hohoho=) tdyy miit leenx andd Sebas meiimeii att bugiis. was late, waiitedd for them to come fiind me at the control statioon guardiian therre.
saww someone ii am very suree ii know de at guardiian there also. whiich remiindedd me off those dayys when ii acc hiim go jummpp God. =Xargghh..triiedd to actt liike neberr see dao hiim orr doont knoww hiim..kiip thiinkiing wahs..why theyy took so longg to come miit me..fiinally the "someone"walkedd till dono wher ler..*pheww* heavedd.. fiinally, ii saw them liaos.. wahsehs..dan i keep complaiining to them y so suay..blablabla``..=X
dann go suntec therre look for my organiic rose to make tea andd driink. dan leenx go make colour contactt lens. lalala``by the tiime we done buuyyin everythin at suntec, we headedd back to bugiis there the sakae.. haas..^^ 3.45pm ler. buffet startt ler.. so kiinda hungryy, so rushh therre..LOL.
hmm..so ya. reachedd there le. ate liike dont know whatt siia..orderr alot from the waitress. andd of cos whiile waiiting, we ate alot of sushi ler..liike piig la..ate and ate andd ate.! YUMMY!!!
andd of cos lots of laughterr andd funny + lame jokes byy da tou mei!=Biig headd mei" ha.. who askedd hiim call me xiiao tou=small head" keep sayiing my headd veryy small.. -_-'''
andd of cos cam whore..AGAIN. but thiis time nose got piimple..=X somemore so exactt la is iin the miiddle lar.. LOL. UGLY!
lalala..chii bao bao ler. restt awhiile..damm lots of funny thiings iin btw la..
ENJOYED THEIR COMPANY!!! hohohohho!!! than jiiu bill andd off we wenntt.. Da tou meii go workk andd leenx and ii go shoppiing.. diint really boughtt muchh. boughtt onlii liike 2 long sleeves topp andd 1 belt.. haas..=) afterr walkiin around for a long tiime. legs achiin liike dono what alrdyy..SHOPHAHOLIC!!! hmm..wantedd to buy more clothiing dehs, but nothiing seems to attract mi.. suan le, savee $$$. next tyme dan buy somemore.. haas..
dann jiiu ii took bus home andd leenx go chec for her crashh coursee=tuiition=...2 bus 197 came tgt..took the one wiif lesserr ppl de..I WAN SIT DOWN..so ya=) so coincidential, next to me iis a relatiive of miine whiich famiily andd her nberr keep iin contactt for very long ler, thiink got 6-7 yrs le bahs..ii recogniise her. was hesitatiing whether or not to say "hi" to her.. unable to deciide, so called popo andd ask her for her opinioon. she say no needd, later "wen ti duo duo"=alot of problem. she also nber like talk to me. jiiu forget itt..so ii heededd popo adviice.
lalala..``reachedd home liike 8.30pm ler. so tiiredd..physiically not mentally. hmm..dann alan koorr was wiith her gf around my house here the pasa malam shopp shopp. than ask me to meet hiim for awhiile. very long no see dao hiim ler.. thiink have abbt 7plus months neber contactt hiim ler. quiite lazy to go down agaiin plus my channel 8-9pm drama seriies gonna startt soon ler, but they say wait for me under my block. if dont go liike very bad lei. so jiiu go miit them andd shun biian go see see her gf.. hahaas..anotherr girl froom nyp.-_-'''
so ya.. the giirl speaks engliish der.so diint really talk to her.. but keep catchiing upp wiif alan korrkorr..andd as usual, always "make-fun of me". hmm.. andd defiinitelly laughiing overr
"teleport"-some fuuny thiings we both diid wiithout aggreeiing on. andd we actually jumpedd on the same spot tgt..
"Scallop" whiich means "Scalar" the mathematiics stuff..
Readd on to fiind out moore=)
haas..korr is my o-level maths teacherr..!!! it diid hellp. ii managedd to pass..thiinking backk..ii knew diis fren{korrkorr} fromm giina. we hiit off veryy well. same yr some more 89 niian. andd his biirthday is the same as "hiim" a year diifferent. andd of cos we studiiedd tgt, usually, is he teach me mathematiics. {ii pesterr hiim to teach me till ii know} so ya..it works..he is not FIERCE. but PATIENCE.
he iinvests alot of tiime iin teachhiin me mathematiics which improved from F9 to a C6. ii am satiisfiied le..what mmore can ii ask for. defiinitely, not forgetting all the happy andd memorable tiimes whiile studyiing tgt also.
Not miissing out the fav hangout place for studyiing is MAC-Suntec {fountaiin there}, Changii Airport-Burgur Kiing, Mac @ ECP and Spore Post.
PLUS he liives all the way att BOON LAY. andd jiiu wei le teach me, every week the weekend he travel from one end to the otherr end just to miit me for studyy sometiimes also ton just to studyy. hmm..=) ii am TRULY BLESSED. *Gan-doongg by his effort iin teachhiing me thiis slow student andd beliieviing that ii could do iit.*^_^ andd told me not to giive up when ii was about to. He is iindeed a greatt teacherr who helps me to prepare my F&N practical. andd defiinitely, ii dint let hiim downn..
Mathematiics iis my KILLER SUBJECT, very weak iin dis subb siince pri sch andd ii cant afford to flungg iit iif ii wanna gett iinto my current course. so no choiice. diie diie also go all out. its worth-iit! THANX ALAN-KorrKorr!!! Without yourr helpp,, ii doubt ii will be able to do it. hurhurr``Agaiin, ii am TRULY BLESSED.!
so ya..
backk to topiic. acc them eat diiner..blablabla.. he is always so good..ii thoughtt eat hao ler, jiiu say bye bye to them, but dan korr korr sayy come, ii see you home fiirst.=) so ok.. its liike HELLOS, ii am the liightbulb" worrs. dan jiiu ii reached home le andd they jiiu go off le.
*loviing-loviing sehs..*
lalala``see tbee awhhiile, tdyy miissed out my 7pm andd 9pm channel 8 show leiis..never miind..so ya.
saww someone ii am very suree ii know de at guardiian there also. whiich remiindedd me off those dayys when ii acc hiim go jummpp God. =Xargghh..triiedd to actt liike neberr see dao hiim orr doont knoww hiim..kiip thiinkiing wahs..why theyy took so longg to come miit me..fiinally the "someone"walkedd till dono wher ler..*pheww* heavedd.. fiinally, ii saw them liaos.. wahsehs..dan i keep complaiining to them y so suay..blablabla``..=X
dann go suntec therre look for my organiic rose to make tea andd driink. dan leenx go make colour contactt lens. lalala``by the tiime we done buuyyin everythin at suntec, we headedd back to bugiis there the sakae.. haas..^^ 3.45pm ler. buffet startt ler.. so kiinda hungryy, so rushh therre..LOL.
hmm..so ya. reachedd there le. ate liike dont know whatt siia..orderr alot from the waitress. andd of cos whiile waiiting, we ate alot of sushi ler..liike piig la..ate and ate andd ate.! YUMMY!!!
andd of cos lots of laughterr andd funny + lame jokes byy da tou mei!=Biig headd mei" ha.. who askedd hiim call me xiiao tou=small head" keep sayiing my headd veryy small.. -_-'''
andd of cos cam whore..AGAIN. but thiis time nose got piimple..=X somemore so exactt la is iin the miiddle lar.. LOL. UGLY!
lalala..chii bao bao ler. restt awhiile..damm lots of funny thiings iin btw la..
ENJOYED THEIR COMPANY!!! hohohohho!!! than jiiu bill andd off we wenntt.. Da tou meii go workk andd leenx and ii go shoppiing.. diint really boughtt muchh. boughtt onlii liike 2 long sleeves topp andd 1 belt.. haas..=) afterr walkiin around for a long tiime. legs achiin liike dono what alrdyy..SHOPHAHOLIC!!! hmm..wantedd to buy more clothiing dehs, but nothiing seems to attract mi.. suan le, savee $$$. next tyme dan buy somemore.. haas..
dann jiiu ii took bus home andd leenx go chec for her crashh coursee=tuiition=...2 bus 197 came tgt..took the one wiif lesserr ppl de..I WAN SIT DOWN..so ya=) so coincidential, next to me iis a relatiive of miine whiich famiily andd her nberr keep iin contactt for very long ler, thiink got 6-7 yrs le bahs..ii recogniise her. was hesitatiing whether or not to say "hi" to her.. unable to deciide, so called popo andd ask her for her opinioon. she say no needd, later "wen ti duo duo"=alot of problem. she also nber like talk to me. jiiu forget itt..so ii heededd popo adviice.
lalala..``reachedd home liike 8.30pm ler. so tiiredd..physiically not mentally. hmm..dann alan koorr was wiith her gf around my house here the pasa malam shopp shopp. than ask me to meet hiim for awhiile. very long no see dao hiim ler.. thiink have abbt 7plus months neber contactt hiim ler. quiite lazy to go down agaiin plus my channel 8-9pm drama seriies gonna startt soon ler, but they say wait for me under my block. if dont go liike very bad lei. so jiiu go miit them andd shun biian go see see her gf.. hahaas..anotherr girl froom nyp.-_-'''
so ya.. the giirl speaks engliish der.so diint really talk to her.. but keep catchiing upp wiif alan korrkorr..andd as usual, always "make-fun of me". hmm.. andd defiinitelly laughiing overr
"teleport"-some fuuny thiings we both diid wiithout aggreeiing on. andd we actually jumpedd on the same spot tgt..
"Scallop" whiich means "Scalar" the mathematiics stuff..
Readd on to fiind out moore=)
haas..korr is my o-level maths teacherr..!!! it diid hellp. ii managedd to pass..thiinking backk..ii knew diis fren{korrkorr} fromm giina. we hiit off veryy well. same yr some more 89 niian. andd his biirthday is the same as "hiim" a year diifferent. andd of cos we studiiedd tgt, usually, is he teach me mathematiics. {ii pesterr hiim to teach me till ii know} so ya..it works..he is not FIERCE. but PATIENCE.
he iinvests alot of tiime iin teachhiin me mathematiics which improved from F9 to a C6. ii am satiisfiied le..what mmore can ii ask for. defiinitely, not forgetting all the happy andd memorable tiimes whiile studyiing tgt also.
Not miissing out the fav hangout place for studyiing is MAC-Suntec {fountaiin there}, Changii Airport-Burgur Kiing, Mac @ ECP and Spore Post.
PLUS he liives all the way att BOON LAY. andd jiiu wei le teach me, every week the weekend he travel from one end to the otherr end just to miit me for studyy sometiimes also ton just to studyy. hmm..=) ii am TRULY BLESSED. *Gan-doongg by his effort iin teachhiing me thiis slow student andd beliieviing that ii could do iit.*^_^ andd told me not to giive up when ii was about to. He is iindeed a greatt teacherr who helps me to prepare my F&N practical. andd defiinitely, ii dint let hiim downn..
Mathematiics iis my KILLER SUBJECT, very weak iin dis subb siince pri sch andd ii cant afford to flungg iit iif ii wanna gett iinto my current course. so no choiice. diie diie also go all out. its worth-iit! THANX ALAN-KorrKorr!!! Without yourr helpp,, ii doubt ii will be able to do it. hurhurr``Agaiin, ii am TRULY BLESSED.!
so ya..
backk to topiic. acc them eat diiner..blablabla.. he is always so good..ii thoughtt eat hao ler, jiiu say bye bye to them, but dan korr korr sayy come, ii see you home fiirst.=) so ok.. its liike HELLOS, ii am the liightbulb" worrs. dan jiiu ii reached home le andd they jiiu go off le.
*loviing-loviing sehs..*
lalala``see tbee awhhiile, tdyy miissed out my 7pm andd 9pm channel 8 show leiis..never miind..so ya.
Thatt's my wonderful-dayy!!!
II am truly BLESSED!
What moree cann ii askk for..
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