ITS my DAYY !!! ~~~
PARTT 3 !!!
(as continuedd from my bday celebration ystd)
BB gave me 3 surprises.
one by one reveal-ed.
BB asked me look outside of my house,
then ii dint see anything.
calledd him andd saw one biig rectangular present.
broughtt it in andd open.
BB D.I.Y himself.
whiich is why he has been sleeping super late past few weeks.
Afterwhichh, he said go out to the 8th floor,
andd up ii went,
he gave me roses. :D
silly. told me he overslept but actually he reached alrdy.
then ii still slowly slowly preparee.
PART 4 !!!
celebratedd bdayy wiith family andd BB.
usually, is celebrate with family in the night one.

My family. :D
ii have eaten 20 years of rice from papa and mama :)
PART 4 !!!
BB gave me letter,

whenn ii saw the hp number,
ii knew it was cliques la!
but surprise andd never expect that BB and them are in this together. =XXX

actually there are 10 missions for me and BB to complete.
but due to last min changes,
ii only did the mission #10.
sryy eh. !
crack the codee and ,
met cliques for diiner at vivo the AJISEN.
ii could forsee a series of impending pranks from cliques. !
there's a saying: There is always peace / tranquility before the storm.
and this apply on me.
ordered food.
everything was super safe untill we finished the food.
FIRST, they got me 2 special candles that can never be blow off one.
SECOND, all the pranks were waiting for me and BB.
HAHA. theyy are super good at the pranks and surprises.
one prank after another eh. =.='''
andd there were many people at AJISEN also.
yet COMPULSORY to fulfil their pranks !!!
omg. super no comments la.
cliques, you know best.
ANA bake strawberry cheese cake . !
but HAHA.
the cake was getting smaller and smaller during the pranks.
AFTER everything!!!
theyy gave me presents!!!
really love everything very much !
just when ii thought you all were too busy to celebrate with me,
just when ii thought my celebration wiith you all ended ystd at the snack bar,
in fact, everything were planned in GREAT DETAIL.
andd you all were kept veryy busyy preparing!
the cake, the cookies and etc.
really veryy surprised.
really appreciate everything !
Thanks for such a "MEMORABLE" evening on 1st MAY 2009 !!!
Gave my dearest a big biig hug before we left,
PARTT 3 !!!
(as continuedd from my bday celebration ystd)
BB gave me 3 surprises.
one by one reveal-ed.
BB asked me look outside of my house,
then ii dint see anything.
calledd him andd saw one biig rectangular present.
broughtt it in andd open.
BB D.I.Y himself.
whiich is why he has been sleeping super late past few weeks.
Afterwhichh, he said go out to the 8th floor,
andd up ii went,
he gave me roses. :D
silly. told me he overslept but actually he reached alrdy.
then ii still slowly slowly preparee.
PART 4 !!!
celebratedd bdayy wiith family andd BB.
usually, is celebrate with family in the night one.
My family. :D
ii have eaten 20 years of rice from papa and mama :)
PART 4 !!!
BB gave me letter,
whenn ii saw the hp number,
ii knew it was cliques la!
but surprise andd never expect that BB and them are in this together. =XXX
actually there are 10 missions for me and BB to complete.
but due to last min changes,
ii only did the mission #10.
sryy eh. !
crack the codee and ,
met cliques for diiner at vivo the AJISEN.
ii could forsee a series of impending pranks from cliques. !
there's a saying: There is always peace / tranquility before the storm.
and this apply on me.
ordered food.
everything was super safe untill we finished the food.
FIRST, they got me 2 special candles that can never be blow off one.
SECOND, all the pranks were waiting for me and BB.
HAHA. theyy are super good at the pranks and surprises.
one prank after another eh. =.='''
andd there were many people at AJISEN also.
yet COMPULSORY to fulfil their pranks !!!
omg. super no comments la.
cliques, you know best.
ANA bake strawberry cheese cake . !
but HAHA.
the cake was getting smaller and smaller during the pranks.
AFTER everything!!!
theyy gave me presents!!!
really love everything very much !
just when ii thought you all were too busy to celebrate with me,
just when ii thought my celebration wiith you all ended ystd at the snack bar,
in fact, everything were planned in GREAT DETAIL.
andd you all were kept veryy busyy preparing!
the cake, the cookies and etc.
really veryy surprised.
really appreciate everything !
Thanks for such a "MEMORABLE" evening on 1st MAY 2009 !!!
Gave my dearest a big biig hug before we left,
sorry for the past few days.
shouldnt have. . . you know what ii mean.
ii trust you like how ii have always been for the past 2 years plus.
ii love ya
shouldnt have. . . you know what ii mean.
ii trust you like how ii have always been for the past 2 years plus.
ii love ya
and will continue to share my deepest secrets wiith you like how ii have always did.
will you?
will you?
The cookies whiich they bake for me !
sweetest !
Presents from best friend- Eli-tan :)
One year later :D
still going on stronger and stronger. . .
The lil puppy lil bro bought for me.
sweet .
sweetest was BB .
always never sleep enough for the past few weeks.
cos of work andd prepare surprises for me,
love all the surprises you prepared for me,
love the way you treat me,
love the way you care for me,
and always being there for me,
BB, Thanks for eveything u did for me.
really felt that happiness could be that simple. :)
till the end.
thanks for all the birthdayy wiishes .
andd BB acc me till 1may was over. !
andd BB acc me till 1may was over. !
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