but weather was liike shiit.
sun scorchiing liike nuts for the whole afternnoon,
andd downpourr iin the eveniing.
what worse was that sounds of drilling could be heard the whole day.
constructiion andd it gonna be completedd 2 years later.
luckkyy ii dint go anywher.
stay-edd at popo house the entiire day.
baby chloe came-ed.
she iis a tough nutt to crackk.
no one couldd handle her except my xiiao-jiiu.
she seems to recogniise hiiim morre.
popo cook-edd deliicious andd nutriitiious blackk chiickenn soupp.
ii had it twiice (lunchh and diiner)
andd also popo home-made barleyy.
tada, bet frequent readerr of myy bblog will defiinitely know thiis lil cute baby chloe.
yepps, she iis my babyy cousiin.
aiint she CUUTE and LOVABLE?!?!

The process of coax-iing her whiile her parents werre not backk yet.
ii swearr ii love her superbb lots.
andd Tada- soon afterr her daddy (my yiizhang) came backk.
Afterr then, exerciise 1/2 an hr wiith lil bro. . ,
skiippiing, exerciisiing andd blablabla.
skiippiin iis still the bestt method to lose weiight, ii guess.
but weather was liike shiit.
sun scorchiing liike nuts for the whole afternnoon,
andd downpourr iin the eveniing.
what worse was that sounds of drilling could be heard the whole day.
constructiion andd it gonna be completedd 2 years later.
luckkyy ii dint go anywher.
stay-edd at popo house the entiire day.
baby chloe came-ed.
she iis a tough nutt to crackk.
no one couldd handle her except my xiiao-jiiu.
she seems to recogniise hiiim morre.
popo cook-edd deliicious andd nutriitiious blackk chiickenn soupp.
ii had it twiice (lunchh and diiner)
andd also popo home-made barleyy.
tada, bet frequent readerr of myy bblog will defiinitely know thiis lil cute baby chloe.
yepps, she iis my babyy cousiin.
aiint she CUUTE and LOVABLE?!?!
ii swearr ii love her superbb lots.
andd andd andd she iis "flyiing"
liike superr-man (giirl) liike datt.
she siimply love flyyiing man XD
she siimply love flyyiing man XD
Afterr then, exerciise 1/2 an hr wiith lil bro. . ,
skiippiing, exerciisiing andd blablabla.
skiippiin iis still the bestt method to lose weiight, ii guess.
lil bro took thiis for me.
ANDD cam-whoredd tgt wiith hiim andd the skiippiing rope.
boo. cool yea.
oh ya~
was supposed to meet qiishan forr some skiippiing andd cam-whoriing sessiion tgt one.
but but iin e endd, ii diidntt miit her.
sryy sry leis. . . .
ii promiise, cam-whoriing andd skiipiing sessiionn soon soonn!
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