___hopee u like e "surprise", e present nd lastly the celebration!!!___
mET her ardd evening, caughtt the movie: Beiing Human.
ii remembered hermentioning dat she wanna catch this movie.
andd cabbto illuma to watch this movie.
afterwhich, tookkk neopriints. :DDD cool man~
brought her to mof there and have diiner.
everything was like omg!
cos ii have to contact her "surprise" andd plan the time nd place to meet carefully lest she found out.
once inside e mof, ii went outside to meet the "surprise" !!!
The "surprise" is Jeff la. ahahaaa... ndd dinner-edd. ate bday cake.
initially, there aint any plans after diiner, jeff suggestted clubbing.
so off we went.
how time flies~ jeff drives now.
why is everyone having lic ???
anyway, quite cool though,
drove to zoukk. ladies night :DDD
reach there like 10plus pm, still so quiet lo.
not many ppl yet... 11plus pm, then the dj hit the right music.
like finally. ndd yupp, too many things happenedd.
made some interesting friends. superr tiired la!
cos ii reachh home abt 4plus am...
e-trial test e next dayy at 9.15am...
ndd am workkkingg from 12pm - 6pm... !!!
ndd my eyes cant help but kept closingg...

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