how tiime flies.
viiewedd some friiends blog.
how ii wiish tiime could pause for a still.
for me to remiinsence the past.
Happyy andd sad momentss wiith friiends.
ii rmb those days whenn ii was super stress andd worriedd over 'Os',
ii hadd myy dearest friiend- Emily to always be there, lendiing mi shoulder and a listeniing ear for me to confide all my problems.
ii rmb how ii got to know her !
kiinda actiive iin church duriing sec 3, church was having some event so got to bring new friiends along andd ii decidedd to approach her thru Ruiifen (Classmate).
Soon, we hangedd out more and more often andd became veryy close tgt .
startedd to go for church servicie tgt, late nights out toniing everywher, playiing at the seasiide earlyy iin the morniing andd gettiing sunburn liike nobody busiiness.
She was the fiirst confidanate whiich ii baredd myy entiire heartt abt family andd personal problems to.
she knew exactly how ii felt, andd we wil always go to ECP the beachh there duriing the wee of the niight just to cry tgt andd spendd the niight there.
Be iit any problems, ii always felt better afterr shariing wiith her.
she knew that ii cant get over someone andd would always try to cheer mii up.
Though now busy wiith our individual lives, ii still thankedd her for beiing part of myy liife and also Thankedd God for arrangiing mii to meet such a wonderful friiend at the lowest poiint of myy liife!
ii really beliivedd that Somehow or what, everythiing iis alrdyy plannedd andd pre-arrangedd by "HIM".
at diifferent paths of life, diiferent ppl will appearr iin your liife according to "HIS" plann.
ii trulyy wiishedd that she will forever be happy andd cheerful always !
iif you ever need mii, ii will be there.
Yr 2005, ii met someone whiich ii truly,madly, deeply loved but things wasnt gg well.
Yr 2005, ii got to know friiends liike Gina, Carol, Eileen Tan, Eileen Chia, Tony, Ben, Allan, Alan .
Yr 2006, ii got backk the greattest thiing that ii could everr ask for, realisedd my mistake, changedd but had the same endiing still.
ii also know Jx korr who realli will always be there for mii. andd also a group of korr friiends: Kellyy, Renyuan, ChunHo, Guanda, Kiiantat, Weijun etc.
Yr 2007, Poly year1- Happyy Famiily ! [ Qiuling, Yanling, Ana and Shelby ], myy lovelyy kiids and etc.
Yr 2008, Poly yearr 2-Andes, Sebastian meiimeii, new grp of kiids and etc.
definitely, ii do miiss all of myy friiends,
and you.
rmb you were the fiirst to make my heart melt totally.
startedd off as friiends like any normal couple would.
But, knowiing you has made a diifference iin my life.
at least, ii experiencedd the sweetness, biiter of growiing up.
ii wont sayy ii hate you but would liike to sayy thank you despiite everythiing,
though ii admit, iinitially, ii reallyy hatedd you to the core.
thiings take two hands to clapp though.
sometiimes ii do wonder how ii would become iif these people diid not exiist.
would ii be happiier orr still . . .?
iits just the part and parcel of growiing up bahs.
Gaiiins & Lose.
iif not, whats life then ?
anyway, just random thoughts andd posts.
viiewedd some friiends blog.
how ii wiish tiime could pause for a still.
for me to remiinsence the past.
Happyy andd sad momentss wiith friiends.
ii rmb those days whenn ii was super stress andd worriedd over 'Os',
ii hadd myy dearest friiend- Emily to always be there, lendiing mi shoulder and a listeniing ear for me to confide all my problems.
ii rmb how ii got to know her !
kiinda actiive iin church duriing sec 3, church was having some event so got to bring new friiends along andd ii decidedd to approach her thru Ruiifen (Classmate).
Soon, we hangedd out more and more often andd became veryy close tgt .
startedd to go for church servicie tgt, late nights out toniing everywher, playiing at the seasiide earlyy iin the morniing andd gettiing sunburn liike nobody busiiness.
She was the fiirst confidanate whiich ii baredd myy entiire heartt abt family andd personal problems to.
she knew exactly how ii felt, andd we wil always go to ECP the beachh there duriing the wee of the niight just to cry tgt andd spendd the niight there.
Be iit any problems, ii always felt better afterr shariing wiith her.
she knew that ii cant get over someone andd would always try to cheer mii up.
Though now busy wiith our individual lives, ii still thankedd her for beiing part of myy liife and also Thankedd God for arrangiing mii to meet such a wonderful friiend at the lowest poiint of myy liife!
ii really beliivedd that Somehow or what, everythiing iis alrdyy plannedd andd pre-arrangedd by "HIM".
at diifferent paths of life, diiferent ppl will appearr iin your liife according to "HIS" plann.
ii trulyy wiishedd that she will forever be happy andd cheerful always !
iif you ever need mii, ii will be there.
Yr 2005, ii met someone whiich ii truly,madly, deeply loved but things wasnt gg well.
Yr 2005, ii got to know friiends liike Gina, Carol, Eileen Tan, Eileen Chia, Tony, Ben, Allan, Alan .
Yr 2006, ii got backk the greattest thiing that ii could everr ask for, realisedd my mistake, changedd but had the same endiing still.
ii also know Jx korr who realli will always be there for mii. andd also a group of korr friiends: Kellyy, Renyuan, ChunHo, Guanda, Kiiantat, Weijun etc.
Yr 2007, Poly year1- Happyy Famiily ! [ Qiuling, Yanling, Ana and Shelby ], myy lovelyy kiids and etc.
Yr 2008, Poly yearr 2-Andes, Sebastian meiimeii, new grp of kiids and etc.
definitely, ii do miiss all of myy friiends,
and you.
rmb you were the fiirst to make my heart melt totally.
startedd off as friiends like any normal couple would.
But, knowiing you has made a diifference iin my life.
at least, ii experiencedd the sweetness, biiter of growiing up.
ii wont sayy ii hate you but would liike to sayy thank you despiite everythiing,
though ii admit, iinitially, ii reallyy hatedd you to the core.
thiings take two hands to clapp though.
sometiimes ii do wonder how ii would become iif these people diid not exiist.
would ii be happiier orr still . . .?
iits just the part and parcel of growiing up bahs.
Gaiiins & Lose.
iif not, whats life then ?
anyway, just random thoughts andd posts.
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