went school for some stuff.
viisitedd caterpillarr cove - childcarre iin np.

yea, iinside superr cool larr.!
so diiff from other.
one most most memorable thiing iis that the nursery tr actually usedd a living frog iin classroom for curriculum.
children enjoyedd super much.
the frog iis those used to cook porridge one.
hahahhaha. funny thiing iis that, tr therre diid a miini burrial ceremony forr dead frogs.
children are involvedd too. XD
andd andd theiir outdoor playgroundd iis siimply too AWESOME.!
even ii am fasciinated by iit, let alone children.
totall coolness larrhs.!
the whole visitation lastedd abt 45 mins.
so endedd at 10am.
popo house.!
babyy chloe comiing overr todayy .!
so yea. !!!
went east coastt parkk.
denn boughtt chiicken wiings andd mac.
and walk walkk at the beachh awhiile,
cannt the sun justt take a break ? !
famiily iis love :)
andd yes needless to say, pfotos of her.!!!

shee hadd a haiir cut byy her mummy.
so funny. her friinge. prettyy babyygiirl .

pOPo andd chloe andd lil bro- darryl.
babyy chloe now knows how to kiiss a peckk on ppl's cheek ler. :)
we all stolenn her fiirst kiiss.
wahahahhaa. XD
andd popo house, ate all those food.
thats my lunchh though there was proper meal cookedd.
but well~
andd playedd wiith her.
her gentle andd meek voiice when sha say "papa" "mama" "bearrbearr"...
fiinally, herr daddyy and mummyy came backk ler.
she smiiled. :)
diinerr-edd andd home-edd.
kiinda tiiredd.
woke upp so earlii in the mornn all the wayy till now. =(
viisitedd caterpillarr cove - childcarre iin np.
yea, iinside superr cool larr.!
so diiff from other.
one most most memorable thiing iis that the nursery tr actually usedd a living frog iin classroom for curriculum.
children enjoyedd super much.
the frog iis those used to cook porridge one.
hahahhaha. funny thiing iis that, tr therre diid a miini burrial ceremony forr dead frogs.
children are involvedd too. XD
andd andd theiir outdoor playgroundd iis siimply too AWESOME.!
even ii am fasciinated by iit, let alone children.
totall coolness larrhs.!
the whole visitation lastedd abt 45 mins.
so endedd at 10am.
popo house.!
babyy chloe comiing overr todayy .!
so yea. !!!
went east coastt parkk.
denn boughtt chiicken wiings andd mac.
and walk walkk at the beachh awhiile,
cannt the sun justt take a break ? !
famiily iis love :)
andd yes needless to say, pfotos of her.!!!

shee hadd a haiir cut byy her mummy.
so funny. her friinge. prettyy babyygiirl .

pOPo andd chloe andd lil bro- darryl.
babyy chloe now knows how to kiiss a peckk on ppl's cheek ler. :)
we all stolenn her fiirst kiiss.
wahahahhaa. XD
andd popo house, ate all those food.
thats my lunchh though there was proper meal cookedd.
but well~
andd playedd wiith her.
her gentle andd meek voiice when sha say "papa" "mama" "bearrbearr"...
fiinally, herr daddyy and mummyy came backk ler.
she smiiled. :)
diinerr-edd andd home-edd.
kiinda tiiredd.
woke upp so earlii in the mornn all the wayy till now. =(
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