Tuesday, August 05, 2008

WHEEEE~~~ so damn happyy larrhs!
FM finall testt finally over lerr..!!!
woke upp at 6plus am iin the morn to do the last reviision,
so slept at like 12 am last niight.
wahahahhahaa :)
thoughh not everyy qns ii knew how to do but still, ii gave my bestt .!
so fret not. :)
well! be gone depreciiatiion andd bad debts .!

lunch-edd at J8 tgt wiith Liing andd bii .
denn bus 53 to shelby house.
finally, we exerciisedd!
deciidedd to play basketball. !!!
the sun damn HOT larrhs!
can diie man., ~
nearlyy get a heatstroke.
ii evenn appliedd sunblock on myy arms andd legs.

we playedd for abt 45 mins den buay tahan liiaos.
facee all redd. andd ahh ~ mii and ah bii snatchhedd over the ball then we both fall on the hot hot floor. :(
ARGH~ so funny andd omg, HOT. !!!
but well,

iit was fun overall .!
basketball tgt agaiin? !

thenn slackk at shelby house,
learnedd playiing piiano from both of them .
the hei tang ma qi tuo the song :)
ii only learnt like the fiirst verse.
wahahhahaha. XD

well, song of the dayy .!

tiiong kok, tiiong kok, tiiong kok, bii bii bii,.
tiiong kok, tiiong kok, tiiong kok, bii bii bii.,
tiiong kok - bii,
tiiong kok - bii.
tiiong kok ~~~ BIII !!!

hahahaha.. MS Tan and Ms Lim should know the song veryy well ehs =)

well, home-edd and singtel mio tv all the wayy till 10pm.
power ehs!!!
hahahhaa. tutoredd lil bro.
andd now my supper iis backk.

got to go peeps. !!!


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