Ongg ahh!!!
met Ongg at Mariine Driive therre,
on the wayy therre, gott one uncle ask mi some stuff,
tapp mii on the shoulder, got the shockk of myy liife. !
iignorredd hiim, he diint look normal.
so walkedd awayy veryy quiicklyy.
Met dao Ongg boardedd bus 16.
gave Rachel Ongg a surpriise !
bluff her sayy goiing ouut wiith Yanliing andd shiiqii.
But actuallyy iis meetiing andeliine theyy all!!! :))
Everythiing was goiing on smoothlyy wiith Ongg beliieviing till ii saw Miiss Koh Huann Lii !!!
she boardedd bus 16 andd duh, ii cantt stopp laughiing.
((dIINT Expectt will see daoo her larr))
Ong andd ii aliightedd one stopp before Huan Lii!
oh ya, went Kallang Leisurre Parkk therre.
go walkedd walkkedd fiirstt lyiing to her that Liing & Shiiqii haben reachh.
LOL, but actuallyy all reachedd the "Japanese Village" liiaos.
gott a call frm Andeliine andd broughtt Ong upp .
Everythiing was readyy!
so whenn got iin, guessedd she was surpriisedd!
LOLS XD Plann was a SUCCESS!!!! :))))))))))))))))
celebrattedd her 19th bdayy !
thoughh herr actuall bdayy iis on the 15th Sepptt. !
andd hadd a niice andd sweett diinerr wiith them .!
Startedd to raiin andd walkedd to busstopp to waiit for bus 16.
went mariina sq as Kallang Leisure parkk wass boriing. =XXX
Raiin got heaviier, luckkillyy three out of fiive got briing umbrella. !
andd walkkedd walkedd lorr. Ong boughtt her shorts anddd thenn wentt to HK Cafe eatt.
LOL.. niice, sweet tiime talkiing andd laughiing happiily tgtt !
gettiing late, so took traiin to Eunos tgtt.
waitedd forr buss 154 superr long agaiin lor :(
wth ! ii still afraiid that lastt bus no morre liiaos lor.
But whenn see daoo ppl also waitiing, thenn ii felt morre assuredd thatt sstill have 154.
Fiinallyy, the bus camme!
YEAH!!! home ardd 12 plus am.
watchheedd TVV wiith err-dii awhiile..

mORRe grpp pfootos to be uploadedd whenn ii gett themm !
Mayy all your wiishess come true!
Siisters forevverr!!! :))
met Ongg at Mariine Driive therre,
on the wayy therre, gott one uncle ask mi some stuff,
tapp mii on the shoulder, got the shockk of myy liife. !
iignorredd hiim, he diint look normal.
so walkedd awayy veryy quiicklyy.
Met dao Ongg boardedd bus 16.
gave Rachel Ongg a surpriise !
bluff her sayy goiing ouut wiith Yanliing andd shiiqii.
But actuallyy iis meetiing andeliine theyy all!!! :))
Everythiing was goiing on smoothlyy wiith Ongg beliieviing till ii saw Miiss Koh Huann Lii !!!
she boardedd bus 16 andd duh, ii cantt stopp laughiing.
((dIINT Expectt will see daoo her larr))
Ong andd ii aliightedd one stopp before Huan Lii!
oh ya, went Kallang Leisurre Parkk therre.
go walkedd walkkedd fiirstt lyiing to her that Liing & Shiiqii haben reachh.
LOL, but actuallyy all reachedd the "Japanese Village" liiaos.
gott a call frm Andeliine andd broughtt Ong upp .
Everythiing was readyy!
so whenn got iin, guessedd she was surpriisedd!
LOLS XD Plann was a SUCCESS!!!! :))))))))))))))))
celebrattedd her 19th bdayy !
thoughh herr actuall bdayy iis on the 15th Sepptt. !
andd hadd a niice andd sweett diinerr wiith them .!
Startedd to raiin andd walkedd to busstopp to waiit for bus 16.
went mariina sq as Kallang Leisure parkk wass boriing. =XXX
Raiin got heaviier, luckkillyy three out of fiive got briing umbrella. !
andd walkkedd walkedd lorr. Ong boughtt her shorts anddd thenn wentt to HK Cafe eatt.
LOL.. niice, sweet tiime talkiing andd laughiing happiily tgtt !
gettiing late, so took traiin to Eunos tgtt.
waitedd forr buss 154 superr long agaiin lor :(
wth ! ii still afraiid that lastt bus no morre liiaos lor.
But whenn see daoo ppl also waitiing, thenn ii felt morre assuredd thatt sstill have 154.
Fiinallyy, the bus camme!
YEAH!!! home ardd 12 plus am.
watchheedd TVV wiith err-dii awhiile..
mORRe grpp pfootos to be uploadedd whenn ii gett themm !
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