd..shiield is still growiing thiicker to protectt mii..preventt mi from sheddiing tears for anyone agaiin..
agaiin, iin the process,, ii seem to be causiing u to feel worn-out, stressedd out..iinsteadd of beiing uur "doctor", ii seems to be no diiferent from other of urs..sryy.. ii know certaiin thiings can be preventedd just simply by my decision.. but ii dont wann to rely too much on anyone agaiin.. ii have fall from superr greatt heiight ler.. dont have the courage to fall anotherr tiime..
ii am not unreasonable but just chose to be..iff only u knew mii mii from all my pastt hurts and tears.. perhaps ii wontt be liike this ler, but jiiu is bu ke neng der..nber miind, ii talkiing rubishh heartt still contaiin those pastt hurts..its lockedd..
regardiing friendds they all.. ii can fully understannd how u feel but yett ii am behaviing in this wayy.. contradiicts bahs..=X ii hab once putt everythiing the lastt except someone.. but ii got backk nth butt all tears in the endd..shuo yi, to me, frens are really really really veryy zhongg yaoo.. especiially those close zhi dao derr..theyy hab been thru so much wiif mii..sryy agaiin..
ii fully understood how my temperr andd characterr iis liike..dats why u always hab to giive prevent quarrels..but thiinkiing how loong can u contiinue to giive iin to me andd close one eye bliink one eye..?!?!?!
can gan jue dao dat u very upset these few days..thru the fone, ur voice, the way u talk.. but agaiin, ii avoiid the qns u asked me each tiime..ii admiit ii nberr putt myself iin ur shoes andd thiink..u arent the selfish one, ii am..wo ye bu zhi dao what to do..ii am very diiff bahs.. before andd afterr..
haiis..ii am those type cannt thrash thiings out face to face der..thats why iinfront of u, everytiime ii can only act blurr andd avoiid ur qns..=Xagaiin, duii bu qii..
...agaiin,ii madee u feel hopeless andd lost..
``__ii dontt deservedd__``
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