Wass supposeddd to meet leenx att bugiis at 3pm derrhs..butt horr she still took liike 1 hour latte larrhs.. whoosehh... superr superr loong nehs..ii reachh theree liike 3.15 pm larrhs.. siianx diaoss..thenn finally shee reachedd liaos Wwennt partt worldd ktv wiif allann andd leenx att orchardd deree derrhs..lolx..hmmx... we reacch theree liike 4.30pm siia.. pluss allann waiitedd for us likee fromm 3pm till 4.20pm... lolx...
hmms.. we sangg happilly froom 4.30pm till 8pm. . . . wasehs.. watt cann ii say.. itss FUN larrhs.. lolx.. wiif all the awful runn out of soundd voiices..oopss
hmm.. thenn jiiemeii ( Gerald ) fiinally awoke frmm hiis beautyy slleep at 7 plus pm lerrhs.. whoosH, calledd hiim askkedd hiim to come down to town firstt than ltrr nytee go boatt quayy derrhs.. he agreedd.. he came.
Leenx hadd a superr badd headachh..nortt only datt, everyy iinch of herr bodyy aso seems to achedd! lolx... dann shee liike siians siians derrhs... haiiss
hmms..atee diinerr tgtt whenn jiemeii arriivedd! thenn wantedd to take cab home but superr like no cabb.. lolx.. jiemei suggesttedd to take mrt 2 stops down or go another place instead of standing here to hail for a cabb. . . we diid though itt justt souunds like HELLOS~ its likke arent theree cabb heree? lolx.. well ... we didd liike wat he saidd...jiemeii sayy he want to buyy lollipop then he headedd toward the 7-11. ii asoo want, and he boughtt one strawberry lollipop forr me larrhs... bleahss, eventually we took mrt homee larrhs.. lolx..saww yiiwenn on the way to somerset mrt larrhs.. she calledd me, we chat for awhile dan saiid good-bye lerr.. wakakaka. . . . crapp andd talkk rubbishh on thee traiin... make superr much noiise larrhs.
mII andd leenx aliight att lavenderr causee herr papa fetchh then ya.. ii hitchhed a riide hommee. AWESOME! hmms.. justt then jiemeii calledd. . . he dontt wann go home yett. . . so he meet me at the kfc nearr my housee larrhs..
Funny larrhs.. is liike justt saiidd bye-byee dann now its liike hello-agaiin.. lolx.. dann wennt boughht alcoholl larrhs.. anndd ii hellp hiim buyy ''cxx'' cause he lost his wallet somewherr few days ago.. plus IC aso bu jiian... veryy bluurr bahs! lolx.. =) afterrr whiich wee wennt fiind a placee andd satt downn... ii woulld sayy ''gossipp'' andd ''talkk'' forr liike 4 hourrs pluss leiis.. AMAZING bahs! andd thiis is the secondd tiime ii mett hiim.. lolx..
hmm..keep blamming that thee green apple vodka not niice..andd it costts hiim like $5.90 man!!! dann watt do you expect hurr?? 7-11 leiis..lolx
Leftt siidee--Tiingg^^
Riightt siide--Geraldd (Jiiemeii)^^
iinddeedd noo kiickk larhhs.. lolx.. erhmm... dann walkedd walkkedd dann satt att playgroundd agaiin dan continuee talkiin larrhs.. superr muuch thiings to talkk underr thee moon man! lolx.. jiiemeii marrhs... lolx..
ABoutt 3 30am lidatt jiiu acc hiim go waiit cabb norrhs.. dann ii goo home lerrhs...
whooseh Happiie dayy yett tiiredd
H.A.P.P.Y. T.E.A.C.H.E.R'.S. D.A.Y
Labels: Greatt dayy AWESOME